
时间:2022-09-09 04:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】庆国庆,大家齐欢乐,五十六个民族共欢腾,祝我们的祖国欣欣向荣。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The annual National Day is coming, and the streets and alleys are beautifully decorated, with lights and decorations everywhere, which is filled with a festive atmosphere. Today is sunny. My parents and I went out to play with a happy mood. In the street, a bright five-star red flag is planted at the door of every store. The breeze blows, and red flags flutter in the wind, showing the confidence of the Chinese people. I was dazzled by the stores. Every family carried out preferential activities to celebrate the national day. People dance and sing to celebrate the national day together.

  I saw a lot of cars coming and going along the way. Red lanterns and pretty lanterns are hung on both sides of the road; There are colorful flags hanging in front of factories and shops. It's very lively there. There are green lawns and colorful flowers. People take photos there. I also took a picture as a souvenir. The people's Park is more beautiful and lively at night. Cars are parked at the gate of the park. People come here to watch the performance one after another. It's a sea of people. It's very lively!

  When people are full of laughter, I think of some people who laugh more comfortably than us. They still have injuries and pains on their bodies, and they still have the faith of rejuvenating China in their hearts. They are patriotic soldiers who fought bravely and shed blood for people's better life today. They are real heroes! National Day, is the birthday of the motherland's mother, but also their real birthday.

  Today I am very happy, and I believe that the future of our country will be better.


  In the beautiful holiday of national day, my family participated in my grandfather's 70th birthday.

  Early in the morning, we hurried to Grandpa's place to make Ma Yuan. When we arrived, there were already several uncles and mothers cooking glutinous rice there. After cooking the rice, my mother put the rice into a large basin and brought it to the table. My aunt made the glutinous rice into a circle. My brother mixed sesame seeds and sugar together and put the glutinous rice ball in it. In this way, the glutinous rice ball was wrapped in a black and white coat. It was very beautiful. After that, everyone asked my grandfather to eat longevity noodles. He was happy!

  In a twinkling of an eye, it was noon, and everyone went to the restaurant to eat. There was laughter and excitement. It was time for dinner. When we were halfway through the meal, my brother asked our children to toast. When we got to the box and saw our little Grandpa, we said to her, "I wish grandpa luck and longevity." After dinner, everyone went to play.

  One afternoon passed quickly and it was evening. Everyone went to my uncle's house for dinner. Aunts scrambled to cook one by one, and the kitchen was very lively. After a while, plates of steaming dishes came out of the oven, and everyone ate them with relish. After the meal, the birthday cake came out, and the lid was opened. There was an old birthday star in it. My aunt gave the old birthday star to my little grandfather and wished him a long life.

  This national day is unforgettable. I like it.


  In this cool golden autumn, there is a festival to celebrate the founding of new China - National Day. What excites me most is that on national day, we will participate in a dance competition.

  On October 1, my mother took me to the place where I made up early. Because it was national day, there were so many people getting married, so there were so many people making up. The bride, groom, bridesmaid, flower girl... Packed the room. We waited for more than an hour, put on our makeup, and hurried to Mulan Culture Square in a hurry.

  Come to Mulan culture square, where there are a sea of people. The children in the competition wear all kinds of dance clothes, which set off the square like a colorful flower bed. By this time, the game had begun, and the crowd was blocking the stage. The teacher found us an open space beside the square and let us rehearse there. There was also a team rehearsing next to us. Their costumes were very funny. Half of them were white horses and the other half were yellow deer. They were very cute.

  "It's time for us to perform!" The teacher shouted. We ran to the stage together. On the stage, I was still thinking about what the teacher said: don't be nervous, just dance as usual. As soon as the music began to play, we began to dance. We danced as seriously and carefully as usual. It seemed that we had forgotten our nervousness and fear. We danced very well. Although I didn't hear the marks clearly in the end, I believe we can definitely get high marks.

  After the game, we went home happily. I'm so happy today. I wish tomorrow was national day! National Day, goodbye!


  Before the national day last year, Tongren was beautifully dressed to welcome the provincial tourism development conference held in Tongren.

  It was still dark that day, so I couldn't wait to ask my father to take me to Ximen bridge to watch the "fantastic Jinjiang River". When I came to the Jinjiang River, I found that it was already a sea of people and bustling... At this time, it was getting dark. Beautiful cruise ships on the Jinjiang River carried tourists down the river and swam the Jinjiang River smoothly. Looking at the gorgeous cruise ship, I was intoxicated and thought: maybe the people on the ship also regarded us as a beautiful scenery! Looking around Jinjiang, buildings decorated with colorful lights outline the majestic outline of tall buildings. At this time, the Jinjiang River is like a dream, a dream, a poem and a picture. It is really beautiful!

