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【#成考# 导语】愿你们驾驶着信念铸造的航船,到希望的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2018年成人高考高起点英语基础试题【二】》供您查阅。

  ( ) 1、Tom, together with his family,________ to see us tonight.

  A.is coming B.are coming C.comes D.come

  ( ) 2、——— Have a nice weekend!

  ——— _________ .

  A. The same to you B. You do too

  C. The same as you D. You have it too

  ( ) 3、We had trouble _____ the path through the forest.

  A.to find B. for finding C. finding D. with finding

  ( ) 4. We hadn’t met for 20 years, but I recognized her ____ I saw her.

  A.the moment B. for the moment

  C.the moment when D. at the moment when

  ( ) 5、It ________the village where we spent our holidays last summer.

  A.reminds me of B.reminds me to

  C.remembers me of D.remembers me to

  ( ) 6、Jack works so hard as he dreams ________owning his own house soon.

  A.to B.with C.of D.on

  ( ) 7、Jack needs a new coat, he is going to buy ____ .

  A.one B. a one C. it D. that

  ( )8、While cleaning a long-deserted house the other day I came______an old photo of my grandpa.

  A.to B.by C.across D.with

  ( ) 、Jane was ill for about a week, She didn’t ________ until yesterday.

  A.get good B.get rid of C.get over D.get on

  ( ) 10、- I feel a bit thirsty.

  - Why don’t you have ________ tea?

  A.any B.some C.little D.a few

  ( ) 11、- Do you think we’ll still catch the train?

  - Well, we won’t ________ we walk faster.

  A.as B.unless C.until D.no matter how

  ( ) 12、- May I move your bag a little and take this seat?

  - ________.

  A.I don’t mind B.Go ahead C.It doesn’t matter D.You do it, please

  ( ) 13、It’s very kind________ invite me to your birthday party.

  A.from you to B.of you to C.by you to D.that you

  ( ) 14、The garden requires ________.

  A.watering B.being watered C.to water D.having watered

  ( ) 15、Hardly________ his speech when he saw the audience rise as one.

  A.had he finished B.did he finish

  C.he finished D.he had finished

  ( ) 16、The tailor made him a new ________.

  A.clothes B.wear C.dress D.suit

  ( ) 17、You never told us why you were late for the party, ________?

  A.weren’t you B.didn’t you C.had you D.did you

  ( ) 18、The heavy snow could not keep us ________going out to work.

  A.from B.on C.upon D.up

  ( ) 19、I learned how to ________a bicycle when I was six years old.

  A.drive B.ride C.pull D.draw

  ( ) 20、He is so shy that he________speaks in the public.

  A.often B.frequently C.seldom D.sometimes

  ( ) 21、It took me ______ to get to the station.

  A. one and a half hour B. an hour and one half

  C. one and half hours D. an hour and a half

  ( ) 22、- Do you mind if I smoke here?

  - ________.

  A.No, please don’t B.Yes, please

  C.No, not at all D.Yes, if you like

  ( ) 23、There are about 70 people ________ in the accident.

  A.were killed B.who killed C.killing D.killed

  ( ) 24、Watch your step,________ you might fall into the water.

  A.or B.and C.unless D.but

  ( ) 25、"________ lately? I have not seen you for quite some time."

  A.Where were you gone B.Where did you go

  C.Where were you going D.Where have you been

  ( ) 26、________ the friendship between our two people last forever!

  A.Could B.May C.Would D.Must

  ( ) 27、I suppose I can count________you for help in this matter.

  A.of B.on C.at D.to

  ( ) 28、The reason ________ I’m writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.

  A.because B.why C.for D.as

  ( ) 29、I pulled the handle________ I could.

  A.so hardly as B.as hardly as C.so hard as D.as hard as

  ( ) 30、They found the lecture hard ________.

  A.to be understood B.to understand

  C.for understanding D.to have been understood

  参考答案:1-5: A A C A A 6-10: C A C C B 11-15: B B B A A

  16-20: D D A B C 21-25: D C D A D 26-30: B B B D B

