
时间:2021-08-10 00:02:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】中秋佳节到,家家齐欢笑,不吵闹,不计较,身体好,容颜俏,和和气气喜庆又热闹;中秋佳节到,人人把忧抛,不烦恼,不浮躁,小长假,休息好,共享天伦难得有今朝。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion. That afternoon, my parents and I went to grandma's house and spent this wonderful Mid autumn night with them.

  We had the Mid Autumn Festival reunion dinner together, and then there was my favorite program - watching lights. I remember when I was very young, I followed adults to enjoy the lights for the first time. At that time, I was very excited. I held my mother's hand tightly, swaggered forward and rushed into the colorful lights. While excited, I was still a little afraid when I saw the lantern for the first time - are these colorful things monsters!

  This time, I had no fear in my heart, because it was not the first time I saw the lantern, but I was as excited as the first time I enjoyed the lantern. Walking on the familiar road, I look at the flower lamps around me: the pink lotus lamp is lined with green leaves; The majestic dragon lantern broke through the clouds... Countless people were attracted by this fine lantern.

  At this time, my eyes were attracted by the little girl in a corner. She sat on a big stone in front of her house, reading carefully by the light from the door, and looked up at passers-by from time to time, as if she wanted to run out to enjoy the light, but she had always restrained her impulse.

  The little girl cherishes her time. Yeah“ An inch of time is an inch of gold. An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time ". We must also cherish time and can't waste time. We can't waste time at any time and anywhere. Time is fair. It won't stay for you, just passing by minute by minute. Year by year, in a twinkling of an eye, I'm already eleven years old. It's been eleven years! Don't think you still have a lot of time. It will pass in the blink of an eye.

  My eyes are still on the lantern, but my heart is no longer there.


  On Friday morning, the teacher announced to us that the "Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting" would be held in the afternoon class, so that each student could prepare a program. It is called "Poetry Club". In fact, the program form is not limited to poetry reading, but can be singing, instrumental performance, crosstalk, etc., so everyone has actively prepared, and I am no exception.

  When I came home at noon, I told my parents the news. They asked me what program I wanted to perform. I said I would play the violin. In order to perform the program well, I didn't take a nap and looked for the right track in the score. Well, it's "a full moon", which is very appropriate, so I buried myself in hard practice. Unfortunately, this song has not been practiced for a long time, so it is played intermittently and very astringent. My mother couldn't listen. She suggested that I change a song. I also chose "Spring Festival Music", which is also a happy song. I think this one is quite skilled. I didn't practice. I picked up the piano box and went to school.

  In the classroom, the students were very excited and chattered about their programs. Mr. Shen announced the beginning of the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting. The first program was Zhu Chenming and Yan Qiyang's cooperative recitation of the Mid Autumn Festival. The second program was my turn. I walked to the podium with my violin. Facing the whole class, I couldn't help being a little nervous. I was careless and made several wrong notes. I was more nervous and forgot how to play the music. I had to scratch my head and tell the teacher that I forgot. Mr. Shen smiled and asked me to return to my seat. The students also laughed. I was a little embarrassed and regretted that I hadn't prepared enough skilled music. The next program is still very exciting. The students performed very well, with continuous applause and laughter. I also seriously participated in it and forgot the embarrassment just now.

  This "Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting" let every student in our sunshine class show their talents, and I also got exercise from it. Although I had a little accident, I personally realized that "not burning incense at ordinary times and embracing Buddha's feet temporarily" is not feasible. No matter what I do in the future, I will learn this lesson.


  Every Mid Autumn Festival, I enjoy the moon. This year is no exception, but this year's moon is very special.

  As the saying goes, "the moon on the fifteenth day is sixteen circles". On the evening of October 1, I stood by the windowsill to enjoy the moon. People often say that the new moon is like a bud, the half moon is like a ladle, and the full moon is like the bright eyes of Xizi. I don't think so“ The proverb "clouds cover the moon on August 15" just explains this, and so does August 16. The moon was covered by light clouds, showing a light red, full of this mysterious atmosphere. And the lunar halo set off by the night gives people unlimited imagination. I was gazing at the night sky, with a few faint stars arranged thinly. In the boundless night sky, it is difficult to find, not very remarkable.
  I would like to walk in the clouds with the moon, or stand on the windowsill and stare quietly. The silver moonlight gently sprinkles on me, which is the most real contact with nature. Looking at the moon, I can't help thinking of Li Bai's "Emei Mountain Moon Song" and Mr. Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight in the lotus pond". These rare masterpieces express different feelings《 "The Moon Song of Emei Mountain" expresses the longing for hometown. The moonlight in the lotus pond expresses the author's sadness. The moon shines selflessly and impartially on the earth, but also gives comfort and family thoughts. The mid autumn moon has always symbolized beauty, missing and tenderness. How many poets see the moon and write poems that have been handed down through the ages, and how many people are melancholy about joys and sorrows. I don't have those experiences, but I think of the Wenchuan earthquake. Thousands of people lost their homes and families because of the earthquake. It has touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, flying over mountains and oceans with warmth and converging here. The mid autumn moon is like a messenger, passing thoughts, warmth and love among people.

  "I hope people can live for a long time and share the charm of thousands of miles". The reverie brought by the mid autumn moon has left a bright moon in my heart. Friends, let's let the moon leave a trace in our hearts!

