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【#英语资源# 导语】嘿,同学们知道吗?“天宫课堂”第一课即将开始,会与地面课堂进行实时交流,传播载人航天知识,激发广大青少年对科学的兴趣。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everyone has his own dream. Only when he has a dream can he have the motivation to pursue and have a bright future. Aerospace is always my dream. I hope I can fight for my dream like the ancient officials; Dare to fly to the sky like Uncle Yang Liwei; Have the same courage to explore and discover as the staff who pay silently behind

  Every time I hear stories about aerospace and see news about aerospace, it will always lead to my childhood flying dream. When I was a toddler and babbling, I often heard my parents mention uncle Yang Liwei, praise him for his greatness and praise him as an aerospace hero. hero? Naive, I didn't quite understand the meaning of the word "hero" at that time, but looking at the envious faces of adults, I couldn't help but make a secret decision: I want to be a hero, too. Gradually, I went to primary school and opened the dictionary. I really knew the meaning of hero; A hero is an admirable person. When I really understood the meaning of hero, I said to myself, "I must be a hero, and a hero like Uncle Yang Liwei."

  the flight of time. Although childhood has quietly left, I still remember the flying dream at that time. Gradually, I learned more about popular science, the myth of Chang'e running to the moon, and the longing of the ancient people for the heavenly palace. Later, I also learned the flying story of ancient officials wanhu. His spirit of daring to devote himself to the flying dream is very worthy of future generations to learn. Of course, there are great risks in space flight. I have also heard the news of space shuttle explosion in the air, but no matter how, it can not stop my desire for space and erase my space dream. Now China's science and technology are becoming more and more developed. Shenwu shenliu went to heaven one after another, launched the Chang'e satellite, and formulated the moon landing plan. Looking at these achievements one after another, I have a firm belief in my heart: study hard, study hard, master Aerospace knowledge, exercise Aerospace skills, and realize my Aerospace dream as soon as possible.


  The arduous conditions tempered the astronauts' spirit of being able to bear hardships. The space industry started under extremely difficult conditions. In order to realize the dream of flying in the sky as soon as possible, the vast Gobi and the vast ocean have spared no pains, sun and rain, overcome countless difficulties and made great sacrifices. The severe challenges have forged the spirit that astronauts are particularly capable of fighting, and the lofty mission has radiated the spirit that astronauts are particularly capable of tackling key problems. We teenagers should work harder and study hard. In life and study, if you encounter difficulties and setbacks, don't escape, don't shrink back, advance in the face of difficulties, forge ahead and dare to win. Some students encounter a little setback in life, lose confidence and hope in life, and feel that nothing in the world is good. Therefore, they seek short-sightedness and hate to die. You know, the world is very beautiful. We should cherish life and enjoy this beautiful life. Even if it is bad, it is an unalterable fact. Just as astronauts have to train in a severe environment, the severe environment is an unchangeable fact. They have to change themselves to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, we can't give up our mission because of a little setback, but we should grow up in the environment, in hardship and in difficulties to achieve our life and mission. The same is true in learning. Learning depends not on cleverness, but on hard work. Study hard, study hard and persevere. This is the eternal beautiful performance of the spirit of hard work in study.

  Unity and struggle have cultivated the dedication of astronauts. China's manned spaceflight project is a large-scale system project. Regardless of the front and rear, regardless of fame, wealth, gain and loss, the majority of aerospace workers perform their duties and stick to their posts, forming a strong joint force. We all live in the same big collective. For the common goal of protecting the collective, we should be indifferent to fame and wealth, regardless of personal gains and losses, be willing to serve the sages, unite as one and create brilliance. "Unity is strength", which is a powerful force and a force to urge people to move forward. With this power, we can overcome all difficulties, move forward bravely and achieve our goals. All mankind and countries in the world, as well as classes and families, should unite.

  Science is an important symbol of a country's development and progress. As teenagers in the 21st century, we must learn science well, love science and use science. Both science and humanities need us to hold high at the same time. A standardized student is not only the demand of the motherland, but also the person who will achieve great things in the future. Science and humanities develop simultaneously, and the coexistence of norms and personality is a word of vigilance against students.


  The first lesson of "Tiangong classroom" is scheduled to begin at 15:40 p.m. on December 9. The astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu of Shenzhou 13 will give space lectures at the China space station. CCTV will broadcast the whole process live.

