

时间:2022-04-17 13:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明时节心戚戚,缅怀先烈寄哀思。英烈虽逝,精神永存。我们宁静安稳的盛世今天,正是无数革命先烈用热血和生命点亮的明天。在这个清明节,让我们为英烈送上一束花,传承那份永恒的精神,致敬那些不朽的青春!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon. At this time, people's feelings of missing their loved ones can't help but become stronger.

  This year is a special year. Although we can't go to the grave, we have those relatives in our hearts, and they will live in our hearts forever. When my family comes to Qingming every year, my elders will sacrifice their ancestors. At this time, I will think not only of my dead elders, but also of those anti Japanese heroes. For example: Huang Jiguang who blocks the muzzle with his chest; In order to move forward, Dong Cunrui held up the explosive bag with one hand; And the young hero Wang erxiao, who took the enemy into the siege and died under the enemy's gun. My heart will never forget those heroes, and will always miss those revolutionary martyrs who are firm and tenacious and would rather die than surrender.

  Qingming Festival is a day for the Chinese nation to worship the dead relatives and a festival to remember the kindness of our ancestors. When the drizzle drizzles the grass in the field and falls on the cold tombstone, even heaven and earth are mourning. The drizzle seems to be warning us not to forget what we should not forget. Of course, I will not forget that millions of people have expressed their infinite memory and respect for countless Chinese heroes and martyrs through online flower donation messages.

  Now is a beautiful era of peace. The smoke of gunpowder has gone away from us, but it is the blood of countless heroes who put out the war. They bought a good life with their lives. We should remember them, history and the hard years. Every era has the dedication of every era. Our next generation should also inherit this spiritual quality and strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

  The future of the motherland is firmly in our hands. We want to create a better tomorrow.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day again.

  Qingming, the word sounds very comfortable. It is clear and clear, the weather is getting warmer, plants sprout, and everything is thriving. However, today is the day of tomb sweeping, which is no different from some people who have just lost their loved ones, so it is "worse". If I sweep the grave, it is easy to cause a fire, because the climate is very dry and windy, so I chose a convenient and safe way - Online sacrifice to heroes. This activity founded by several websites such as China civilization network is really good. If you don't go out, you can give the martyrs flowers, bow and leave messages.

  Leave a message. I have more to say. Think of the past, when China was humiliated, it was those revolutionary martyrs who bravely marched forward regardless of their lives. They threw their heads and shed blood. Without them, how could we live this beautiful life today? Without them, how could we sit in a spacious and bright classroom and study carefree today? They are the saviors of China and our Chinese people!

  Seeing this, I can't help thinking of Huang Jiguang, the hero of the war of resistance against Japan.

  On the Korean battlefield, our army and the enemy are fighting fiercely. Our army must win before dawn. But how can it be so easy to fight? The enemy's firepower was so fierce that the soldiers made repeated raids and were shot back by guns denser than raindrops. The situation was imminent. At this critical moment, Huang Jiguang firmly asked him to perform the task. Finally, he was agreed. Then he rushed forward with two soldiers and grenades. They crawled forward in smoke and fire. However, the enemy found them. One soldier died and the other was injured. The heavy task of destroying the enemy's firepower had to fall on him alone.

  Bullets came like hail. Huang Jiguang was scarred, but he continued to climb forward tenaciously, closer and closer. Suddenly, Huang Jiguang stood up with Lei. The enemy's fire point had collapsed in half, but Huang Jiguang fainted again. The soldiers rushed forward, only to be beaten back by the enemy. The stipulated time is approaching, but the war has not been won. Huang Jiguang suddenly stood up again and blocked the enemy's muzzle with his chest. The soldiers rushed up and the war was finally won.

  Thinking of this, I couldn't help but tremble, and the sour feeling flowed out like running water. Not only Huang Jiguang, but also so many martyrs ended their lives with loyalty to the party. Tears are in the corner of my eyes, but I can't squeeze them out. It comes to my heart again. I hit the keyboard and wrote: "don't forget the martyrs to throw away their loyal bones and revive the Chinese soul. The martyrs will live forever!"


