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【#二年级# 导语】教学设计是把教学原理转化为教学材料和教学活动的计划。教学设计要遵循教学过程的基本规律,选择教学目标,以解决教什么的问题。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!


This book is designed for students in Grade 2. There are two children in the book, Sam and May. Each unit is divided into five parts: let’s act, let’s talk, let’s learn, let’s play and let’s enjoy. Let’s act involves students’ physical action. Let’s talk presents dialogues. Let’s learn shows the new words and letters in this unit. Let’s play strengthens the target language. Let’s enjoy uses enjoyable activities such as songs, rhyme, stories and so on. The book makes use of a wide variety of carefully graded activities, including composite pictures, stories, songs, rhymes.


This class is to expand students’ horizon and to develop their physical mentality and ability. Students in groups are very cooperative when having games. We will review the words at Step 1. I will show the new lesson at Step 2. Step 3 will create the opportunity for groups. And Step 4 will strengthen the knowledge.


Students in this grade are about seven or eight years old. Most of them are willing to express themselves in class. However, due to the age students can’t pay all the attention in class. Team work is an effective way to attract their attention.


Students can understand the words in this unit, for example “horse” “bear” “elephant” “tiger” “monkey” and “panda”. Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and fond of taking part in kinds of class activities. Students can identify the animals in real circumstance.


Students can master the correct pronunciation of the six words in this unit.


Students can improve their confidence of learning English, and are not afraid of making mistakes in public.


Pictures and CD/PPT


教法:TPR -- Total Physical Response Teaching Method Communicative Language Teaching Method 学法:Cooperative Learning Method

【教学课时】 One Period


Step 1.Warming-up

I. Talk with the students using “How are you?” Ask all to answer. T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you.(together)

II. Review the words we have learned last class. Ask each team to read and give the best team a sticker.

T: Last unit we have learned some farm animals. Let’s review them. Are you ready? S: Yes, I am ready. (together)

(change the words cards and speed up step by step)

Design Intent: This step enables every students open their mouth to say English. It is the key to eliminating students’ mental disorders and building self-confidence. Each team wants to be the best. At the same time give a praise for the best team.

Step2. Presentation I. Open the book.

Ask students to read the title of this unit. Correct the wrong pronunciation.

T: Today we will learn some new animals. They are in the circus. (show the picture of the circus) Can you guess the meaning of “circus”? S:.....

T: Today let’s learn unit 2 In the circus. Write the title on the blackboard. T: Follow me “in the circus”. S:.......

II. Show the new lesson.

T: The first animal is ___. (Take out the picture)

Follow me “horse ”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of horse? S: ...

T: Horse, horse, look at the horse. (ask the meaning of look at and explain it with action) S: ...


Ask students to point the picture and read the word. Take out “bear”

T: A new animal --- bear

Follow me “bear”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of bear? S:...

T: Bear, bear, look at the bear. S: ...

Ask students to point the picture and read the word. Take out “elephant”

T: It has a long nose, yes or no?

Follow me “elephant”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of elephant? S:...

Ask students to read the word in a team.

T: Elephant, elephant, look at the elephant. (pay attention to “the”) Ask students to point the picture and read the word. Take out “tiger” T: It is big, yes or no?

Follow me “tiger”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of tiger? S:...

T: Tiger, tiger, look at the tiger. S: ...

Ask students to point the picture and read the word. Take out “monkey” T: It is little, yes or no?

Follow me “monkey”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of monkey? S:...

T: Monkey, monkey, look at the monkey. S: ...

Ask students to point the picture and read the word. Take out “panda”


T: It is white and black, yes or no?

Follow me “panda”.(write the word on the blackboard) What’s the meaning of panda? S:...

T: Panda, panda, look at the panda.

Ask students to point the picture and read the word.

Design Intent: Colorful pictures will attract pupils’ attention. They are more likely to get the meaning from pictures than words. What’s more, pictures will leave a deep impression on students.

Step3. Practice

T: Boys and girls, let’s read the words together and then play “bomb game”. Are you ready? S: ......

T: Read the words with your partner. (invite some teams)

Design Intent: This step will create the opportunity to practice the words and correct the wrong pronunciation. At the same time, students will have fun to remember the words.

Step4. Production

Play game “look and match” for two or three times. T: look at the screen carefully. Who wants to try? S: ......

Design Intent: This step enables students distinguish the words and their meaning. And team work is an effective way to cooperate with their members.

Step5. Summary

Today we have reviewed farm animals and learned six animals in the circus. Students should master the pronunciation of the words and are able to express look at.

Design Intent: This step just costs several minutes, however, it can’t be ignored. We

will make a conclusion on what we have learned this class. It also strengthens the right pronunciation of the words and sentences.


Homework: Read the words we have learned this class. I will check it next time

牛津英语小学二年级《In the circus》教学设计.doc
