

时间:2023-12-06 17:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I 听力部分(共30分)
  A 听录音,找出你所听到的内容(听两遍)(10分)
  (     ) 1. A. back       B. bank      C. black
  (     ) 2. A. panda      B. plane      C. pencil
  (     ) 3. A. want       B. water      C. wait
  (     ) 4. A. ticket      B. jacket      C. T - shirt
  (     ) 5. A. orange     B. fridge      C. village
  (     ) 6. A. please     B. pleasure     C. picture
  (     ) 7. A. eighty-five apples     B. eighty-five people
  C. eight pineapples
  (     ) 8. A. look at the dress      B. look at this dress
  C. look at his dress
  (     ) 9. A. I can see a stamp on the map.
  B. I can put the grape on my foot.
  C. I can put the cup on my head.
  (     ) 10. A. Would you see it for me, please?
  B. Would you speak to me, please?
  C. Would you show it to me, please?
  B 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答(听两遍)(5分)
  (    ) 1. A. He's twenty-nine.    B. He's a policeman.
  C. He's from Japan.
  (    ) 2. A. Theirs, I think.       B. Here you are.
  C. I have some.
  (    ) 3. A. It's Tom's.          B. They're red and blue.
  C. Beside the sofa.
  (    ) 4. A. No, thanks.          B. It's my pleasure.
  C. That's all right.
  (    ) 5. A. Me too.    B. Sure.     C. Not bad.
  C 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案(听两遍)(5分)
  (    ) 1.A. It's green.    B. It's purple.    C. It's dark.
  (    ) 2.A. Class 2, Grade 4.      B. Class 5, Grade 2.
  C. Class 2, Grade5.
  (    ) 3.A. She's Nancy's sister.     B. The girl in the car.
  C. The girl in a blue dress.
  (    ) 4.A. He's in Wang Ying's home.   B. He's in the cinema.
  C. He's in the playground.
  (    ) 5.A. It's 3312869.  B. It's 3312896.  C. It's 3312986.
  D 根据你所听到的短文,填入所缺的单词(听三遍)(10分)
  The boy  ______  the tree is my friend. His name in Tom. Alice is his _______ .They are_______ England. They _______ speak Chinese, _____ I can help them. They live in a white house near the river.           _______ are some trees and _______ beside it. It's very nice. At home, they _______ a computer. They can play _______ on it. _______ E-mail address ishome@163.com
  Dd ______________________________________________ Uu
  把下面的句子,正确规范地写在四线格内 (4分)
  are you in class three grade five yes i am
  二、找出与所给例词划线部分读音相同的单词 (6分)
  (   ) 1. eraser     A. bad     B. age      C. panda
  (   ) 2. next      A. tree     B. cinema    C. umbrella
  (   ) 3. like      A. white    B. lovely     C. ticket
  (   ) 4. soon      A. foot     B. room     C. bedroom
  (   ) 5. office     A. present   B. blouse    C. house
  (   ) 6. mouth     A. brother   B. three     C. clot
  三、选择正确答案 (20分)
  (   ) 1. --- Where is Mrs King? --- She is _____ the bus stop.
  A. in    B. on    C. up    D. at
  (   ) 2. ---How much ____ the jackets?
  A is  B are   C an    D am
  (   )--- Let me _____. Seventy-four yuan.
  A. are; see  B. is; see  C. are; have a look D. is; have a look
  (   ) 3. ---It's cold(冷)now. _____  I _____ my coat?
  --- Yes, please.
  A.Am; put on   B. Shall; put on
  C. Am; take off  D. Shall; take off
  (   ) 4. ---These footballs are Jack's. Give ____ to _____.
  --- All right.
  A. them; his   B. they; his  C. them, him   D. their; him
  (   ) 5. ---Excuse me, is this _____ school?
  --- No, _____ is next to the post office.
  A.your; our  B. yours; ours  C. yours; our  D. your;ours
  (   ) 6. ---Hi! _____ you Mr Read?
  ---No, I'm not. Look! The man in black ____ Mr Read.
  A. Are; is   B. Am; is   C. Is; am   D. Is; are
(   ) 7.---Alice, can you see a photo ___ Mr Green ____ the wall?
  --- Yes, I can.
  A. on; of    B. of; on   C. in; of   D. of; in
  (   ) 8. Pingping ____ a small bedroom, but his parents _____ a big one.
  A. have; has   B. have; have  C. has; have  D. has; has
  (   ) 9. Lucy and Lily are in _____ class, but in different ____.
  A. same; row   B. the same; rows
  C. same; rows   D. a same; rows
  (   ) 10. --- I want some grapes. --- OK. _____
  A. Here it is      B. Give you, please.
  C. Here you are   D. Have it, please
  四、连词成句 ( 8分)
  1.put, the, under, T-shirts, table, don't, the (.)
  2. go, now, time, watch, it's, and, TV, to, ( . )
  3. from, friends, your, are, where, fathers (? )
  4. you, the, please, would, me, show, zoo, way, to, the (?)
  (  A  )
  (   ) 6. What's thirty-three minus fifteen?  A. Blue
  (   ) 7. What's the time now?            B. It's eighteen.
  (   ) 8. Are you sure?                  C. It's eight.
  (   ) 9. What's your favourite colour?     D. Yes.
  (   ) 10. Whose toy boats are these?       E. They're Lin Tao's.
  ______ ______ two ______ and a telephone _____ the bed.
  2、---我的裙子在哪里? --- 在门后吗?
  --- Where are my ______ ? --- _____ they _____ the door?
  3、---凯特,今天下午你能照顾双胞胎吗? ---能。
  --- Kate, can you _____ _____ the twins this afternoon?
  --- Yes, I can.
  七、下面的对话,做后面的判断题,"Yes"表示同意,"No"表示不同意(10分)( M: Mum             S: Sam    )
  It's Sunday. Sam and his mother are at home.
  M: Sam. It's time for lunch. Come and clean your hands first.
  S: OK. Mum. What's for lunch?
  M: Can't you see? They are all on the table.
  S: Oh, chicken, fish ( 鱼 ) and rice! I like them very much.
  M: Thanks, and have some vegetables (蔬菜). Here you are.
  S: Thank you, Mum. I know vegetables are good for health(健康).
  M: You're right.
  S: Mum, may I have some grapes after lunch?
  M: Sure.
  (    ) 1. On Sunday Sam and his mother don't have lunch at home.
  (    ) 2. There are some cakes, eggs and vegetables on the table.
  (    ) 3. They don't like vegetables.
  (    ) 4. They think vegetables are good for health.
  (    ) 5. Sam would like to have some grapes after lunch.</P><P>