  The tomb sweeping day schools in the past organized us to go to the martyrs cemetery to sweep the grave. This year, thanks to the influence of COVID-19, we will sacrifice heroic online.

  On the website of sacrificing martyrs on the Internet, I learned the touching stories of the martyrs who threw their heads and shed blood for the motherland and the people, and did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, and more deeply realized the noble quality and revolutionary spirit of the martyrs who were faithful and unyielding, brave and fearless. Today covid-19, we should not only sacrifice the revolutionary martyrs, but also pay homage to those angels who have sacrificed their lives to protect their families before the new crown disease.

  After the memorial ceremony, I think: I must study hard in the future, grow up and devote myself to the construction of the motherland. I can't let these martyrs sacrifice in vain and let their blood flow in vain.


  On the occasion of the annual Qingming Festival, the online public sacrifice activity of "offering sacrifices to heroes online and casting the Chinese soul" is in full swing. Millions of netizens, especially young netizens, expressed their infinite remembrance and respect for countless Chinese heroes and martyrs through flower offering messages.

  With China's economic and social development, the emergence of new media with network technology as the core has changed people's social life and work style. There are 111 million Internet users in China, and 80% of them are under the age of 35. How to use the Internet to carry out ideological and moral education and socialist concept of honor and Disgrace Education among teenagers has become a subject to be solved in the youth work under the new situation.

  As a new way of offering sacrifices on Qingming Festival, which is environmentally friendly, harmonious and civilized, "online public sacrifice" has been welcomed by the broad masses of the people, especially young people. It is of great significance to carry out patriotism education and socialist concept of honor and disgrace education. "Online public sacrifice" has the advantages of spanning time and space, convenience and wide participation. It is novel, economical and flexible. It is conducive to stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to love the country and the people, know honor and shame, mobilize the enthusiasm of young people to participate, and play a good effect of "promoting learning through the Internet and promoting growth through learning".

  "Online public sacrifice" is worth advocating.


  With the development of science and technology, everything can be done online. However, the heroes and martyrs who made China have a better life today have died. Shouldn't we remember and miss them?

  lately, I also took part in a civilization sweeping activity called "online sacrifice to heroes". When I entered the website, the blue sky and martyr statues appeared in front of me, as well as the sentence "don't forget the martyrs, throw away their loyal bones and revive the Chinese soul". Yes, the martyrs fought to the death with the enemy and sacrificed their lives for the establishment and development of new China. Their heroic behavior is really admirable. I clicked "sacrifice flowers" A bunch of flowers appeared in the button. I ordered "bow" again. A villain stood up and bowed. Although the form is simple, my memory and thoughts are sincere. I think it's time to leave a message, but what? I went to see the messages sent by others. Looking at it, the image of revolutionary martyrs appeared in my mind, including Huang Jiguang. That time, our army fought with the enemy. The enemy's artillery fire was so fierce that our army couldn't rush up. Huang Jiguang and two comrades in arms went to bomb the bunker with thunder. Two comrades in arms died in the bullet rain, and Huang Jiguang was also scarred, but he stood up and continued to move forward. Suddenly he fell down again. He stood up again and threw the last thunder. The enemy's fire points were few, but his comrades in arms still couldn't rush through. It turned out that there was still one fire point that hadn't been blown up. Huang Jiguang climbed over with difficulty and blocked the enemy's muzzle with his chest. The comrades in arms took the opportunity to rush over, but Huang Jiguang died. His heroic image remained in our minds for a long time.

  I thought about it and wrote a message: "the martyrs sacrificed for the new China. We should protect the new China they created and build a better motherland with our knowledge." China is great, and the heroes are even greater. We should remember and miss them.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day and a good time to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs. I participated in the activity of "offering sacrifices to heroes online and jointly casting the Chinese soul". I can't help thinking of many stories of heroes who bravely killed the enemy.

