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单位简介: St. Jude Medical was founded in 1976 in St. Paul, Minnesota, as a pioneering manufacturer of bi-leaflet implantable mechanical heart valves. 圣犹达医疗成立于1976年,总部位于被称为医疗科技之都的美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市。 St. Jude Medical has four major focus areas that include: cardiac rhythm management, atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular and neuromodulation. 目前公司的研发、生产和服务专注于心脏节律管理、心脏电生理、心脏外科&心血管介入诊疗和神经调控四大领域。 Net Sales is $5.5 billion and more than 18,000 employees worldwide provide products and services in more than 100 countries. We help more than 20,000 patients around the world with a medical device every single business day. 年营业额达55亿美金的圣犹达医疗在全球拥有18,000多名员工为100多个国家的客户提供优质的产品和服务。平均每天都有超过20,000多名患者因为我们的产品而受益。 The company is dedicated to advancing the practice of medicine by reducing risk wherever possible and contributing to successful outcomes for every patient. 致力于通过全方位降低可能的医疗风险来提高医疗实践水平,同时为每一位患者的良好预后作出贡献。 网址:www.sjm.com

招聘文本: 公司介绍 St. Jude Medical was founded in 1976 in St. Paul, Minnesota, as a pioneering manufacturer of bi-leaflet implantable mechanical heart valves. 圣犹达医疗成立于1976年,总部位于被称为医疗科技之都的美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市。 St. Jude Medical has four major focus areas that include: cardiac rhythm management, atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular and neuromodulation. 目前公司的研发、生产和服务专注于心脏节律管理、心脏电生理、心脏外科&心血管介入诊疗和神经调控四大领域。 Net Sales is $5.5 billion and more than 18,000 employees worldwide provide products and services in more than 100 countries. We help more than 20,000 patients around the world with a medical device every single business day. 年营业额达55亿美金的圣犹达医疗在全球拥有18,000多名员工为100多个国家的客户提供优质的产品和服务。平均每天都有超过20,000多名患者因为我们的产品而受益。 The company is dedicated to advancing the practice of medicine by reducing risk wherever possible and contributing to successful outcomes for every patient. 致力于通过全方位降低可能的医疗风险来提高医疗实践水平,同时为每一位患者的良好预后作出贡献。 网址:www.sjm.com 招聘流程 1、在线申请 2016-11-29~2017-1-15 2、电话面试 2016-12-15~2017-1-15 3、开放日 2016-12-11 集体面试 2017-1-3~2017-1-20 招聘职位 电生理临床工程师 AF Field Clinical Engineer (上海、杭州、宁波、温州、南昌、福州、广州、安徽、南京、成都、昆明、长沙、武汉、郑州、西安、乌鲁木齐、天津、北京、石家庄、济南、哈尔滨) 2. 心脏血管部技术销售代表 CV Technical Sales Representative (北京、广州) 起搏器渠道临床支持 CRM Long Term Trainee (合肥、厦门、赣州、长沙、武汉、南宁、广州、汕头、海口、天津、吉林、北京、上海、南京、杭州) Requirements要求 1. Passion for clinical technical work. 热爱临床技术支持事业; 2. Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Medical and relative Discipline, Clinical Medicine Preferred 本科及以上学历,医学相关专业,临床医学尤佳; 3. Sensitive to marketing, strong communication skill, executive and organize event independently. 敏锐的市场洞察力,较强的沟通、组织策划及执行能力; 4. Enjoy short-term business trip 享受短期出差; Responsibilities 职责: 1. Clinical Technical Support: Work with doctor together to finish AF/CRM operation using St. Jude Medical product, provide professional clinical knowledge. 临床技术支持:在心脏电生理手术/起搏器手术操作过程中协助临床医生使用圣犹达的产品,提供临床专业知识。 2. Clinical Research Consultant: Support doctor accomplish clinical research project, provide professional consultant during project implementing 临床研究咨询:协助临床医生完成或协助完成公司统一的的临床研究项目,在项目的执行过程中,提供专业咨询服务。 3. Technical Training: Under the direction of Education & Marketing department to accomplish internal & external AF relative technical promotion & training 专业技术培训:在公司培训部与市场部的指导下,完成区域内对内部和外部的心脏电生理知识及相关产品的技术推广与培训。 4. Manage and build good relationship with distributor and customer, maintain company reputation, take responsibility of professional education and marketing event. 管理代理商及客户,并建立良好关系。维护公司良好形象,负责相关医院的专业教育及市场活动的开展。 5. Achieve Sales target 确保公司销售指标的达成。

