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【#英语资源# 导语】难忘你的谆谆教诲,那是一盏明灯;难忘你的温暖关怀,那是一弯明月;难忘你的细心讲解,那是一份情意;难忘你的积极乐观,那是一种力量。教师节快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It is often said that teachers are engineers of human soul, because they enrich our knowledge, cast our soul, open up our ideological field and carve the standard line of character. In our unpredictable life, teachers are indispensable leaders and dependents. This bit by bit, countless teachers have paid for us. Teachers gather the strictness of father's love and the kindness of mother's love. They are filled with the taste of home all the time, which makes people intoxicated in the arms of "home".

  If in the dark night without lights, the teacher is the stars embedded in the night, lighting up the dark starry sky for us and guiding the confused road ahead; If we lose our way in the boundless sea, the teacher is the beacon tower that can be seen in the distance, pointing out the way home for us; If we are helpless in the cold wind howling ice and snow, the teacher is the charcoal at hand, which brings us warmth and hope in the ice and snow. In this festival, teacher, we wish you happiness, health and eternal youth!

  Some people liken you to a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others. Others liken you to a gardener, who has worked hard and cultivated many proud flowers for the motherland. I want to liken you to a clam, because you put the sand and stone on yourself, lick it and grind it, so that the sand and gravel can finally become a beautiful pearl seizing the moon. This is your carefully cultivated masterpiece and achievement fruit, but you think that it is your achievement to have students all over the world! This is what an admirable spirit, forge ahead, dissatisfied with some achievements, high aspirations, and always inspire us! On teacher's day, I wish you every success, "peaches and plums all over the world"

  "Falling red is not a ruthless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers". This is the most true portrayal of your life. Although the flowers wither, they give birth to a land and water. The flower calendar here is full of wonders and fragrance. It is like leaving colorful shells on the beach after the ebb of the waves. This is an admirable and unknown dedication. Teacher, in your festival, may your students become useful, live up to their trust, work hard and sweat, and have a fruitful harvest!

  The wind of September, carrying the blessing of September, flutters in the air and passes lightly. Use the power of nature to sprinkle the purest blessings. Happy Teacher's day, teacher!


  When the north wind outside the window roared into the bedroom, are you okay? When the lights gradually disappear into the night, do you still burn the midnight oil? When the autumn is getting stronger and a new school year begins, facing the old school, the old classroom and the new students, you look at the pine and cypress outside the window, but you are still standing tall. Is your heart surging, and your vision is inevitably mixed with a trace of memory and nostalgia? Teacher, my beloved "mother", my heart is always closely connected with you.

  On the usual teacher's day, you always spend it in our flowers, applause and salute. We are used to seeing each other every day. It seems that we don't need any gifts, blessings, or even any expression. We will bless you silently in our hearts. You will understand it so well that we will firmly place our love in our hearts and cherish it. But this year, your "little pigeons" finally flew away from you. At this moment, I really realized the pain of parting. It is not the boudoir love of "willow bank, Xiaofeng and Wanyue", but the faint unspeakable sadness that the body has not moved and the heart is far away. I seem to have lost a close friend and the courage to "starve to death without eating millet"; I seem to have lost a bosom friend, and it's hard to find the sounds of nature like mountains and rivers; Without the elegance of "leisurely knocking chess pieces and falling flowers in the court", I no longer seem to have spring and summer, but only bleak autumn and harsh and ruthless winter are waiting for me? My beloved teacher, my loving teacher, can you answer me

  In fact, I have to face the reality, and I should be optimistic and gratified. Regardless of the distance, time and conditions, our hearts feel and comfort each other“ Who said "an inch of grass heart, reported three Chunhui", there is always you in my heart, and I have deeply left my mark in your teaching career. Feelings don't happen overnight, not to mention the beauty of distance. Sincere feelings are like a continuous link, winding you and me, and constantly stirring the silent heartstrings thousands of miles away. What a romantic friendship between teachers and students! What a beautiful movement it is!

  "The grand pass is as true as iron. Now I'm going to cross from the beginning." Now is the beginning of our new study and another cycle of your career. Looking back on the past, I feel infinite emotion; Looking forward to the future, you and I should look forward to infinity. The body has no colorful Phoenix wings, and the heart has a touch of communication. May the friendship between teachers and students last forever!


  September 10th is a special day, the annual Teacher's day. Two days before teachers' day, someone began to give teachers gifts they thought were precious. The teacher showed a brilliant smile.

  Our teachers have taught us since childhood until now. The first class of every day is math. When the teacher comes, he will give us the math problems we have learned. If there is one who can't, the teacher will explain them to the students who can't, so that each student can gain something in the morning. Once, a classmate who didn't listen well in class was called out by the teacher. The teacher reasoned with him and told him to listen well in class. Every time the bell rings, the teacher will come into the classroom and give us a lecture with a smile. Every class of the teacher is carefully designed to make every student learn the content of the day as much as possible. Looking at the burning candle, I couldn't help thinking. You see, the candle is white and keeps burning itself. It emits dazzling brilliance in this dark night. His life is short but noble. It illuminates others, but sacrifices itself. Isn't the quality of a teacher like a candle? They did not pray for personal fame, wealth and status, worked hard and contributed their whole life to the cultivation of successors. Although some teachers have reached the age of late autumn, they still sprinkle every ray of light of life on the flowers and leaves like the old sun. They are like candles, "the oil is inexhaustible, the light is inexhaustible." Willing to "burn" yourself and shine in limited years.

  Yes, I see hearts that always think of others, hearts that are hot and transparent. Isn't such a teacher just let us admire and praise? Should such teachers spend their youth on us? Shouldn't such teachers have their natural and unrestrained life? Here, I would like to say: "thank you, teacher, for imparting knowledge to us, for scattering a good time on us, thank you..."

  I thank the teacher for our training. We do one homework every day, but the teacher corrects dozens of homework. Every day after school, the teacher takes us out of school. I want to say to the teacher, "teacher, you've worked hard!"