  The space teaching activity will be conducted in the way of interaction between heaven and earth. The ground main classroom will be set up in the China Science and Technology Museum, and the ground sub classroom will be set up in Nanning, Guangxi, Wenchuan, Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macao. At that time, the three astronauts will introduce and display the working and living scenes of the Chinese space station on orbit, demonstrate cytological experiments, object movement, liquid surface tension and other phenomena in the microgravity environment, conduct real-time communication with the ground classroom, disseminate manned Aerospace knowledge and stimulate the interest of young people in science.

  The space teaching activity was jointly sponsored by the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Ministry of education, the Ministry of science and technology, the China Association for science and technology and the China Central Radio and television. CCTV will broadcast the whole process live.

  The teaching activities will be conducted in the way of interaction between heaven and earth. The ground main classroom will be set up in the China Science and Technology Museum, and the ground sub classroom will be set up in Nanning, Guangxi, Wenchuan, Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macao. At that time, the three astronauts will introduce and display the working and living scenes of the Chinese space station on orbit, demonstrate cytological experiments, object movement, liquid surface tension and other phenomena in the microgravity environment, conduct real-time communication with the ground classroom, disseminate manned Aerospace knowledge and stimulate the interest of young people in science.

  Eight years ago, in Tiangong-1, 300 kilometers away from the earth, astronaut Wang Yaping brought a new space teaching activity to the first "space class". Today, the Chinese people's own space station will usher in the first space teaching. First of all, the "Curriculum" is upgraded! The three astronauts will demonstrate more physical and chemical phenomena under microgravity conditions.


  "Space teaching" has opened up a new way of face-to-face teaching between science and technology and students. This is a new educational reform. This reform is bound to stimulate more teaching methods in social fields and students. Such as face-to-face teaching between writers and students, face-to-face teaching between entrepreneurs and students, and so on. Doing a good job in education is not only the responsibility of the school, but also the responsibility of all fields of the whole society. We all understand this responsibility, but what we have done is far from enough. Today, space teaching has taken a great step. I firmly believe that this great step will inevitably lead to social teaching in more fields, will inevitably become a new content of China's education reform, and the sacred responsibility of social education will be well implemented

  "Space teaching" completed a successful teaching by one speaker and two people. This is an initiative, which breaks the tradition of one-man teaching in the classroom. The author believes that such a teaching method should be promoted in the ground experiment. On the one hand, there are a large number of classes in our class, and the teachers are very tired when one-man teaching; On the one hand, many people cooperate with lectures, which is more vivid, three-dimensional and diversified, which is bound to create a richer learning atmosphere for students. This is an initiative of educational reform.

  "Space teaching" has a unique style of teaching with immersive perception. Teachers are integrated with knowledge and environment. Teachers' immersive teaching and students' immersive learning truly create the image synthesis of teachers, classrooms and knowledge. As a ground-based classroom, we should learn from it and create a new classroom according to the on-site environment, the current teaching content and the teacher's personality. Only the classroom is the most beautiful classroom.

  "Space teaching" is the crystallization of high technology and the fruit of educational modernization. It will certainly have countless enlightenment to our Chinese dream of education and lead to a more wonderful Chinese dream of education.

  I hope there will be more such space lectures in our Chinese dream of education. There are a variety of factory lectures, shopping malls, warships, aircraft lectures, etc. the Chinese dream of education is a dream of the concrete implementation of three-dimensional, socialized, modernized, visualized, diversified and networked education.


  As a big country, China is realizing its dream of flying step by step. However, the aerospace industry needs successors. Space teaching is to make children love space. First of all, let them approach and understand space. Further stimulate the majority of young people's yearning for space and their enthusiasm for learning scientific and technological knowledge. Through the teaching method of dialogue between heaven and earth, the mysterious Aerospace Science and technology is gradually penetrated into the popular science education of the whole people, so that the people can have a deeper understanding of the relationship and role between aerospace and life, and then better understand and support the aerospace industry.

