
时间:2021-08-14 04:22:45 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Some people say that a teacher is an immortal who can improve our study and our grades; Some people say that teachers are our charitable mothers and will treat us like our mothers; Some people say that the teacher is the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, pointing out the way forward for us; We will usher in this unforgettable Teacher's Day!

  Some people will hate because of the teacher's scolding, some people will hate because of the teacher's protection of others, and some people will hate because of the teacher's call to parents. Do you think that's right? I will choose to tell you that you are very wrong! Everyone is a treasure in the teacher's heart. Although the teacher scolds you, it's also for you and your future. It's impossible to protect others. Everyone is equal in front of the teacher. The teacher can't protect good students. Even good students don't scold. Everyone can't have shortcomings.

  If the teacher calls the parents, the first thing is that you don't do well. If the teacher thinks it's also bad, he will call the parents. Calling the parents doesn't just say that your child is bad! That's not true. I will praise your benefits first and then make up for them! If there is such a person, this is your weakness! If there is such a person, please say sorry to the teacher on this unforgettable Teacher's Day! The teacher will also feel very happy! Thank you, dear teacher! You made me get good grades in my study! Thank you, dear teacher! You made me have fun in this study! Thank you, dear teacher! You accompany us through this knowledge! Thank you, dear teacher! You taught us why we should pursue, why we should have ideals, and why we should surpass ourselves! In this unforgettable Teacher's day, you must have some of your wishes! But I know one of these wishes is to let us study well! We know! We will learn from our teachers, study hard and listen attentively! Don't worry! teacher! Teacher, you leave the most beautiful smile to this wonderful world. You are the most beautiful myth in our hearts.

  On behalf of the whole class, I said to all teachers: "teacher, you've worked hard! I wish you a happy holiday.


  In my impression, there is a teacher's day that I will never forget, which is always fresh in my memory.

  It was an early morning. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw some gift boxes of different shapes and colors in the hands of my classmates. I was wondering. A voice suddenly sounded in my ear: "Why are you stunned? What gifts do you bring? Take them out and show them to me". I looked back at Tao Kelan. Her "looking forward" eyes made me confused, She had to shake her head and said, "I didn't bring any gifts." she said proudly, "today is teachers' day. All the students have to give gifts to Mr. Ma. I also brought the most beautiful gift to Mr. Ma. She must like it very much." Alas! No, I didn't bring a present for the teacher. What should I do? What to do... "Jingling", a burst of bell interrupted me, and Mr. Ma came in, but the students were still whispering and didn't even notice the arrival of the teacher. In a burst of noise, those students who prepared gifts rushed up and piled the podium table full. Few of our students who didn't send gifts could only "Marvel" below, I thought to myself, "you have gifts, and as long as I constantly improve my academic performance, live up to the expectations of teachers and become useful talents, that is the best gift for teachers".

  Mr. Ma smiled, "moved" and nodded. The students who finished giving gifts also returned to their seats with a happy face and looked proudly at us who didn't give gifts, but I also had a trace of shame and guilt. I felt that it was really necessary to give a gift to our beloved teachers. They were really hard, alas! During the ideological struggle, Mr. Ma said, "students, the teacher is very happy to receive your gift, but you didn't give me the gift I need most - heartfelt greetings!"

  The students seemed to understand Mr. Ma's words. At this time, the monitor shouted loudly "stand up". Our whole class bowed deeply to Mr. Ma and said excitedly, "teacher, I wish you a happy holiday"! Mr. Ma looked at us lovingly, bowed and said affectionately, "thank you, students."

  Yes, we should greet the teacher from the bottom of our hearts. I think I can only study hard and be a pillar when I grow up. That's the best return to the teachers! Through this teacher's day, let me understand a truth that "the gift bought by money is not the best. The best gift is a heartfelt greeting. The teacher's selfless love for us will be engraved on our hearts forever


  September 10, 20XX is the last teacher's day I spent in chaxiao, and it is also my most unforgettable Teacher's day.

  Early in the morning, I got up and took 5 yuan from my pocket money to buy some craft flowers for the teacher. When I came to the shop, I picked several silk flowers of different colors and held them in my hand. I thought: no matter which teacher will be happy to see such beautiful flowers... Thinking like this, a big smile bloomed on my face.

  It's time to send flowers. As I am the team leader of the Zhou University, I have a job during recess, so I don't have time to go to the office to deliver flowers. So I'm going to rush to the podium and offer flowers before the bell is over. The bell rang at the end of the first class. I immediately took out two flowers of my favorite color from the drawer, grabbed them in my hand, cleared my throat, walked quickly to Mr. Luo and said, "Mr. Luo, I wish you a happy holiday! This flower is for you. It's my favorite flower! " Mr. Luo took the flowers and said with a smile, "thank you! I'm so happy. I'm the recipient of your favorite flower. " I was very happy and said to myself, "well done, Li Mingfeng." In this way, I gave the flowers to other teachers.

  In the fourth class in the morning, Mr. Luo took out a big bag and walked into the classroom. Everyone wondered: what's in it? Mr. Luo said, "here are all the greeting cards you have given me in the past five years. I keep them well." In our surprised eyes, she took out dozens of greeting cards from the bag one by one, all kinds and colorful. Mr. Luo said, "I have taught you for five years. Recently, I had a dream: when I walked into the classroom, I found that it was not you who sat in the classroom, but a group of students who were completely unfamiliar to me. Bursts of melancholy filled my heart. At this time next year, you will enter the gate of middle school, but I will often think of you. These cards are the good memories you left me... "At this time, my eyes are wet and I want to cry, and many past events come to my mind. Look at other students, many people also have glittering eyes. After class, we flocked to the podium and happily looked at greeting cards. Those beautiful memories of teacher's day seemed to reappear in front of us

  I will never forget this year's teacher's day.