  Then, my father took me to Jinjiang square. The four words "Celebrating the National Day" composed of flowers and colorful lights in the center of the square were very dazzling. The surrounding neon lights make the square look enchanting and charming. At eight o'clock, fireworks started. Rows of fireworks burst into the sky. Some are like chrysanthemums, some are like peacocks, some are like heavenly maidens scattering flowers... I am dazzled and excited. I really want to be that gorgeous fireworks too. Go to look down on the beautiful Jinjiang River and decorate the charming Tongren

  This night brought a new dawn to Tongren's tourism development! This night brings hope to Tongren's future! I will never forget this night!


  Today is October 2, the weather is fine, the wind is blowing gently, and I feel very comfortable. My parents and I decided to visit Nanjing road together.

  As soon as I walked into Nanjing Road, I saw a sea of people, dazzling lights, and endless streams of people. We first walked into the first food store, where there were a variety of food, countless and colorful. Then we walked into Baodaxiang children's shopping center. There were a variety of children's goods in it, including school supplies, children's clothes, children's shoes, toys... My parents bought me a pen, a pair of Nike shoes and a toy remote-controlled car. I jumped up happily. Finally, the three of us were tired from shopping, so we had dinner at the island coffee. I ordered a lot of dishes, and I thought we would definitely not be able to eat; Unexpectedly, the three "big slanders" of us ate up all the food, which means that the food is delicious.

  We are going to return home, but I still don't want to go home, and I almost shed tears. My parents looked at my reluctant face and comforted me by saying, "it's OK, as long as you study hard, have excellent grades, and finish your homework on time at ordinary times, your parents will definitely bring you again in your spare time, and even go to further and more interesting places." At this point, I made up my mind and went home happily. When I was dreaming at night, I also dreamed about it, which made me talk in my sleep and made my parents laugh. Even I was embarrassed.


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the national day of the 11th. What are you going to do these seven days? Of course, we're going to Qianhu Miao village in Kaili, Guizhou. After several hours of rush, we finally arrived at our destination at 8:00 p.m. When I came to the parking lot, I couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of me. The parking lot was densely packed with thousands of vehicles, and I couldn't see the edge at a glance. This is the largest parking lot I have ever seen.

  After getting off the bus, we set out to find accommodation. We found a farmer's family nearby to live in. The warm hostess prepared us with rich Miao Cuisine: delicious and sweet snacks, fresh and delicious fish in sour soup, and sweet and delicious white cut chicken.

  The next day, we went to visit the Miao village. Most of the houses here were made of wood and were very short, commonly known as "stilted buildings". The whole mountain stronghold is densely covered with hundreds of wooden houses. These buildings are built along the mountain in rows. Viewed from a distance, they are scattered and well structured, which is spectacular.

  There is a river that passes through the village from west to East. This river is called "Baishui River". The river is clear and bottoms out. You can see the sand, stones, fish and shrimp on the bottom of the river from the car. Why is the Baishui River so clear? That's because there is less pollution here and no one litters in the river. I guess: the Miao people must be very hygienic!

  The most distinctive dress of the Miao people. Some of these costumes are colorful and some are plain. When they are matched with silver glittering ornaments, the young women can look beautiful on their bodies. This makes me very "jealous" and I wish I could take one back to show it off!

  This is really an unforgettable National Day!


  This year's National Day holiday includes the Double Ninth Festival. In our hometown, it is the Double Ninth Festival to worship our ancestors. So when we have a holiday, my father and mother, as well as my uncle, aunt and cousin in Hunan accompany my grandfather back to our hometown to worship our ancestors. In my impression, this is my first time back to my hometown.

  Due to the traffic jam on the road, we drove for 11 hours to Yulin, our hometown. It was already evening when we arrived. Looking at the small county town, which is not prosperous but still brightly lit, I couldn't help asking my mother: "where do we live?" But my mother's reply surprised me! My mother said, "I live in a farmer's house." Hearing such an answer, I began to wonder whether the environment of the farmer's house was good.

  Finally, I arrived in the town where I stayed. The house was much better than I expected. The house was six stories high, surrounded by many trees and a vegetable plot. The house we stayed in had air conditioning, and there were all kinds of things in the house. I approached the bedroom prepared for me. There was a big bed in it, which was very comfortable to lie in. There are also two warm aunts who have prepared a very rich supper for us. At this time, I looked at my mother with Huaining's eyes. My mother seemed to understand what I meant. She came in with a smile and said to me that this is not a farmer's home, but a relative's home in my hometown. We will go to the countryside to worship our ancestors tomorrow.

  The next morning, after breakfast, we went directly to the ancestral hall in the countryside. I heard grandpa say that this ancestral sacrifice is very important. We need to prepare a lot of sacrificial goods, and there are dozens of people together. Some are responsible for cooking, some are responsible for picking sacrificial goods up the mountain, some are responsible for weeding and opening the way, and some are responsible for shooting.. this return to my hometown to worship ancestors gave me a personal experience and understanding of the sacrificial culture of my hometown, At the same time, I also felt the enthusiasm and simplicity of my hometown people.

