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【#英语资源# 导语】看完一本名著后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,不能光会读哦,写一篇读后感吧。那么你会写读后感吗?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The happy winter vacation is coming to an end. This summer vacation is rich and wonderful. Among them, the happiest is reading "100000 whys" with my mother, which makes us understand a lot of things we don't know at ordinary times, enter the world of flowers, birds, fish, plants, ancient and modern exploration, and learn and master some scientific knowledge.

  We usually ask why birds fly in the sky? Before reading this book, I also wondered why birds can do it and why humans can't fly? It turns out that all parts of the bird's body are closely related to flight. Its ability to fly is related to its body structure. Its chest muscles are developed, which can affect the wing bones and make the wings flap. Light body and slender bones provide superior conditions for flight.

  In addition, its internal organs are also conducive to flight. Birds are bladder without urine in the rectum, so we can always see that it will excrete feces casually while flying. Ha ha, it is reducing weight and easy to fly! This is just one of them. There are a lot of fun

  The book gives me in a relaxed and pleasant process, constantly increasing knowledge and broadening my horizons. While understanding knowledge, I have formed the good habit of reading and learning!! Therefore, books are indispensable "good partners" with our study!


  A few days ago, my mother bought me some books. One of them is "100000 whys", which is my favorite. As soon as I got it, I couldn't wait to look and see it with relish. It's like I've entered a magical and wonderful world and I don't want to come out.

  The cover of this set of books is very beautiful. Why 100000 are prominently written in the middle. The colorful pictures made me eager to open and look at her.

  The content of the book is divided into astronomy and geography. Culture, science and technology. Human life. Animals and plants.

  Every "why" in the book is equipped with exquisite pictures, which gives me a more comprehensive understanding of the face of the facts. The text answer is very popular and straightforward, so that I know the answer easily.

  This book also broadened my horizons, accumulated knowledge and increased my intelligence. Make me a little "know it all". I really want more children to explore this attractive and wonderful world.


  During the winter vacation, my mother bought me a "100000 whys", which is really a very good book! There is a lot of knowledge in it. I seem to have entered an ocean of knowledge.

  This book "100000 questions" is the work of former Soviet writer miilin. This book is divided into six parts, which can also be called Six "stations" and appendices. It contains knowledge about water, fire, food, metal, mirrors, animals, plants and so on. I never thought that in a house, the author found so many observable things and asked so many questions. He must observe the objects from all angles and make records. I'm still far behind in this aspect. I really admire miylin!

  This "100000 whys" is very different from the popular science books I used to read. This book is like a snowball of "knowledge". The more you read it later, the bigger the snowball of knowledge will be. At the end of reading, all things are condensed together, which makes me understand that there is a close relationship between everything, such as animals and plants, water and fire. Unlike other popular science books, they are described one by one according to specific things. Therefore, I prefer this "100000 whys".

  By reading this book, I understand that science is around us. In the future, I will observe carefully and think more. This is my biggest gain from reading this book.


  I have read many books, including journey to the west, snow white, Arabian Nights and so on, but among these books I have read, my favorite book is 100000 whys.

  When I opened the book "100000 whys", I was curious to see many profound questions on it. "100000 whys" is a series of popular science knowledge, with countless contents. "100000 whys" often introduces us to some interesting natural phenomena, such as how the "four seasons" of a year are formed? What color is under the sea? Why is the sea blue? Why does firefly glow? I found many scientific principles and solved the mystery in my heart.

  One of the articles that interests me is "why fireflies emit light". The luminescence of fireflies is related to the luminous device at its tail, which contains luciferase luminous substances. When air enters the illuminator, luciferin combines with oxygen in the air under the catalysis of luciferase, and the generated energy is converted into fluorescence. The more air entering the illuminator, the brighter the fluorescence. It can be seen that fireflies do not emit light at night, but their brightness is not as bright as that of the sun, so they do not emit light during the day.

  Previously, I didn't know the nine planets and the Milky way at all. 100000 whys introduced us to the formation process of celestial bodies. I know the nine planets of Venus, Saturn, Mars and the earth, while the Milky way is composed of many nebulae like the solar system. The earth we live on is just a "little star" in the universe.


  Whenever I open the book "100000 whys", I feel like entering a magical world. There are many interesting questions, seemingly simple but with profound secrets. "100000 whys" is a popular science series, which covers everything from the universe to the trivial things of life. Every short and concise article will bring? Interesting scientific knowledge. It can not only increase my knowledge and broaden my horizons, but also improve my interest in learning. It's really my good helper.

  Before, I didn't know what the eight planets and mirages were. "One hundred thousand whys" introduced their formation process to me in detail. Let me know that Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the eight planets in the solar system. A mirage is a refraction of light. When the temperature distribution is abnormal in the vertical direction, it will cause the abnormal vertical change of air density, which will lead to the generation of refraction, resulting in the phenomenon of mirage.

  There are also many interesting things in life in 100000 whys, such as: why not advocate setting off firecrackers? Why do peeled apples change color? Why is the well water warm in winter and cool in summer? wait. The detailed scientific analysis in the book has made me understand a lot of truth and benefited me a lot.

  One of my favorite articles is "why parrots can speak", which makes me understand that these are related to the parrot's body structure. It has a flexible tongue that rotates at will, and its low voice is similar to human pronunciation. In addition, its memory is also strong, so it can vividly and easily imitate human speech. After reading it, I also want to keep such a smart parrot.

  I like the book "100000 whys" because it is a lamp that lights up our way forward; It is a key to open the door of our wisdom; It is a ladder that guides us to the palace of knowledge.

