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【#英语资源# 导语】最美的,是您朦胧的背影。最真的,是您眼中的深情。最甜的,是您浸润的话语。最赞的,是您点睛的智慧。最念的,是您博大的亲恩。祝老师节日快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  A grass has gorgeous flowers because it is grateful for the spring rain; A seedling has sweet fruits because of its gratitude to the sun; A bird has wings to fly because of its gratitude to the sky. A heart has diamond like brilliance because of its gratitude for love—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

  Teacher, he is the guide and enlightener on our growth path. We should be grateful to teachers, just as grass is grateful to the vast land. It is their pure and selfless dedication and dedication that enlighten us, give us comfort and encouragement again and again, let us go from ignorant teenagers to the present, and begin to weave our beautiful future.

  Teacher, he is the engineer of human soul. We should be grateful to our teachers for their tireless teaching. Their love and teachings enable us to be deeply surrounded and nourished by love all the time, and to be warmed by love all the time. Shouldn't we be deeply grateful to our teachers?

  Teacher is the most sacred profession under the sun. He feeds the most beautiful flowers under the sun, shields us from the wind and rain, gives us a sea of love, and gives us a happy life with fragrance. Yes, we should be grateful to them.

  I will never forget my love, scolding and flying. What can I do for them? I often ask myself this. I think what we can do is to repay them with excellent academic achievements, and we should never live up to their expectations of me!

  I love my campus, but also my teachers. Let's say to our teacher, "thank you, we love you!" Let's take action together, each Tu Bao, winter will not be cold, the night will not be long, happiness will always be with you and me!

  Let's be grateful to our teachers. Let's start from now on!


  The atmosphere of autumn harvest is floating in the sky in September, and teachers' Day is coming slowly with gentle steps. For every middle school student, in the life process from naughty children to green teenagers, teachers - forever is the person who deserves our gratitude and respect most. On the occasion of teachers' day, on behalf of all the students of class 8, grade 2, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and sincere congratulations to the hard-working teachers!

  Thank you, teacher! You are like a candle, leaving us the light, heat and brilliance. This selfless dedication will never be forgotten. Although your life is bitter, you are in love with the future of the motherland. Although it is just a red candle, your heart is connected with the heart of students. You don't care about the gains and losses of teaching. This unreserved painstaking dedication makes us unforgettable!

  When it comes to the end of spring silkworms, your great teacher, your love is as warm as sunshine, as sweet as spring breeze, as sweet as clear spring, your love is meticulous and warm, and your love is noble and great! In the days of celebrating teachers' day, our hearts are surging. Thousands of words can't express my deep gratitude to you. Thousands of words can't express my deep love for you!

  I wish our students a cordial greeting, a handwritten letter expressing their drought, a homemade exquisite greeting card, a blessing written on the blackboard, a cup of steaming tea on the desk. Bring you the joy or comfort of the festival.

  The ancients said: "one day as a teacher, a lifetime as a teacher." On the occasion of this Teachers' day, on behalf of all the students of class 8, grade 2, I bow deeply to our respected teacher, who sincerely said to our teacher, "teacher, you've worked hard!"


  September 10 is teachers' day. Although it is a little late, I still want to wish teachers a happy Teachers' day, especially the art teacher who just left us: Mr. Zhan. I hope you are healthy there, Mr. Zhan. Of course, we also want to bless our head teacher: Teacher Zhang, you have taught us for so long, and you also play with us, study with us, and open a blog. Let's send our composition to the blog, so we want to say to you: Teacher Zhang, you've worked hard!

  I also want to say to other teachers who taught us: teachers, you have worked hard. It's really not easy to teach us for a long time. We should also study hard to win honor for our class and school, but my grades are very poor. My mother is training me. I hope my grades can be better, and I also hope my grades can be better. Once again, I wish teachers a happy Teacher's Day!


  The annual Teacher's day comes as scheduled in the golden autumn. I think of the little things I get along with the teachers in school on weekdays, and feel that the teachers are very hard. They are like hardworking gardeners, bearing hardships and tirelessly watering us; And we are delicate seedlings in the garden, which thrive under the careful cultivation of teachers.

  Some people say that the teacher is the brightest Big Dipper in the night sky, silently illuminating the direction of passers-by; Some people say that the teacher is a dense branch, which can protect the students from the wind and rain. Without complaint or regret, let us bloom beautiful flowers one by one. And I said that teachers are more like a broad sea, calm and low-key, so that we can freely play and soar in the ocean of knowledge. In order to express my gratitude to my teacher, I decided to make a greeting card for my beloved teacher.

  Action is better than excitement. I found some orange and blue colored paper representing enthusiasm and began my design. First of all, I cut out a love shape from the orange colored paper and pasted it in the middle of the blue colored paper. Then I drew a row of green grass under the blue colored paper as decoration. Then I drew several lovely pictures in the middle and around the heart and painted them with bright colors. Finally, I wrote several beautiful big characters in the top wing picture of heca: happy holidays to teachers. In this way, a simple and exquisite greeting card is completed.

