
时间:2022-08-01 21:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的国庆节来临了,在这个小长假里,你有什么假期计划吗?©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  The breeze was blowing, and unconsciously, we ushered in this "seven day" holiday.

  On the national day, the sky is blue, and occasionally oneortwo white clouds drift by. When illuminated by the sun, they are golden, which is very interesting. This is like a coiled dragon; That, like an eagle... I don't know how long I haven't seen such good weather. a year? two years? Or longer. As far as I can remember, I remember that the sky is always gray, and the clouds are also gray. The air is always mixed with the smell of dust and soil. After several odd and even numbers, the air became better, and the weather was also beautiful during the National Day holiday.

  During the National Day holiday, roads are no longer congested. Everyone is resting in their own home. Who will run out foolishly and be busy? If you go out at this time, you will find that people no longer blindly pursue fashion and speed. Green mountains and green waters, poetic, have become the pursuit of every urbanite. Everyone on the street is slow and leisurely, as if they were ready. It doesn't matter if you bump into others carelessly. No one will have a hard time with others during the big festival. An apology and a handshake can turn fighting into friendship. During the national day, people also become friendly.


  The weather is fine on Sunday, XX, 20XX

  Today is the annual birthday of mother of the motherland - National Day. On this special day, all schools don't go to school, so my parents asked me and my sister to go to the zoo. My sister and I jumped with joy.

  But when we arrived at the zoo, we knew that it was not as easy as we thought -- finding a parking space. Because today is national day, so many people came to play. Cars lined up on the road like a huge dragon. We finally found a parking space. It had been half an hour.

  It was not easy to solve a big problem. As soon as we got off the bus, another big problem came into view -- queuing to buy tickets, and all ticket booths were lined up, forming a huge dragon. Looking down from high, there were heads everywhere, and there were black patches everywhere, like a black carpet. We struggled with time for an hour, and finally bought tickets. At this time, I sighed in my heart that I could finally enter the zoo, It's not easy.

  After entering the zoo, we first went to the penguin Museum. The little penguin in a black coat was like a little gentleman. It was very cute. Then we went to the elephant Museum. Look! The elephant shook its big ears and was fighting with other elephants. As a result, he won, so it held its head high and walked away with an air, as if to say, "look how powerful I am." Then we went to the bird garden, the crocodile Pavilion, and the hippo Pavilion. Out of the hippo Pavilion, it's already noon.

  So we found an empty stone table and ate the Bento made by my mother in the morning. After eating the Bento, my parents sat there and rested. My sister and I were playing nearby. This is, I saw a group of butterflies from the flowers. The butterflies dressed only in flower clothes were like beautiful elves. In the afternoon, my parents led me and my sister to row a boat all afternoon. When we had enough fun ashore, the sun was already West, and my father said, "let's go home." My sister and I reluctantly agreed.

  What a fun day! I really want to save time for today forever.


  On the morning of the first day of national day, I got up early in the morning, finished my homework, and had lunch. We went to the new public safety Museum in the park according to the scheduled plan. When we entered the public safety Museum, the first thing we saw was the "Car Simulator". WOW! Many people waited in line for a long time before I got a parking space. This car looks like a sports car. Sitting in my seat, I feel calm. Because I learned how to drive a car in theory,

  However, theory and practice are fundamentally different things. I thought that as long as I didn't move the steering wheel, the car wouldn't make mistakes, but the car was more difficult to drive than I thought. I often couldn't control the direction of the car, so I got on the non motorway for a while, hit the sidewalk for a while, and even hit the car and stabbed people. Miserable!

  Not admitting defeat, I played again. This time, my attention was also very focused, and the car was much smoother. Finally, I barely had a few car accidents less than last time, and my score was a little better than that of the previous game. After playing for several times in succession, I gradually become handy in driving. But I couldn't patronize myself, so I gave up my parking space to the children behind me.


  Today is national day. My parents promised us to climb the mountains together. I jumped three feet high with joy and smiled on my face.

  We began to tidy up: take food, water, and even more to play... Let's go!