  This National Day holiday, I went back to my hometown to participate in the Double Ninth Festival ancestor worship culture, which made me very unforgettable.


  This year's National Day is different from previous years. We spent it in happy labor. It is firmly imprinted in my mind and unforgettable to me.

  There is a corn field in the master's house. We picked up our tools and set off in the sound of grandma's nagging. In the corn field, corn trees, like faithful guards, guard the mature corn babies in its arms; Bowing down, there is a clear river with many wild chrysanthemums and many unknown grasses; Looking up into the distance, fields of rice have turned golden, like groups of golden haired dolls grinning to welcome the National Day! Walking here is like entering heaven.

  I don't know when mom and dad have already peeled the corn. I looked at them curiously. I saw that they first held the middle of the corn with one hand, then peeled the corn with the other hand. When they peeled to the middle, they poured their hands once, and finally broke it with strength. Ho! The corn doll lay in their hands.

  I couldn't be idle, so I picked up the bag and filled it with corn. It looked light and easy, but I was tired when I worked. I kept getting up and couldn't bear it in a while. I took a sneaky glance at the master, and saw that he put the bag down first, and then put the bag up when it was half filled. Corn passed between the master's hands, and I did the same. oh It's really much easier.

  After working for a while, we sat down on the ground and enjoyed the beautiful scenery while eating and drinking in the corn field. How can it not make people feel relaxed and happy?

  On this national day, although we didn't travel, I gained experience, happiness and enrichment. Isn't it worth being happy?


  October 1st is the national day and the golden time for our travel and leisure. This time my mother took us to nanmenkeng to play.

  The road is not very far, and we will reach our destination in a short time. I can see a sea of people at a glance. Colorful tents are scattered on the golden sand beach, and thousands of waves are like a sea of clouds. Many people play on the beach. When I saw them, I threw down my things and ran into the beach like flying. As soon as I threw my shoes and socks off, I began to play.

  I want to build a sand castle. First, I fix the foundation below, then cover the upper layer after layer, and finally decorate the sand castle beautifully with dry sand. I thought, "can such a fragile sand castle block the attack of the waves?" So, I dug a river around the sand castle. I called it the "moat". I also found a stone to stand it in front of the sand castle. Suddenly, the sea came one after another. I quickly ran up and stood there watching the waves devour my sand castle bit by bit. The water soon came to my feet again. I followed the waves and sang the song "treading the waves" ("a little cloud, slowly coming..."

  Soon, the waves were getting closer and closer. I was pushed back by the rising waves and carried to the sea by the retreating waves. The waves rushed to my feet one after another, as if tickling me. I wanted to catch it, but it slipped away from my hand. I played a game of chasing with it. For a moment, I was chased by the waves, and for a moment, I ran after the waves. My happy laughter and loud waves echoed on the beach, and immediately my pants were all wet.

  While I was playing hard, it was raining cats and dogs. I had to say goodbye to the beach reluctantly. This was the most unforgettable national day I spent.


  October 1st is my mother's birthday. I had an unforgettable national day.

  During the national day, my mother and I went back to our hometown to participate in the activities of married women in our hometown, which is the most solemn activity in the history of our village. According to my mother, it took four or five months to prepare for this activity.

  That morning, we got up early and came to the gathering place with excitement and excitement. Unexpectedly, the scene was already crowded. It was said that more than 600 married women had signed up for this activity, plus thousands of people in the village!

  The lion dance team played gongs and drums to cheer up the opening of the event! With a "go" order, all the assembled teams set out in a mighty manner.

  Standing in the front were two flag bearers holding high flags, who opened the way in front like mighty generals. What I remember most is the team of married women wearing cheongsam: they are wearing colorful cheongsam, carrying flower baskets in one hand and paper umbrellas of various colors in the other, walking slowly and in step. It's so beautiful with a smile on your face! They walked back to the square of the village along the mountain road, neat and elegant, and looked like a giant dragon waving its tail from a high place.

  After arriving at the destination, after a simple welcome ceremony, everyone disbanded and went back to their mother's home to visit their relatives. My grandmother waited for us at the gate early. At that moment, I felt that my grandmother was especially kind and kind. The whole family sat together chatting and sharing every bit of life. Grandma also repeatedly told me to study hard and be a contributor to the motherland in the future.

  Happy times are always short. Unconsciously, it's time for a group meal. Thousands of people gather together to form a big family and taste delicious food together.

  After dinner, wonderful activities were held, which ended with the sound of firecrackers and fireworks and bursts of laughter.

  This is really a special national day, an unforgettable and happy National Day.