  First of all, I think of Qiu Shaoyun. In a battle, the enemy's incendiary bomb ignited the grass around him. In order not to expose the target, he endured the pain of burning himself with fire and kept still to ensure the victory of the battle.

  Thinking of Dong Cunrui again, in order to open up a way forward for the army, he bravely held up the explosive bag, pressed close to the bunker, opened the fuse and made a heroic sacrifice!

  Many revolutionary martyrs worked tirelessly and bravely to kill the enemy for national independence and national self-improvement, opening up a broad path for the happiness of the people. We must cherish this hard won happy life, study hard, make progress every day, strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge well, become good students with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique, build and defend the motherland when we grow up, make the motherland stronger and not be bullied by other countries.


  It was overcast and drizzled. On weekdays, the blooming flowers lowered their heads, and crystal tears hung on the small green leaves. Today is the annual Qingming Festival. I can't help feeling sad when I look out the window at the drizzle.

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. With a deep feeling, I logged in the online sacrifice to heroes column of China civilization. I came to the online tombs of those heroes who died heroically to build new China and drive away the Japanese invaders, and expressed my blessing and respect to the martyrs.

  "Today, although we have lived a happy life, we should reflect and cherish it. We must not forget those revolutionary martyrs who bled for national independence and people's liberation. They built today's great wall of steel with their own flesh and blood, making people who do not want to be slaves stand up. Our happiness today is really hard won! They bought it with their own blood, so that we can sit at peace Study in a quiet and comfortable classroom and grow healthily.

  We have not forgotten their Yingling. We should use our hearts and actions to comfort those countless martyrs. The Red China is still bright red. We will complete their unfinished business and build our motherland and our home better. "I wish you a happy holiday! Revolutionary martyrs, you are our pride and our pride. We should study hard, cherish time and cherish today's beautiful life. We love life, pursue truth and are determined to become students with ideals and morality. Study hard and fulfill your unfinished wishes." This is my heartfelt words. I left a message for my ancestors on the Internet.

  On the Tomb Sweeping Day, facing the online tombs of martyrs, "it rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." this immortal poem has echoed in my ears for a long time

  We should cherish today's good time. Let us always remember that without the heroic dedication of revolutionary martyrs, there would be no new China. Without the successive revolutionary martyrs, we would not have a happy life today. Forgetting the past means betrayal. Forgetting the great achievements of our ancestors is also a betrayal.

  As middle school students, we should study for the rise of China and the take-off of China!


  Qingming Festival is coming. In this season of light breeze and drizzle, the school organized an "online sacrifice to heroes" activity to honor the revolutionary martyrs who once sacrificed their lives for the country and the people.

  Whenever the national flag rises, our national anthem, the march of the volunteers, echoes in our ears, "get up! People who do not want to be slaves! Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall! When the Chinese nation is in the most danger, everyone is forced to make the last roar! Get up! We are united as one and march forward against the enemy's gunfire! The spirit of patriotism is immortal!" Listening to this sonorous and powerful song with high morale, my heart fluctuates and my thoughts are myriad. Martyrs, it was you who turned your love for the country and the working masses into a spiritual force to fight the enemy in battle. You were not afraid of sacrifice, moved forward bravely, and established a new China in which the people were the masters of the country; Martyrs, it is you who, at the moment when socialist construction is most in need, threw away everything from your family and individuals, stood up without hesitation, selflessly dedicated your precious life to the motherland and the people, and sprinkled your blood all over the land of the motherland.

  Look at the era we live in now, there is no smoke of gunpowder and no war; Look at the era we live in now, the motherland is prosperous and strong and the environment is superior; Look at the era in which we live now. The people live in prosperity and live and work in peace and contentment... All this is cast by the blood and tears of the martyrs. Without the bloody struggle of the martyrs in the past, there would be no better life today! The peaceful living environment provides us with good learning opportunities. We should study hard and live up to the expectations of our motherland! We should not only cherish our present life, but also remember history and the hard years in the past. When we need to make contributions, we must also learn from their spiritual qualities and fight bravely for our country!