  When I come to school tomorrow, I want to take this card and this intention to say to the teacher sincerely: "teachers, you have worked hard! Thank you for your education and care for us. I hope you are happy every day, healthy, smooth work and happy holidays!"


  Since primary school, we have spent nine teacher's days. On today's tenth teacher's day, I grew up and became a high school student worthy of the name. Looking back on the nine-year learning career, no matter what, it is inseparable from the teacher's teaching. Teachers encourage us to raise our hands boldly and speak actively in class; It is a teacher who patiently teaches us to be strong and tolerant. It not only teaches us the truth of being human and brings us into the palace of knowledge, but also plays with us when free and cares about us in every way.

  Teacher, I admire you, the neat lines of handwriting you left on the blackboard; The pleasant aftersounds left by your lecture on the podium. Teacher, your class is vivid and lifelike. Every class makes us feel as if we are on the spot. Therefore, we will listen carefully in every class. It is you who made us fall in love with learning!

  Teacher, what a sacred word! You are the engineer of human soul, giving yourself and shaping others; You are a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others; You are a spring silkworm. As the saying goes, "the spring silkworm dies, and the wax torch turns into ashes, and the tears begin to dry.". You gave yourself and warmed others. How many times, the moon is asleep, the stars are tired, the sun is home, and you are still correcting our homework for us.

  Teacher, you are a strong branch, taking care of our future flowers with your strong arms; You are a luxuriant leaf, sheltering us from the wind and rain. For your students, you have devoted your whole life to be green leaves rather than red flowers. You want to use your ability to shine the dawn of this world and create light for us. Teacher, in our hearts, you are the most beautiful myth in the world!

  Teacher's Day is coming. I wish the world a happy Teacher's day. You've worked hard!


  The timing changes, and the spring and autumn are real-time. The brilliance of autumn is the result of the teacher's painstaking efforts.

  Teacher is an ordinary and sacred word. He is ordinary because he goes to and from work every day like ordinary people, takes a small salary, and lives in a luxurious house. They treat the ups and downs of life with the most ordinary heart, and things change in the world. But they care about every student with the most selfless heart, spread knowledge, and silently contribute with the most selfless spirit.

  We, who have just been promoted to the third year of senior high school, really understand the hardships of teachers. In the morning, at dawn, we will put down our young children, old people and family affairs and come to school to teach for us; At noon, teachers who have worked hard all morning can only take a lunch break on their desks; In the afternoon, the teacher dragged his tired body to class for us, corrected his homework, solved difficult problems for his classmates, and was busy all the time.

  Now the teachers are in poor health. They have pain in their waist and shoulders. They have been suffering from occupational diseases for many years. They write blackboard to their classmates every day. I don't know how much dust they breathe. The crow has the meaning of feeding back, and the sheep has the grace of kneeling and suckling. We will also repay the teachers with our grades and live up to the teachers' efforts and expectations for us.

  Dripping water shows the sea, and many trickles converge into a ocean. Sooner or later, the teachers' efforts will be rewarded! A few years later, when there are many peaches and plums all over the world, we will see a knowing smile on the teachers' faces.

  Teachers have a great impact on our lives. You will remember every teacher who taught you, and their images will be printed in your mind all your life.

  Through the ages, which flower can be separated from the cultivation of fertile soil? Which talent can't be separated from the cultivation of teachers?

  We don't know how to express our gratitude to our teachers. Thousands of words come together into one sentence: dear teacher, happy holiday!


  This year, the first festival in autumn is teachers' day.

  It was a crisp autumn day. As soon as I got off the school bus, I was attracted by a refreshing fragrance of flowers, including pink carnations, white lilies, and gorgeous roses. The peddler looked at us attentively with beautiful flowers in his hands. "Eh! What does this mean?" I got puzzled and walked on. I saw a pink sign surrounded by pink balloons. Banners were hung on the tail of the balloon. A closer look, "thank you, teacher. Happy Teacher's Day!" I suddenly realized that today is teachers' Day!

  But I... I'm not prepared for anything. Now I have no money on me. Watching several students I know boldly take out ten yuan bills to buy gifts, my heart becomes heavy. What should I give my teacher? I have been silently asking myself that I have unconsciously entered the classroom. Look up, wow! What a beautiful platform today! The students' flowers, colorful and fragrant, decorate the podium beautifully. Just listen to my deskmate ask me: "why didn't you bring flowers? Look at that bunch of red flowers, which I brought to the teacher." I bowed my head and said nothing. I don't know when the teacher came to the podium, looked at everyone and said, "thank you for the flowers, but do you still remember what I said last teacher's day?" A voice penetrated from the back of the classroom: "yes, red pen!" As soon as the conversation ended, several students rushed to give the prepared red pen to the teacher. "Wow! These students have a good memory, and I firmly remember everything the teacher said," I thought secretly.

