【#SAT# 导语】“老师,我马上11年级了,SAT要准备起来考一下了,你说我怎么在首考就拿一个写作的高分啊?”“老师,写作8/8/8有啥方法啊窍门的吗?”此类问题随着暑假开始就一直在老师耳边回响。好,下面©文档大全网联合三立在线教育就直接上干货,你们想要的注意点都在了,还不赶快拿出笔记本,速速记下来?
Score |
Reading |
Analysis |
Writing |
4 Advanced |
•The response shows an understanding of the text’s central idea(s) and of most important details and how they interrelate, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the text.
•The response is free of errors of fact or interpretation with regard to the text.
•The response makes skillful use of textual evidence (quotations, paraphrases, or both), demonstrating a complete understanding or the source text. |
•The response offers a thorough, well-considered evaluation of the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student’s own choosing.
•The response contains relevant, sufficient, and strategically chosen support for claim(s) or point(s) made.
•The response focuses consistently on those features of the text that are most relevant to addressing the task. |
•The response includes a precise central claim.
•The response includes a skillful introduction and conclusion. The response demonstrates a deliberate and highly effective progression of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay.
•The response has wide variety in sentence structures. The response demonstrates a consistent use of precise word choice. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone.
•The response shows a strong commandof the conventions of standard written English and is free of errors. |
在这里,我们先说一下最容易操作的,也就是writing部分。有没有看到几个重点,“precise central claim”,“skillful introduction and conclusion”,“highly effective progression of idea”,“variety in sentence structures”,“precise word choice”,“free of errors”。好,直接说呢,就是有明确的中心、首尾段,行文结构过渡流畅,句式选词多样准确,没有语法错误。这里,首尾段什么的对我们来说不是什么大问题,毕竟八股文的整体结构我们是从小就接受过训练的,啥“凤头猪肚豹尾”的,写过不知道多少了。中心明确也不难,对于SAT写作这种评价型写作,完全是有套路在的,总的来说只要体现“作者用了XXX、XXX和XXX方式来明确了他的中心并更好地说服他的读者”这个精神就可以了。行文结构和过渡这个问题,记重点:善用过渡词!用好了,你的行文自然会让人觉得流畅与有逻辑性了。句式选词,这个不需要老师多说吧?多用复合句式,选词不要重复就可以了 – 潜台词,快去背单词啊亲!最后,没有语法错误 – 有的话,自己去面壁好么!
接下来,阅读和分析这两块是相辅相成的。对阅读那边理解的透彻了,分析自然就容易到位;而分析到位也就说明你对文章有了深入的理解。反正二者的得分一般不会相差超过1。这里,就需要去训练你的阅读能力了。怎么训练?精析!相信我,阅读老师肯定也会逼着你做这事儿的。但是,这里有一个重点区分了你在阅读这一块拿4分和拿3分 – 看到那“interrelate”了么?这个词儿就值1分!什么意思?就是你在进行分析与写作的过程中,时刻要记得,紧扣主题!找到作者的中心(唔,这并不难,老师是不会告诉你prompt中会直接告诉你作者的main claim是什么的)和支撑它的细节并不够,还需要会心一击,找到二者之间是如何联系在一起的,这样你的文章就比其他人高一个层次了,分数也会更漂亮。
好了,现在你已经知道了4/4/4的作文都对你有啥要求,你都需要做到一些什么。那么,下面一步,就是 – 练!起!来!顺便说一句,在计时练习之后,对自己的文章回头来更改和润色,这个习惯是所有高分学员共有的呦~