
时间:2023-05-04 19:41:03 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】当劳动是种快乐时,生活是美的;当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today is labor day. When I got up together, I saw my mother sweeping the floor in the corridor. I saw the sweat on my mother's head, so I ran to the room, took a towel, walked to my mother and said, "mother, you've worked hard, let me wipe your sweat!" After I wiped my mother's sweat, she smiled and said to me, "you are a good filial child."

  At noon, I saw my father also working. I was curious: my father seldom works. Why is he cleaning today? After thinking about it, I ran over and asked my father. My father replied, "today is labor day. Everyone is working!" I looked, ah! My father didn't lie to me. My neighbors' uncles and aunts are also working! As I watched them work, I thought: today is labor day, and I should do what I can! So I went to get a broom and swept the floor seriously.

  I saw that all the places were very clean and there was no dust at all. I immediately felt very happy. Also secretly thought: my mother will praise me. As soon as I finished thinking, my mother came up to me. Seeing that all the places were so clean, she couldn't wait to ask me, "Jingru, did you clean all this?" I said, "no, no, it's thanks to my father!" The mother said, "you are a good child who is filial and sensible."

  After my mother left, I said to myself, "it turns out that helping my father, mother and others will be praised!"


  Today is may day. I want to do something meaningful. