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【#四六级考试# 导语】英语听力是英语四六级考试中的重要组成部分,对于中国的考生,日常英文听说机会少,缺少听力训练,所以在备考大学英语四六级时,需要加强听力的训练。针对这一情况,©文档大全网英语四六级频道特别整理听力相关文章《2018年12月英语六级听力常考时文:The New Generation in Japan》,供学员参考使用。预祝大家高分通过考试。



  英语六级听力常考时文:The New Generation in Japan

  1.According to the 1993 survey, how many Korean students considered work as a primary value? ...

  2.What kind of job do most Japanese aged 18 to 24 prefer? Those jobs without ...

  3.What is the diminishing social responsibility related to? The growing interest in pleasure and ...

  Japan’s post-World War II value system of diligence, cooperation, and hard work is changing. Recent surveys show that Japanese youth have become a “Me Generation” that rejects traditional values.Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work, unlike their counterparts in the United States and Korea. In a survey of college students in the three countries, only 10% of the Japanese regarded work as a primary value, compared with 47% of their Korean counterparts and 27% of American students. A greater proportion of Japanese aged 18 to 24 also preferred easy jobs without heavy responsibility.Concern for family values is waning among younger Japanese as they pursue an inner world of private satisfaction. Data collected by the Japanese government shows that only 23% of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans. It appears that many younger-generation Japanese are losing both respect for their parents and a sense of responsibility to the family. Diminishing social responsibility, according to Yoshizaki, is tied to the growing interest in pleasure and personal satisfaction. A study comparing society-conscious youth from 1977 to 1990 found that the Japanese had slipped far behind American and Australian students. Only 11% of Japanese aged 18 to 24 said they get personal satisfaction in doing something on behalf of society, according to 1993 the data from the Japanese government, while four limes as many Americans said so. Now that the entire value system of Japanese youth is undergoing major transformation, but the younger generation has not yet found a new organized value system to replace the old.


2018年12月英语六级听力常考时文:The New Generation in Japan.doc
