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【#英语资源# 导语】打开岁月的文件夹,翻到910页。写上一段思念,送上一个祝福。一颗感恩的心,不曾忘记的您。祝您教师节快乐,老师辛苦了。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In September, the autumn wind is rustling and fruitful. This is the autumn season, the harvest season and the return season. In this season, we ushered in the XX teachers' day.

  Today, our school held a grand national flag raising ceremony. The students lined up in a column with the class as the unit, each holding two bouquets of flowers. The teachers stood in front of their classes. In the sound of music, the students presented the flowers to the teacher one by one, and said to the teacher affectionately: "teacher, happy holidays, you've worked hard!" After that, the students of our speech lined up in four lines under the national flag to stage the podium. With excitement and passion, we recited an prose poem with the theme of "Thanksgiving teacher's day, strong feelings between teachers and students", in order to praise our teacher's character, praise the teacher's dedication and express our love for our teacher.

  Teacher, for our healthy growth, you have made a lot for us. At this moment, I can't help but think of one thing two years ago: at that time, I was just in grade two. During one day's class, I hurt my knee on the playground and shed a lot of blood. At that time, I was scared to cry. A classmate went to the Office and told the teacher. The head teacher came at the first time, picked me up and ran to the infirmary. When my aunt in the infirmary disinfected and bandaged me, the teacher kept holding my hand and encouraged me to be strong and brave. The little man also bled without tears. Teacher, how much you look like my mother!

  The teacher is the gardener, taking care of the growth of each of our seedlings; The teacher is a small boat, leading us to the future; The teacher is like a candle, burning himself and illuminating our hearts; The teacher is like a spring silkworm, spitting out the last silk thread, painstakingly and selflessly. Thank you very much! teacher! You've been working hard!


  Today is a special day - teachers' day. However, today is different from the usual teacher's day, because this is my last teacher's day in the experimental primary school. At the thought that I will graduate next year and want to leave the teacher I get along with day and night, I can't help crying, the gate of memory has been quietly opened, and the teacher's care and love are unforgettable.

  I remember there was an exam in grade 4. I didn't do well and scored less than 95. I was afraid that the teacher would criticize me. However, the teacher didn't blame me or even say a sharp word, but encouraged me. From the teacher's amiable face, I can feel the boundless tenderness in your eyes.

  Another time, when I was cleaning, I accidentally sprained my foot and fell on the teacher. Although I was very young at that time, I knew that the teacher would severely criticize me. However, the teacher didn't do that, but helped me to one side, let me sit down and rest, and asked with concern, "it's not very twisted. Is it painful?" I hurriedly said, "no, it doesn't hurt!" My heart is warm, quietly looking at the teacher, tears in my eyes

  This is my last teacher's day in primary school. Teacher, you inspire me with appreciation and encouragement, you irrigate me with profound knowledge, and you take care of me with motherly love. Teacher, you are the person I admire most and I am most grateful. I will always remember your voice and smile, your earnest teaching and your care and love!


  Today is September 10th, teachers' day and our teacher's birthday.

  In the morning, as soon as the teacher came to the classroom, the students scrambled to send teachers' Day gifts. For a moment, the empty desk was filled with gifts, including water cups, music boxes and candles. What shocked me most was that there were bags and... There were many anyway. The teacher was very happy. Said we wouldn't spend any more money on things. Ah, there are so many things. The teacher used four people to put these gifts in the office. It is estimated that teachers in other classes will envy, envy and hate.

  In the afternoon, I came to school and saw Wang Ao of our group bring a bunch of flowers. Wow, it's so beautiful. Just then, I don't know who said a word, the teacher came. We just want to surprise the teacher. I don't know who shouted, "everybody hide.". We hurried out of the classroom and hid on the back balcony. Some people worry about whether the teacher will see it when he puts the car from the back. With that, we moved back. Don't talk, the teacher is coming. We let the teacher squint into the classroom, and then let the teacher open it. The teacher saw the cake on the desk at a glance. Don't mention how happy the teacher is. After we sang the birthday song, the teacher cried, which was the tears of happiness. After blowing out the candles, the teacher said he would let us eat the cake together. One group at a time. Our group ate with relish and even grabbed it. I'm so happy.

  This teacher's day, we are very happy, after all, this is the first time to eat cake on teacher's day.