  After a while, we arrived at the foot of the mountain. I was full of energy. At the beginning, I climbed the mountain immediately. My father and I said, "climbing so fast, my strength will be exhausted sooner or later." I didn't believe my father's words. I climbed faster and faster and said to my father, "no, I didn't climb very fast?" Gradually, my physical strength was almost exhausted. After a while, my parents surpassed me. So I said to my parents, "Mom and Dad, wait for me. I'm very tired. Will you wait for me?" Dad said, "as a man, you should learn to persevere, climb slowly, and strive to move towards your goal."

  But after a while, I arrived at the mountain. The scenery on the mountain was very beautiful. There were many trees, including camphor trees, pine trees, apple trees and so on. I saw an apple tree with apples. I picked it, took a bite and gave it to my father. I think this apple is delicious, but dad thinks it's not delicious at all. Maybe it's because I've eaten it. I picked another one and gave it to him. Now he said, "this apple is delicious. Where can I pick it? Let's take some home, so we can think how delicious the apples here are. Don't buy them." I took my father's hand and ran to the front of a tall and burly apple tree. I told him that this tree is so tall and big. Unlike the one at home, the apple is not delicious at all.

  Climbing mountains is like learning. We must persevere and challenge difficulties on the road of learning. Don't be discouraged in the face of all setbacks, have the courage to face!


  The National Day holiday is coming, and I go to Qianwei with excitement.

  When I got out of the car, I saw the Qianwei Minjiang Bridge I look forward to every day. The Minjiang Bridge is very magnificent. The structure of this bridge is very beautiful. A small hole can be seen every few meters. I walked across the bridge and came to the place where my uncle worked. The uncle and aunt there received us very warmly. It's time for dinner. Those delicacies make my mouth water. After dinner, we went to the river to play. As soon as I went down, I found that there was a large tea house under it. Then I went to pick up goose warm stones, which have different shapes and patterns. There is a beautiful stone. It is round. There are images of dragon and wind on the back and back respectively. The Dragon side is golden yellow and the wind side is fiery red. I wanted to take it away, but it is a big guy and I can't move it. It took us a long time to walk out of the teahouse.

  Now we are going to the Confucian temple, but now I have a backache, so I have to take a taxi! As soon as I got off the bus, I found it very lively here. There are all kinds of food, dishes, leather bags, and bed sheets. Once I entered the Confucian temple, it was really quiet, and there were trophies in the room.

  Ah! Although Qianwei is not rich, I think the cultural heritage of this place is indeed commendable.


  It was cloudy on Sunday, XX, 20XX

  There is a dragon in the ancient East. Its name is China. China is our beloved home and an ancient civilization with a history of 5000 years. From the map, it looks like a valiant rooster. Our national anthem is magnificent, and our national flag flutters slowly. It records the heroic struggle of the Chinese people. Hearing the National Anthem "March of the volunteers" will inspire the soldiers on the battlefield, braved the enemy's gunfire, and built a new Great Wall with their own flesh and blood. Our national anthem, It fully shows the heroic momentum of Chinese soldiers. "New Great Wall" refers to the fact that the soldiers' flesh and blood can be built into a tall, hard and inviolable new Great Wall on the battlefield. Seeing the national flag will make the soldiers fight bravely. In the heroic charge of countless soldiers, the enemy finally retreated and dared not invade this homeland with 56 ethnic brothers and sisters, so that he knew the strength of the Chinese people. The war was finally over. On October 1st, 1941, a dragon roared in the East, and our great motherland, the people's Republic of China, was founded!

  Broadcast by radio. The brothers and sisters of 56 ethnic groups in the north and south of China cheered together, and the whole country celebrated together. Since then, China has undergone rapid changes, China has become stronger, the people have become richer, China's large heavy and light industry factories have been built one after another, and China's high-rise buildings have been erected row after row. China's industry, China's science, China's construction, China's development and construction in every minute, China will be better day by day.

  Now, October 1 is coming again. On this special day, we will think of many heroes on the battlefield before the founding of the people's Republic of China, leaders who led the Chinese people to become rich after the founding of the people's Republic of China, and scientists who gave their youth to the cause of Chinese science. We will certainly have our own feelings, some particularly memorable and memorable events that have taken place in our country.

  Today, when the people celebrate the national day, some people still keep their happiness for a moment.