  At this time, the teacher looked at us lovingly, and the 'red pen' in his hand looked so precious, as if to say: "children, the pen used by the teacher is red, and use the red circle to point out the problems in your growth, so that you can quickly correct and thrive." I understand that teachers are gardeners, we are flowers, and red pens are tools for pruning flowers. We should study hard and thrive, which is the most beautiful flower blooming in the eyes of teachers.

  Teacher, I know that the gift of teachers' Day is our excellent grades; We are the most beautiful flowers in your garden!


  September is a cool season, a season of vitality, and a season of Thanksgiving. The long summer vacation has passed, and the new semester is coming. On this beautiful day, we welcome the first festival of this semester - teachers' Day!

  This year's teacher's Day is just Monday, and the students came to school early. Several of the most funny boys began to "show their talents" and got busy with enthusiasm. One person organized * to draw on the blackboard, and the others closed the curtains and turned off the lights, ready to create an atmosphere. Even the students who sell flowers are arranged into a bouquet team. The cadre of my class looks like a leader when these boys are busy! But it was soon revealed. "Alas, there is no painting here!" "The curtain is leaking again!" Such words wave after wave, busy really lively! Gradually, there was a faint sound of footsteps in the corridor. We quickly quieted down. As soon as the teacher pushed the door, we shouted, "Happy Teacher's Day!" I can clearly see the teacher's serious tears flashing when I send the prepared gifts one after another.

  When raising the flag, we solemnly salute the national flag. At the same time, our hearts are also saluting the teacher.

  Teacher, we have seen and felt your greatness and commonness. You never care about what you get or lose, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are gaining. This is the result of life value and happiness that cannot be calculated by any number!

  On Teachers' day, let's say sincerely, happy Teachers' Day! Teacher, you have worked hard!


  We have another unforgettable teachers' day.

  The reason why teachers are great is not only that they teach us scientific and cultural knowledge, but also that they set an example for us to be human beings.

  Thank you, teacher, for making us confident and able to surpass ourselves. You have proved to us with facts that learning is not a burden, but a pleasure and responsibility, a key to the world we have never known. You taught us to explore boldly with our own minds and hands, to find and discover, and to make life full of surprises!

  Thank you, teacher. You are a person we can always trust. If you encounter trouble in life, you will ask for help. You let us know: as long as we are willing, we can tell you everything. You often say that you were also a child, so you can understand the joys and sorrows of children.

  Thank you, teacher, for letting me know: we can learn from failure, accumulate strength in difficulties, and look for light in the dark. You give us the courage to use our brains and ask us to be open-minded at the same time. You put beauty in our hearts, give us instruction, insight and imagination, and thus create our life. No matter what we build, you always help us build a good foundation, and you have done it for our growth! Perhaps every detail of your lecture will be forgotten by us with the passage of time, but your enthusiasm, courage and kindness will remain forever.

  Thank you for never sneering at us. When we try, you always pay close attention. Even if the result is so trivial, you always let us know that you have seen our achievements. It is you who let us know that life can be as light as a piece of paper, as deep as the sea and as vast as the sky, and we must make our own choices. You led us through every problem, every discovery, and our experience fascinated us, and let us see the flashing of wisdom in the ocean of knowledge.

  Finally, I wish all teachers a happy holiday again!


  Today is September 10th, teachers' day. It is the holiday of every teacher and every gardener.

  A teacher is a master. There are two kinds of masters in this world, master and master. The difference between them is that the former only teaches you technology, while the latter, in addition to the teacher, is also the father, which not only teaches us technology, but also teaches us noble morality and personality. Teachers belong to the latter kind.

  Teachers have noble ethics and father's love like a mountain. There is a saying that one day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father. Since the moment the teacher taught you, I have taken on the responsibility of a father. I remember what our primary school teacher said. It doesn't matter to me whether you like to learn or not. I'll get paid honestly. Yes, the teacher's task is only to teach us knowledge. It's the same whether you learn it or not. If you learn it well, you will live a good life in the future. It seems that it doesn't have much to do with the teacher, but the teachers are still willing to make up for a classmate who doesn't study well and worry about a classmate who is willing to degenerate. This is the teacher's philanthropic heart. He thinks we love like our father.

  The teacher has connected his heart with us. It seems that we are like his children. The teacher will be angry for the students who don't hand in their homework, and anxious for the students who always do badly in the exam. The teacher will always care about us and try every means to make us better.

  A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. This is the most commonly used poem to describe a teacher. Burn yourself and illuminate others. The teacher exchanged a little white hair for peaches and plums. He also exchanged wrinkles for a pillar of the country.

  So let's say thank you to the teachers who are engaged in the cause of fashion in this world today.
