【#英语资源# 导语】无论你已经工作了一周还是一年,想办法促进职业发展永远都不会太早。直接和老板谈你的目标,主动磨砺新技能,超越你的工作范围,这将帮助你在任何做出晋升决定的人面前脱颖而出。这里有一些帮助你获得晋升的技巧。欢迎阅读学习!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
1. Imagine you have your manager's job.
1. 假设你担任了上司的工作。
You should start by imagining you have your boss's job and then, "think about what skills you need to hone to be good at that position," Wein said.
"Make a list of those skills and explore how to improve those skills," she told INSIDER. "For example, take a class on public speaking or read articles on how to manage a team. Look and dress the part of your boss's job."
2. Engage with your manager.
2. 多与上司互动交流。
It's also a good idea to directly ask what you can do to improve your chances for advancement.
Cynthia Pong, career coach and founder of Embrace Change, suggests finding out which performance metrics are most important to your supervisor or whoever is in charge of promotion decisions.
辛西娅?庞是职业教练兼Embrace Change公司的创始人,她建议,看看哪些绩效指标对你的上司或任何负责晋升决策的人来说最重要。
"To start the conversation, simply say something like, 'I wanted to check in on how I'm doing and come up with a plan for me to keep striving to do better at _________[organization]. What would you say are the most important things to _________[organization] in terms of someone working here? Is productivity the top priority? Or quality of work? Or something else?'" Pong told INSIDER.
Talking to your supervisor about your ambitions can bring them on board as your advocate, Wein added.
"Tell her directly that you would like to be promoted in the upcoming cycle, but don't appear to be competing with her," Wein said. Remember you're on the same team, she added.
3. Ask to set up periodic check-ins with your boss.
3. 请求与你的老板进行定期工作汇报。
If your supervisor is open to it, see if they will meet with you weekly to reassess your goals and your progress in meeting those goals, Pong said.
"It may seem like a lot, but if you are accomplishing a lot each week, then this will make it super clear to them how important you are to the organization and you will also be 'top of mind,' which increases the likelihood of them passing along opportunities to you and recommending you for opportunities and/or awards," she said.
Just make sure the meetings are structured and not overly long, Pong said, adding that the focus should be on reviewing what you accomplished in the past week, looking at how it measures up to your goals, talk about what you want to do contribute more, and set new goals for the upcoming week.
4. Make sure people know who you are.
4. 确保人们知道你是谁。
But you shouldn't just focus on your boss.
"Your professional reputation and level of visibility within your company have a huge impact on whether you are considered for a promotion," Danielle Dayries, founder of career consulting firm DMD & Associates, Inc, told INSIDER. "To develop this professional brand and be top of mind when it comes time for a promotion, we recommend venturing just a bit outside of your normal, day-to-day responsibilities by building a network within your company."
“你在公司的职业声誉和知名度对你能否纳入升职范围有很大影响。”职业咨询公司DMD & Associates的创始人丹妮尔?戴瑞斯告诉《商业内幕》的记者。“要发展这个专业品牌,在晋升的时候要把自己放在首位,我们建议你在日常职责之外再多冒险一点,在公司里建立一个关系网。”
One practical way to do this is to have coffee or lunch with someone in your department or a key influencer within the organization at least once a month, Dayries said.
"Simply start with an invitation for coffee or lunch with a message that communicates that you just want to know them better and be of value to their endeavors," she said. "By showing genuine interest in them and extending an invitation with a focus, you'll get a better response rate. During this coffee or lunch, they will also learn more about you, your unique skills and accomplishments, but in an organic, conversational way."
This, she said, will ensure that by the time talk of a promotion comes along, you're already front and center.
Wein added that another way to meet more of your coworkers is to join firm-wide committees and affinity groups.