五、作者的观点、态度题 作者往往并不直接表明自己对某一事物或观点的态度和倾向,有时通过全文的叙述,有时可通过作者的用词(尤其是形容词和副词),推断作者的语气。常见的提问方式有: What is the author's opinion? How does the author feel about...? Which of the following can best describe the style of the passage? 要做对这类题,必须做到正确理解作者真正的观点,同时还要正确地推断作者的语气、态度,弄清作者写这篇文章的目的是什么,作者的态度是肯定还是否定,以及文中的事实论据是否支持作者的论点等等。同时还必须体会作者的用词和其他修饰手段,例如比喻和讽刺。在读文章的时候要注意勾画出表示作者态度的一些词语,比如sure,satisfaction,magnanimous,还有一些带有消极意义的词,比如ruffled,stingy等。 例如: The deliberate violation of constituted law (civil disobedience )is never morally justified if the law being violated is not the prime target or focal point of the protest. While our government maintains the principle of the Constitution by providing methods for and protection of those engaged in individual or group dissent, the violation of law simply as a technique of demonstration constitutes rebellion. Civil disobedience is by definition a violation of the law. The theory of civil disobedience recognizes that its actions, regardless of their justification, must be punished. However, disobedience of laws not the subject of dissent, but merely used to dramatize dissent, is regarded as morally as well as legally unacceptable. It is only with respect to those laws which offend the fundamental values of human life that moral defense of civil disobedience can be rationally supported. For a just society to exist, the principle of tolerance must be accepted, both by the government in regard to properly expressed individual dissent and by the individual toward legally established majority verdicts. No individual has a monopoly on freedom and all must tolerate opposition. Dissenters must accept dissent from their dissent, diving it all the respect they claim for themselves. To disregard this principle is to make civil disobedience not only legally wrong but morally unjustifiable. Q: According to the author, A) the principle of tolerance must be accepted by both parties B)civil disobedience cannot be accepted in a just society C)in a just society, no individual tolerate opposition D) many authorities respect dissent as necessary to the functioning of a free society 正确答案是A)。文中最后一段第一句正是作者表达的观点:容忍的原则要被双方接受才可。标志词是must be。像must be,should这类语气的词均表明了作者是完全支持这种观点的。