  "The eagle strikes the sky, the fish soars to the shallow bottom, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom. I am sad and vast. I ask who is in charge of the ups and downs of the vast earth? I have traveled with hundreds of partners and recall the past eventful years. I am just a young student, in full bloom; a scholar is full of spirit, and wields everywhere. I give directions to the rivers and mountains, stir up words, and the dung and soil is ten thousand marquis in that year." Grandpa Mao Zedong's poem points out the way forward for us. We will live up to the expectations of our ancestors and be ready at all times! We will always inherit the will of the martyrs, follow the footsteps of the martyrs, stride towards a brilliant tomorrow, and let the bright five-star red flag fly forever over the motherland!


  A few days ago, the teacher asked us to participate in the activity of "online sacrifice to heroes" on the Internet. The reason why the teacher asked us to participate in this activity is to let us remember the selfless contribution and fearless spirit of the older generation for our better life now.

  At the beginning of last century, China, our motherland, was still a weak and small country. Therefore, the Japanese imperialists launched a war of aggression against China, but they did not succeed. Why? It is because some great patriots of our country have defended our land with their own lives and blood. Drove the Japanese devils out of our motherland.

  "If a young man is strong, the country will be strong; if a young man is rich, the country will be rich." As successors in the 21st century, we should study hard and create a stronger China. If we don't study hard and the Japanese invade our motherland when we grow up, how can we resist and raise a small white flag to surrender?

  Students should know that video games made in Japan and the United States are among the best in the world, but few teenagers in Japan and the United States are addicted to computer games, but in China, many teenagers are addicted to computer games. In fact, this is a conspiracy of Japan and the United States, because they have created video games to make Chinese teenagers addicted to video games and neglect their studies. What else can we take to fight others in a few decades? Therefore, we should start from now on, shoulder the responsibility of our successors, study hard and contribute to the motherland.

  Students, let's keep in mind the words "a strong young man makes a strong country; a rich young man makes a rich country" and study hard to make our motherland stronger!


  The annual Qingming Festival is coming. According to the teacher's requirements, I have collected a lot of information about Qingming Festival on the Internet, and have a better understanding of the origin and customs of Qingming Festival. The original Qingming Festival has a history of more than 2000 years. It is not only an important folk traditional festival, but also an important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.

  There was a light rain on Tomb Sweeping Day. I begged my mother to take me to the martyrs' cemetery to visit the tomb. My mother told me that there was a more civilized and environmentally friendly grave sweeping ceremony and asked me if I wanted to try it. Of course I want to know what's going on, but I saw my mother turn on the computer. Does my mother want to go online for a while? I hurried my mother anxiously. I saw that my mother quickly opened a web page, and the five big characters of "online sacrifice to heroes" were prominently marked on the web page. At this time, my mother said to me, "you see, there are many online platforms for sacrificing heroes, which can enable us to realize our wishes without leaving home, and this way is more in line with today's new social trend of environmental protection, low-carbon, civilization and health." After listening to my mother's words, I was surprised that I could worship heroes and martyrs online. It's so cool.

  I can't wait to have a try. My mother told me not to worry. Let's see the content of the ceremony together. In fact, the content of the memorial ceremony is very simple, that is, bowing, offering flowers and leaving messages. The online home page is decorated with solemnity and solemnity. The background is the monument to the people's heroes and the group sculptures of revolutionary heroes under the blue sky and white clouds. There is a paragraph above: Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. We have had a good day today, which was bought by countless revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives. In the Qingming Festival, let's remember them and sweep their graves together! With reverence, my mother and I bowed and presented flowers for the heroes. Finally, it was time to leave a message. I thought for a long time and finally thought of a paragraph: "the revolutionary heroes are immortal. You exchange your blood for today's happy life, and we use our hands to create a better tomorrow."