  The space course will also demonstrate the characteristics of object motion in microgravity environment and the action of liquid surface tension, so as to deepen the understanding of basic physical concepts and laws such as mass, weight and Newton's law. Microgravity environment is difficult to obtain on the earth. If it cannot be completed on the ground, it is moved to space. The experimental phenomenon will be more direct and intuitive without using inference and other methods. Live broadcast of such scientific research is worth looking forward to.

  Wang Yaping is in space, facing the earth and teaching to people on earth. He is the first Chinese space teacher, demonstrating the demeanor and style of a space power.

  Wang Yaping said: "in the face of the vast universe, we are also students. I look forward to feeling and exploring the magical and wonderful space with the majority of young friends to obtain knowledge and happiness." The universe is vast. The universe is magical, complex and changeable. Many mysteries in the universe are worth exploring. This is the attitude of science.


  Since ancient times, people have been full of reverie about the vast universe. With the development of science and technology, human beings gradually move towards space. But the voice of doubt gradually came: is exploring outer space a waste of people and money?

  Today, due to the limited resources of the earth, the world's aerospace powers have taken the steps of exploration to the outer space. The space is vast and has rich space resources, such as high vacuum, solar energy, moon, micro planets and so on.

  In addition, closely related to people's life, GPS navigation system is inseparable from the development of aviation. In recent years, space technology has made remarkable achievements in developing spacecraft high-position and high-speed resources to obtain, transmit and forward information, and has obtained great benefits, such as the wide application of communication satellites and remote sensing satellites. On the other hand, with the rapid development of military spacecraft, various new space weapons such as military satellites, manned spacecraft, ballistic missiles and anti ballistic missiles have formed an integrated space battlefield military system and will play an important role in joint campaigns. As we all know, without a solid national defense, it is difficult to guarantee our happy life.

  Without today's investment, we will not have the glory of tomorrow. The progress of aerospace industry will drive the development of relevant industries. The application of Aerospace Science and technology will have a significant impact on mankind. Only with the continuous progress of society and the continuous development of science and technology, our life will be more and more beautiful.


  "I'm a little bird. If I want to fly, I can't fly high..." I hummed Zhao Chuan's "I'm a little bird". I was lost when I walked on the road. I'm like the little bird in the song. I'm a man. How can a man fly? The thought of this makes me very depressed. But sometimes I still fantasize: my dream is to take a spaceship rocket, fly to space, and find a new living planet or other tasks. Hehe, that's great! But it seems unrealistic. Shenzhou V only carried Yang Liwei alone. Can it be me? Alas!

  I walked into my home and turned on the TV as usual. I saw that the announcer of CCTV news network was reporting: "at 9:00 this morning, China's Shenzhou 6 manned spacecraft was successfully launched at Jiuquan launch center. The astronauts were Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng." I watched the news reports about Shenzhou VI carefully almost every day, and learned about the basic situation of Shenzhou VI, the clothing, food, housing and transportation of astronauts, the difference between Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou V, and so on. I was very excited, but I also felt incredible. My God, in only two years, China has successfully launched two spaceships! You see, Shenzhou VI is much more advanced than Shenzhou v. astronauts alone have doubled. At the same time, Shenzhou VI's flight time has reached 115 hours and 32 minutes, several times more than Shenzhou V's 21 hours. What a big gap! In addition, there is food. Originally, there are several kinds of Shenwu, but there are more than 50 kinds of shenvi. In space, you can eat even shredded fish meat and kung pao chicken! This can activate my brain cells: Yes! According to the current development rate, a spaceship will go to heaven every two years, and one astronaut will be added each time. Should one spaceship be able to carry nine astronauts at a time by 2020? I can't help but be eager to try and brush my hands. I thought to myself, I

  Plan to be an astronaut and travel in space!

  The necessary conditions for being an astronaut are: superb flight technology, solid theoretical knowledge, strong body, good psychological quality and reaction ability. Superb flying skills, good psychological quality and reaction ability can be cultivated slowly in the future. Now I want to often exercise to enhance my physique. At the same time, I should pay close attention to learning and accumulate knowledge, hoping to become an astronaut when I grow up.

  I believe that in the near future, my flying dream will come true, and I will realize this dream!


  The Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft will be launched in the early morning of October 16. In this regard, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 15th that less than a month ago, China welcomed the successful return of Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft. In the early morning of the 16th, China will once again watch Shenzhou 13 fly into space with excitement. "This not only vividly explains China's manned spaceflight spirit, which is especially able to bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems and contribute, but also embodies the Chinese people's spirit of daring to pursue dreams, explore and never-ending scientific exploration in space."

