2017年5月27日托福写作真题回忆 |
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阅读:饮用牛奶对人类健康有一些消极影响。 尽管有补钙健骨骼的说法,但过量饮用(每天超过200grams),人体骨骼会变得更加脆弱。 • 牛奶中含有antibiotics抗生素,人体由喝牛奶摄入后,就会产生一些抗体,如果后期遇到病毒感染需要注射抗生素时,就不利于健康了。 • 想摄入合理的营养,饮用牛奶没有必要,可以从其他蔬菜,豆类及海鲜中摄取,这些都能满足日常所需。 听力:阅读的说法是没有说服力的。 • 牛奶中的半乳糖(D-galactose)是导致骨骼问题的原因,如果我们饮用发酵的(fermented)牛奶,是会减少骨骼脆弱的问题的。 • 牛奶中是含有抗生素,但是一般销售公司只接受那些能够经得住严格监测标准的农场来提供奶源,即抗生素含量达标的农场。 • 人们从其他蔬菜,豆类及海鲜中摄取的营养及维生素的量是比较少的,而从牛奶中摄取的量比较足,能够满足人体所需。
独立 |
Topic: Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why? A Being helpful to others B Being honest C Being well-organized Use specific examples and evidences to support your answer.
解题思路:选择A • 可以培养孩子乐于助人的品质,收获精神快乐。(个人角度) • 能够帮助孩子更好的适应社会。(社会角度) • 诚然,其他两项价值观对孩子来说也重要,但是这些孩子后期都可以很容易的学到(或是书本上也会教的),而A选项难度更大,影响也更深远,需要从小培养。 |
Sample Answer: Childhood is the golden age of people’s lives because it is a time of physical growth and great leaps forward intellectually and socially. Being helpful, honest and well organized are values that parents and educators try to instill in children from a very young age, but I would argue that among these values, honesty would be the most important one to share with a young child.
First and foremost, honesty is the cardinal principle of conducting oneself. Imparting honesty into children can hold them accountable for their behavior and teach them how to distinguish right from wrong from a young age. Unlike adults, children are normally unaware of the consequence of telling lies, and teaching them the value of honesty can help them realize how to act with integrity and confidence. For example, children who are conscious of being honest are more likely to contribute positively to the whole society in the future and will never defraud their clients and customers in workplace. In contrast, students who are dishonest may plagiarize other people’s thesis and fail to achieve success even though they perform well at school.
Besides, being honest can help us win the trust and respect from others, even from those who are unfamiliar with us. It is widely known that childhood is an important period for children to learn lifelong social and emotional skills they need. Therefore, making them capable of being honest helps children learn how to behave in a more socially acceptable way. Just imagine, an honest child always gets along well with everyone at school, with a bunch of good friends around him. When he grows up, people are more willing to collaborate with him as well as to give him a hand when he gets into troubles. On the contrary, a dishonest child will be looked down upon by others and be regarded as a public enemy.
Undeniably, being helpful and well organized are both important qualities, which do benefit children in their own way. The young generation can learn responsibility and find enjoyment in helping others. But the fact is, 5 to 10-year-old children are too young to be able to take care of themselves, not to speak of giving a hand to other people. As for the organizational skill, it just makes little sense since kids of that age are naturally active and naughty. Overemphasis on children’s organizational ability would have an adverse impact on their growth. If children are required to be well organized at any time, their creativity and imagination will be stifled.
To sum up, I’m not saying that being helpful and well-organized are of no use, but compared to the importance of honesty, these two values can be crossed off the priority list. (456 words)