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【#成人英语三级# 导语】可以开始进行考试备考啦,迎战考试,奋斗是我们此刻的选择,相信所有的努力都会被岁月温柔以待!®文档大全网整理了“2019年成人学位英语考试模拟试题1”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points)

  Directions:There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

  第1题单选 Cincinnati:Are you working on your next book?If So,__________?

  Carol:It will be published irL September of 2013.

  A.when will it be out

  B.how is it going

  C.what will it be about

  D.what time can we read it


  第2题单选 Dora:Are you happy with your new job as the manager?

  Peter:__________,I am worried.I have more responsibility.



  C.On the contrary

  D.Above all


  第3题单选 Roger:Hurry up!We don’t have much time left.

  Dick:.We still have two hours.

  Roger:Come on!This is my first time ever to take a plane.I don’t want anything to go wrong.

  A.Go on

  B.Take it easy

  C.All right

  D.Look out


  第4题单选 Guest:Good evenin9.I'm Cad Smith.I made a reservation yesterday.Can I go to my room now?

  Receptionist:Yes,your room number is 905,overlooking the sea.__________.

  A.Come herel

  B.Here it is

  C.Here is your key

  D.Go ahead


  第5题单选 Clerk:Good afternoon.What can I do for you?

  Mary:__________post these photographs to Australia·

  Clerk:You can send them in a registered letter.

  A.1 want to

  B.I had to

  C.I'd like to

  D.I'm going to


  第6题单选 Mrs Thomson:Where shall we go this weekend?

  Fang:having a drive to the country.You have never been to a Chinese village,have you?

  Mrs Thomson:But we don’t have a car.

  Fang:Why not hire one?

  Mrs Thomson:Good idea!

  A.What is

  B.How is


  D.What about


  第7题单选 Waiter:Good evening,madam.Would you like to sit here?

  Customer:__________.Have you got a menu,please?

  A.Very good


  C.You’re welcome

  D.I'd like to


  第8题单选 Neal:I expect you could do with a cup of tea,couldn’t you?

  Sally:__________have a cup of coffee,if you don’t mind.

  A.1 want to

  B.I'd rather

  C.I like to

  D.I love to


  第9题单选 Frank:If it rains on Saturday,the party will be canceled.

  Tina:Oh,__________.We can always hold it indoors.

  A.it doesn’t matterl

  B.don’t worry

  C.all right

  D.take you time


  第10题单选 Student:1 was wondering if I could take four courses next semester.

  Advisor:__________?We already have such a heavy course load.

  A.Come on.Four is better than three

  B.Why don’t you choose three instead of four

  C.Dare you try to take four

  D.Don’t you believe four courses are OK


  第11题单选 Sara:Can I help you with the luggage?It looks a bit heavy.


  A.Yes,they are full of books

  B.Don’t bother.I can take care of it myself

  C.Never mind.You don’t have to be SO polite

  D.OK.GO ahead and do it


  第12题单选 Tracy:Best wishes,Marilyn!This is a little something for your new home.

  Marilyn:Thank you.You’re wonderful.May I open it?


  Marilyn:My goodness!A coffee pot.

  A.Go right ahead

  B.Have a try

  C.That will be fine

  D.No,of course not


  第13题单选 Bob:I talked to Philip today and he said he’d be coming to the party.

  Shirley:Oh,so he can(30me after all.You know,he always complains that__________.

  A.he has no party to attend

  B.he has a million things to do each day

  C.he.has to stay up]ate at night

  D.he has to go to all sort8 0f parties


  第14题单选 Cleck:Hello.__________?

  Customer:I'd like to cash this check,please.

  A.How are you

  B.What do you want

  C.What are you doing

  D.What can I do for you


  第15题单选 Tony:I had a problem in maths and I have asked John for help.But he hasn’t figured it out.


  A.You can ask Mary for help

  B.You should have asked Tom for help

  C.You may ask Mary for help

  D.You may have asked Tom for help


