Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.
I disagree
1. Students need time to absorb and digest what they have learned.(正如三餐之间需要时间供食物消化吸收,学生学习也需要一段时间的消化理解,这样才能够有效学习)
2. Students also need time to participate in social activities.(学生不是学习机器,除了学习之外,他们还需要参加各种各样的社会活动培养自己的技能)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Parents should not express their disagreements to the teacher if parents find the teaching method incorrect.
I agree
1. Teachers have more experience and professional expertise to decide the way to educate students.(老师从事教学工作很多年,已经积累了很多的经验,并且他们会使用一些新的教学方式来引导学生;而家长往往没有这方面的专业知识,他们对于老师的教学方法判定往往是不准确的)
2. Parents may not have a good understanding of students’ academic performance as teachers.(老师往往会根据学生的实际学习情况和基础调整教学内容和教学方法,这样才能够有针对性地帮助学生提高学习成绩;而家长往往忙于工作,他们对于学生学习情况的了解往往不够,不能给出有效的建议)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Colleges and universities should offer job preparation before students start to work.
I agree
1. Internship can be arranged for students to help them have a better understanding of future work.(通过兼职工作,学生可以更好地了解未来工作的内容和要求)
2. Communicative skills may be of great importance in future work.(交流技能能够使得学生在未来的工作中快速融入到团队中,更好地与团队成员合作)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.
I disagree
Para.1: It is an overstatement to claim so.
Para.2: Admittedly, teaching people how to educate themselves is one of the important goals of education. 解释一下. However, to consider this to be the most important goal is a piece of overemphasis, for there are several other goals of education, which are as important, or even more important than this.
Para.3: In the first place, to help students broaden their horizons should be an fundamental goal of education.
Para.4: Furthermore, to cultivate the spirit of team work and to develop the effective communicative skills are also indispensable during the education.
Para.5: In conclusion, …
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.
I disagree (both are important)
1. Educating students helps undergraduates to lay the foundation for their careers in the near future.(学生需要从教授那里去学习更加专业的知识,从而为未来的工作储备理论知识)
2. Another crucial role of professors is doing academic research for the sake of promoting the advance of the society.(大学是个很好的平台给教授提供研究的机会,教授可以通过研究去创造新的科技等,推动社会的进步)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than by doing physical exercises.
I disagree
1. Physical exercise contributes to people’s health.(运动不仅可以使得精神放松,还可以锻炼肌肉,使身体更加强壮,增强免疫力,抵御各种疾病,这是一举两得的事情)
2. Physical exercise helps people develop the spirit of cooperation. (很多体育运动如篮球、足球都是需要团队合作)
3. Doing physical exercise offers opportunity to make more friends. (运动场上可以遇到更多的人,和他们一起分享欢乐)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other.
I disagree
1. In family, being polite contributes to a harmonious family life.(尊敬家人是一种美德,可以使得家庭和睦,家人之间沟通交流更加愉快)
2. In workplace, being polite facilitates cooperation among workers.(没有人愿意跟粗鲁的人一起工作,因为他们不尊重别人也不会赢得别人的尊重;而礼貌的人可以更好地融入到团体中,很好地与身边的人沟通交流,更好地配合团队完成任务)
3. In social life, being polite enables people to make more friends.(在生活中,懂礼貌可以让别人愿意亲近,并且愿意与之交谈,这样有可能去找到跟自己志同道合的人成为朋友)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is as important for older people to study and learn new things as it is for young people.
I agree
1. Learning new things is essential for older people’s mental health.(年纪大了容易寂寞,很容易抑郁,学习新事物能够让他们有事可做;而且老年人记忆力和思考能力可能会下降,要保持大脑的活跃)
2. Learning new things can make old people’s life more convenient. (学会网上购物就不用出门买东西了;使用软件打车使得出行便利等)
3. Learning new things enables old people to shorten the generation gap with the young generation. (有共同话题可以聊天,也能够理解年轻人的行为和语言)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.
I disagree
Both money and public recognition are essential for modern people
1. Money assures people of a decent life.(人们需要钱去保障日常生活必需品,需要钱去提升生活质量)
2. Public recognition brings people a sense of belonging. (人是社会动物,需要整个社会的肯定和认可)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.
I agree
1. Knowing about events from all over the world helps us get frontier information. (世界各地的时间能够帮助人们开阔视野,学习新的知识)
2. Knowing about events from other countries encourage us to make progress.(向优秀的先进的国家和地区学习,吸取他们的成功经验)
3. Knowing about events from other countries might be helpful in finding solutions to our problems.(遇到问题时,可以效仿其他国家的解决方式,结合本国的情况来进行解决)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People spend much more time on communicating by technologies such as social media or text messages than they should.
I agree
1. Too much use of online communicative tools reduces the efficiency of communication among people. (人们过度依赖发送文本信息和社交网络,使得面对面交流减少,在交流过程中缺乏情感)
2. Too much use of online communicative tools distracts people from their work or study. (人们花了太多的时间使用社交网路,常常盯着屏幕等着别人的回复,使得人们无心于学习和工作)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The car(automobile)has greater effects to the society than the airplane does.
I disagree (Both have great effects)
1. The car has played a significant role in short-distance trip.(人们的日常通勤需要汽车)
2. Long-distance journeys rely mostly on the airplane.(飞机是的长途旅行变得方便舒适快捷,同时也促进世界各地经济文化交流)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Workers would be more satisfied if they have various kinds of work to do during workday instead of doing the same job all day long.
Currently, there is a widespread belief that workers should do similar tasks all day long to improve the efficiency. From my perspective, however, during the workday, workers will be more satisfied if they have a variety of tasks to do.
In the first place, workers will get tired easily if they keep doing the same type of task for a long time. As is known to all, people will become tired and lose efficiency if they concentrate on the same thing for a long time, for their brains cannot have a rest. This will further create risk of making mistakes or even physical injuries if the person keeps the same body gesture for a long time. By contrast, different types of tasks provide workers with the opportunity to shift their minds and make them less tired during the work. For example, my brother, Jeff, used to complain that he felt the efficiency decreased as time passed during the workday. Jeff is a computer engineer in a big company and he used to spend a whole day sitting in front of his computer to write the codes and check them. Such repetitive work made him bored and he could not focus on his work after several hours. When the executive of the company found this problem, he changed the work mode. Now, Jeff does not need to spend the whole day in front of his computer; he has other tasks to do, such as helping with the workstation outside, talking with the clients and so on. This makes Jeff more satisfied and he never complains his job again.
Furthermore, by doing a variety of tasks, a person can develop skills in different areas. This can help the person with his or her career development because the worker has more skills to apply for a greater range of jobs. In modern society, a person with several skills is easier to achieve success. In contrast, if a worker always does the same thing, he/she may lose many opportunities to be promoted as long as there is someone better than him/her. For example, my cousin, Jackson, works in a big company after graduation and his daily work involves a lot of things, including arranging the conference, negotiating with other companies, drawing the market plan for the department and so on. Thanks to the valuable experience he accumulates in those different tasks, he has been promoted to be the sales manager. While one of his classmates, Tom, working in another company, still works as an ordinary clerk, as Tom only does the same task every day and does not have any advantage to compete with others. It is evident that different tasks offer workers various skills and help them to succeed.
In conclusion, workers are more satisfied when they have many different types of tasks to do during the workday due to the avoiding of tiredness and the skills gained from those different tasks.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
An effective leader should try to make others feel that they have been part of making a decision.
I agree
1. Making others take part in making a decision can improve and perfect the decision.(一个人的想法和创意总是有限,而且可能会片面的考虑问题,多人的协商讨论会带来更多智慧的火花,并且考虑问题更加全面)
2. Making others take part in making a decision can uplift employees’ sense of responsibility and enhance team cohesion.(让员工感觉自己是决策的制定者之一,更有责任和义务去完成任务,大家在一起讨论互相达成一致,上下一心)
3. Making others take part in making a decision can raise work efficiency and avoid digressions.(避免了消息上传下达过程中出现的信息扭曲或缺失,更明白每一个环节要去做什么,能够集中精力去做应该做的事情)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Environmental problems are too complicated to be solved by the individual.
I disagree
1. Individuals can help to reduce global warming. (减少私家车的使用,多乘坐公共交通工具或者环保低碳出行,如自行车或步行)
2. Individuals can play a part in controlling solid waste pollution. (不乱丢垃圾;垃圾分类处理)
3. Individuals can play a part in controlling solid waste pollution. (不乱丢垃圾;垃圾分类处理)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of traffic.
I agree
1. Paying fees during the rush hours can reduce the number of vehicles in the street. (人们会考虑到出行成本的增加,会选择改变出行方式如乘坐公共交通工具而不是驾驶私家车)
2. The additional money paid by drivers in traffic busy time can be used to build and maintain more facilities in the city. (政府的财政收入有限,这是一种增加政府财政收入的方法,政府可以取之于民用之于民)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are now.
I disagree
1. More people have access to higher education and thus are aware of the importance of improving their neighborhoods. (人们接受
2. The Internet provides adequate useful information for people to know how to improve their neighborhoods. (网上会有很多世界各地人们改善社区的例子,会给现在的人们带来灵感和动力)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Athletes and entertainers can be good politicians.
I agree
1. Athletes and entertainers are popular among the public.(良好的群众基础更容易受到人们的拥护)
2. Athletes and entertainers are good at teamwork. (团队意识对于政府管理非常重要,凝聚社会的力量去解决问题)