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【#英语资源# 导语】有哪些单词让你混淆不清呢?®文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

1、i.e. / e.g.
When you add information to a sentence with parentheses, you’re more likely to need e.g., which means “for example,” than i.e., which means “in other words” or “which is to say ...” An easy way to remember them is that e.g. is eg-zample and i.e. is “in effect.”
当你想要用括号往句子里添加信息时,比起表示“换句话说”或“也就是说”的i.e. ,你更需要用表示“举个栗子🌰”的e.g.。一个记住他们的方法就是,e.g.是eg-zample,而i.e.是“in effect.”

2、cite / site
People didn’t have as much trouble with these two before websites came along and everyone started talking about sites a lot more than they used to. A site is a location or place. Cite, on the other hand, is a verb meaning to quote or reference something else. You can cite a website, but not the other way around. If you’re using site as a verb, it’s probably wrong.

3、disinterested / uninterested
People sometimes use disinterested when they really mean uninterested. To be uninterested is to be bored or indifferent to something. Disinterested means impartial or having no personal stake in the matter. You want a judge or referee to be disinterested, but not necessarily uninterested.
人们想要表示uninterested的时候,有时会用成disinterested。to be uninterested是对某件事物感到无聊或表现冷漠。disinterested表示公正的,或者在这件事上没有个人利益的。你希望法官或裁判能够公正(disinterested),但不一定不感兴趣(uninterested)。

4、flout / flaunt
Are you talking about showing off? Then you don’t mean flout, you mean flaunt. To flout is to ignore the rules. You can think of flaunt as the longer showier one, with that extra letter it goes around flaunting. You can flout a law, agreement, or convention, but you can flaunt almost anything.

5、phase / faze
Phase is the more common word and usually the right choice, except in those situations where it means “to bother.” If something doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t faze you. Faze is almost always used after a negative, so be on alert if there is an isn’t/wasn’t/doesn’t nearby.
phase这个词更常见,通常用它都是对的,除了在表示“麻烦(to bother)”的情况下。如果某件事没有麻烦(bother)你,那它也就不会打扰(faze)你。faze几乎都是用在否定句里,所以如果单词附近有isn't / wasn't / doesn't 时要保持警惕。

6、loath / loathe
Loath is reluctant or unwilling, while to loathe is to hate. You are loath to do the things you loathe, which makes it confusing, but you can keep them clear by noting whether the word has a "to be" verb on one side and a to on the other (he is loath to), in which case loath is correct, or it can be substituted by hate (I loathe mosquitoes), in which case you need the e on the end.
loath是勉强的或不愿意的,而loathe是讨厌。你讨厌(loathe)去做不愿意(loath)做的事,这很容易搞混,但是你也可以通过这个词是否一边有“to be”而另一边有“to”来搞清他们(他不愿意 he is loath to),在这个情况下,loath就是正确的。或如果它能被hate替代(我讨厌蚊子 I loathe mosquitoes),那在这个情况下你就应该在结尾处加上e了(loathe)。

7、wave / waive
The word wave is far more frequent than waive and has a more concrete meaning of undulating motion. It’s often used for waive, "to give something up," perhaps because it fits well with the image of someone waving something away. But when you waive your rights, or salary, or contract terms, you surrender them. You can think of the extra i in waive as a little surrender flag in the middle of the word.

8、intensive purposes
Intensive is a word that means strong or extreme, but that’s not what’s called for in this phrase. To say “practically speaking” or “in all important ways” the phrase you want is “for all intents and purposes.”
intensive表示猛烈的或极端的,但在这个短语里并不是这个意思。要表达“实际上”或“就所有的重点来说”,你想要用的短语就是“for all intents and purposes(总的来说;无论怎么看)”