  October 1st, 1949 is the birthday of the Chinese mother of our 56 nationalities, and China has become the real Greater China.


  The National Day is coming. I'm very happy to think that there is a seven day holiday on the national day. Because I don't have to go to school, I'm free. However, the National Day is a little long. I'll be bored at home and there are too many people going out. What should I do?

  Speaking of national day, what do you think? Watch tv? To play? NO! NO! NO! No, the happiest thing is the "onion pulling activity".

  On the morning of national day, I finished my homework and had nothing to do, so I went to beihetao by myself. Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed in my eyes - isn't that grandma? Grandma was standing in the scorching sun, scarifying the soil with a shovel in the vegetable field, bending down again, pulling the onion seedlings out of the soil one by one, piling them into a pile, and clearly visible beads of sweat flowed down her face. Is this a new generation of "pulling up seedlings to encourage" should not be, even if it is, there is no need to pull out the whole onion seedlings from the soil. I asked my grandma with a blank face, "isn't there still a lot of onions in grandma's house? Why pull out the good onions from the soil?" Grandma said, "it gets cold in winter, and the onions will freeze out when they grow outside, so they won't sprout, so we should pull them out." Oh, so it's so funny to pull the onions, and I want to pull them out too. Grandma readily agreed. Then he bent down and pulled it out. Hum, I don't believe I can't compare with grandma. I thought to myself, and I pulled up unwilling to show weakness.

  It seems that labor is not as simple as I imagined. Pulling onions seems easy, but it is also very difficult. I always bend down and straighten my waist. After just working for a while, I feel tired, backache and hand cramps. It's so easy to pull out the onions and put them next to the car. This is not the end. My grandmother and I pulled out the old skin and dead leaves of the onions, so that such onions can be considered "qualified".

  Time passed in minutes and seconds. It was already noon when the onions were pulled out, and they had to be loaded into the car and pulled home. Pulling a cart is also a "hard job". Even the car with onions is about four times my weight. If it weren't for two wheels, it would be difficult for me to lift it back even if I could be separated.

  This national day is really happy, although very tired, but I learned a truth, that is - labor is the most glorious! Labor is the happiest!


  It was cloudy on Sunday, XX, 20XX

  It is another golden October and a season full of harvest. After several trials and tribulations, the motherland stands tall in the east of the world with its strong and unyielding backbone. We are proud, we are proud, we sing for a strong motherland.

  I once saw a netizen write such a poem: "when the wind and snow block the way back, we keep warm with each other; when sovereignty is challenged, we light our swords; when the sacred fire is humiliated, we will not turn back; when the virus devours life, we make up with love; when the train rushes out of the track, we wholeheartedly help each other; when the earth is shaken and torn, we open mountains and roads; face hardships bravely and stand up for China!" The poem is simple and concise, but it expresses the aspirations of the sons and daughters of the Republic to the motherland and sings the praises of the sons and daughters who are proud of having a strong motherland.

  After 60 spring and autumn, I recall the years of war. We have suffered, we have experienced hardships, we have had bitter pursuits, we have survived, we have gone through, and the backbone of the motherland is strong; We had dreams, we had ambitions, we also had countless happiness and joy, we all had, we all experienced. We are proud of having a nation that is not afraid of difficulties and moves forward bravely, and we are proud of having a strong backbone for our motherland.

  Some people say that if a person has no backbone, he will not stand and walk; If a country loses its backbone, it can only yield to others and crawl. Yes, a country with a strong backbone will have the motivation to overcome difficulties and constantly strive for self-improvement, and the courage not to be intimidated by any difficulties. The sun and moon that have passed in the past year are the days when the motherland has been tempered. Snow disaster, 4.28 car crash, 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake... Natural and man-made disasters seem to come one after another. The motherland is suffering, and it is also crying and heartbreaking for those children who have left. But the motherland is still standing, and China with a name of 5000 years of civilization is still standing in the east of the world; The motherland is still strong. A motherland with the faith and spirit of the Chinese nation and forge ahead is stronger than ever. Disasters can move mountains and fill seas, block rivers, destroy our beautiful homes, and make us lose good family members. However, we cannot shake the will of our children and crush the backbone of our motherland. The backbone seems ordinary, but it is the fulcrum. It is not only the fulcrum for a person to stand, but also the fulcrum for a nation to rise up, and it is also the fulcrum for a country to advance with its head held high. Sometimes the backbone can't be seen, but we can feel that it is the enterprising spirit and strength of a nation and country. As long as we have the unyielding people and the strong backbone of our motherland, no difficulties can stop our motivation and courage to forge ahead.