  At the regular press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the same day, Zhao Li insisted that on the 15th, the press conference of Shenzhou 13 manned mission was held at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The spokesman of China's manned space engineering introduced the relevant situation. Shenzhou 13 manned mission is the key technology verification stage of China's space station, and the sixth mission is the decisive battle of this stage The battle of ending is also a key battle to connect the past and the future in the process of on orbit construction of the space station.

  "What I want to say is that this Shenzhou 13 mission shows China's new efforts and contributions to the common cause of mankind, manned space exploration. China will continue to increase the depth and breadth of international cooperation and exchanges in the field of manned space, and make positive contributions to mankind's exploration of the mysteries of the universe, peaceful use of space and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind." He said.

  Zhao Li insisted that it can be noted that there are many differences in the group work arrangement between Shenzhou 13 and Shenzhou 12, including that Chinese female astronauts will enter the Chinese space station for the first time and carry out extravehicular activities, Chinese astronauts will stay in orbit for the first time for six months, and Chinese people will spend the Spring Festival in space for the first time. "We look forward to hearing our compatriots' blessings from space for the first time when we watch the new year's Eve. Let's jointly wish the successful launch of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft."


  "Flying dreams never lose weight, and the tension of scientific dreams is infinite." Eight years ago, the message of "space teacher" Wang Yaping when teaching space for more than 60 million students in China still lingered in her ears. Now she has embarked on a space trip again and will become China's first female astronaut stationed in the space station and China's first female astronaut out of the capsule. Looking for sound and gazing, the mysterious and remote deep space is getting closer and closer to us, and beautiful "flying dreams" are becoming a reality.

  In the early morning of the 16th, Shenzhou 13 was successfully launched. At this time, it was less than one month before the successful return of Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft. The new "space travel trio" composed of Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu took a manned spacecraft to the Chinese space station. This mission will achieve multiple "first times" such as radial rendezvous and docking with the core module and transfer from the rescue ship to the formal mission ship. It will also carry out more space science experiments and technical experiments on the basis of the Shenzhou 12 mission.

  "Sit on the ground and travel 80000 miles a day, patrol the sky and look at a thousand rivers." In 2003, Shenzhou V spacecraft carrying Yang Liwei was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It took 21 hours and 23 minutes to successfully return to the ground, realizing the Chinese nation's flying dream for the first time. Over the past 18 years, there have been seven manned flights, with intervals ranging from years to months. The frequency of "business trips" is faster, the connection is smoother, and the preparation is more leisurely, showing China's ability to stand on its own in science and technology; From "one-day tour" to "quarterly Tour", and then to the "in-depth Tour" of this half year, the "space business trip" takes longer, takes greater, farther and more firm steps, demonstrating the pride of the self-confidence of a big country.


  Generations of astronauts, a dream of becoming a powerful country. The meritorious deeds of the older generation of astronauts have been firmly engraved in the annals of new China. In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, China's aerospace started from scratch, from Qian Xuesen on the other side of the ocean, who broke through all kinds of obstacles to return home to build a dream, to the second generation of Chinese astronauts represented by sun Jiadong, who launched China's first man-made satellite "Dongfanghong 1" and broadcast the song "Dongfanghong" by wireless telex, Then, the fifth generation of astronauts gradually developed manned spaceflight technology completely independently, "Chang'e", "Tianwen" and "Zhu Rong" roared, and the "Chinese imprint" has now shone in the sky, making a number of major scientific and technological achievements in manned spaceflight, lunar exploration project, deep-sea project, supercomputing, quantum information and other fields. China's aerospace has been bought back by generations of astronauts with their youth and life. Whether it is the "two bombs and one satellite spirit" or the "manned Aerospace spirit", it will be handed down from generation to generation.

  Heaven and earth are far apart, and we begin to feel the infinity of the universe. Homecoming is not the end. We have never stopped our exploration of the universe. The new "space travel trio" will take the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft and set sail for a six-month space trip. The continuous spirit of manned spaceflight will certainly make the Chinese step in exploring space more stable and further, and realize the great dream of building an aerospace power.

