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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿并不能独立地完成演讲任务,它只是演讲的一个文字依据,是整个演讲活动的一个组成部分。以下是®文档大全网整理的《儿童英语演讲稿》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.儿童英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear leaders and teachers

  Hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is "Saving Every Drop of Water". The Earth is a lovely home for humanity. The resources on Earth are limited, and water is even more precious. The available fresh water is limited. Some people metaphorically say that in the big water tank of the Earth, only one tablespoon of water can be used. At present, more than half of the world's countries, with a population of approximately 1.5 billion, are facing a shortage of fresh water. We should cherish every drop of water like taking care of our eyes!

  Classmates, do you know? If you tighten the faucet promptly after brushing your teeth, how much water can you save in a year? Full of 109 bathtubs! Everyone is doing this, how much water should be accumulated! Our descendants also have water to drink.

  Please be aware of this and cherish water resources as soon as possible! What are we waiting for for for the future of humanity? Classmates, we are the little masters of the earth, and each of us should have an awareness of environmental protection from a young age.

2.儿童英语演讲稿 篇二

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech this day is "Learning to be grateful".

  Our generation of young children grew up in the harbor of happiness, under the protection of their parents, and there are few who understand the rewards. The song 'Gratitude Heart' touched my young heart. I have learned to reflect and to be grateful.

  Without sunshine, there would be no warmth, without water, there would be no life, without parents, there would be no self, without teachers, there would be no human progress.

  So I want to thank you, all the teachers in my life, for letting me understand the value of knowledge; Thank you, my close friend in life, for sharing happiness and listening to sadness; Thank you, my beloved loved one, for quietly taking care of me through the years, sheltering me from the wind and rain, allowing me to learn how to love others in the happiness of being loved.

  Knowing gratitude, you will cherish everything you currently have, be grateful, and the world will become colorful!

3.儿童英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear leaders, beloved teachers, and fellow students

  Hello everyone!

  I am glad to be standing there for today's morning meeting. It has been almost two months since the start of school, and every member of our class group and I have taken photos happily. We have basically adapted to the heavy study and life routine of high school. What is very different from middle school is that learning at this moment requires us to have higher self-learning ability and stronger self-learning ability. In this regard, with the help of teachers and classmates, I have gradually overcome the shortcomings of relying solely on teachers for classroom teaching and insufficient consolidation after class review. Not only can we listen attentively in class, but we can also review in a timely manner after class and seek advice from teachers and classmates when encountering difficult problems. It was thanks to your help that I achieved the necessary results in this monthly exam.

  Here, I would like to express my most loyal gratitude to you and earnestly request that you continue to provide me with support and encouragement in the future learning process. I will also do my best to help other classmates in need and strive to improve together with everyone.

4.儿童英语演讲稿 篇四

  Dear leaders, beloved teachers, and fellow students

  Hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech is: Learn to control negative emotions.

  Assuming you are the person on TV who is being pointed at with a gun. What emotions will you have at that moment? It must be fear. Among many emotions, fear is the least popular among us. We often say, 'I hope life is free from fear from now on.' In fact, fear is not useless. It will help us learn to avoid and turn defeat into victory. The key is whether you can control your emotions.

  In addition to fear, we also experience sadness. Sadness makes people feel low and even lifeless. In fact, sadness also has benefits. It can help us learn to experience and think more deeply.

  There was an experiment in psychology where two different populations were asked the same thing. A group of people have just experienced happiness, and a group of people have just experienced sadness. As a result, the former's answers were capricious and disorganized. The latter can think calmly and give the most correct answer. So, emotions don't matter whether they are positive or negative, as long as you can control them, you can use them for yourself.

  However, in daily life, it is difficult for us to become masters of emotions, and instead, we are often controlled by them. When anger burns, lose your sanity; When the sadness is overwhelming, one becomes deeply depressed. We need to calm down and learn to control our emotions. Only by controlling our emotions can we have a perfect life.

  Classmates, we are in adolescence and prone to emotional turmoil. We need to learn to control our emotions. Only in this way can we reach the pinnacle on the path of learning!

5.儿童英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear leaders, beloved teachers, and fellow students

  A successful flower, people only envy its current beauty. At the beginning, its buds were soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the fine rain of sacrifice. If one encounters setbacks and can still fight against them with a heroic spirit, then such a life is glorious.

  People often say that after the wind and rain, the sky and water will be the same as the gulls and fish swimming in front of them. After the thorns, the broad road covered with flowers will be in front of them. Given this, what reason do we have to 'magnify the pain of life'. A shell takes a lifetime to transform countless gravel into an irregular pearl, while the beauty of a rainbow blooming after rain requires the accumulation of countless moisture. If these are all seen as setbacks one after another, then it is the setbacks that have created dazzling pearls and beautiful rainbows.

  Pain and setbacks are two major challenges that life inevitably encounters. To make the desert wasteland of our hearts full of flowers, only when encountering setbacks can we alleviate the pain, accumulate the strength of life for new goals, and the flower of life will always bloom and never fail, and the existence of life will have new and deeper benefits!