  The weather is fine on Sunday, XX, 20XX

  The birthday of the motherland has come. On the occasion of this national day, I would like to say to this selfless mother, "you worked hard"!

  On this golden autumn day in October, Putian City is also dressed in holiday costumes to welcome the arrival of the birthday of the motherland.

  In the morning, when the sun rises slowly, colorful flags fly in the square in front of the Municipal People's Congress, and hot-air balloons dance happily in the breeze: sometimes, they shake back and forth; Sometimes, it swings left and right... More than XX people gathered in the square, waiting for the solemn moment there. With the beautiful and moving melody of "singing the motherland", the PLA took the bright red five-star red flag in both hands and walked out to the flagpole with vigorous steps. In the solemn national anthem, the five-star red flag rose slowly. At that solemn moment, it reminds me of the text I once learned, the first five-star red flag raised by Chairman Mao himself at the founding ceremony, and the lively scene at that time.

  The arrival of the national day broke the tranquility of Putian City in the past. There is a straight, spacious and clean street in the middle of the urban area, which connects from the east to the West and forms a straight line with the pedestrian street across the East and West, forming a "one" shape. The buildings, shopping malls, clothing stores, fruit stores on both sides of the streets and roads... Neon lights are installed at the door of the store: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple... Colorful, dazzling, overwhelmed. Cars on the streets and roads are running like waves in the Yangtze River. On the pedestrian street, there are a sea of people, and all kinds of people come and go, and the flow is endless

  Putian book city is no exception. There are many children sitting quietly on the carpet under the leadership of their parents, watching books attentively. That scene, if I had a camera at that time, I would definitely take a picture of this moving scene.

  Dear friends, we are the rising sun of the motherland in the 21st century, a dazzling star on the land of the motherland, the hope of the motherland and the pride of the nation. In order to make the motherland better tomorrow, we should work hard and make greater contributions to the motherland in the future.


  On national day, the sun is bright and the weather is pleasant. I made an appointment with several friends to go to Boyu picking garden to pick grapes.

  Autumn scenery is charming all the way. When the naughty autumn wind blows, the leaves are like little butterflies, occasionally fluttering and falling, leaving the arms of the tree mother; The wild flowers on the roadside are colorful, like endless' brocade '; The sea in the distance is endless. For a moment, it surges up and then retreats in a whisper; The grass also took off their green clothes and quietly changed into pale yellow autumn clothes.

  Happy mood shortened the long journey, and after a lot of twists and turns, we finally arrived at the vineyard. We were greeted by an old grandfather. Led by his grandfather, we couldn't wait to rush to the vineyard to taste the sweetness of Tizi grapes. When I came to the field, I saw a large vineyard. I couldn't see the end at a glance. Clusters of grapes hung down, but many white bags were put on. Grandpa said he was afraid of pesticides hitting the grapes, so he wrapped the bags. I tore the bag carefully, and immediately a large bunch of purple grapes appeared, like Amethyst, agate, and bright pearls. It looked so attractive. Pick one and put it in my mouth, and the flesh was slippery and sweet. "It's too sweet, but it's really delicious!" I can't help exclaiming. I hurriedly stretched out my hand to pick this bunch of grapes. Grandpa even said no, I had to use scissors. I did it according to my grandfather's method, holding the bottom in one hand and holding scissors in the other. Just listening to the "click", a large bunch of heavy grapes fell into my hands. I was so excited that I immediately distributed them to everyone. We were happy to eat. With experience, we will quietly tear a small hole in the paper bag to have a look. The grapes inside are big and purple, so we will untie the bag, cut them out in series, and prepare to take them back to my grandparents to eat... In a moment, I am sweating.

  Today, we return with full load, not only realizing the joy and happiness of harvest, but also realizing the hard work of farmers' uncles.
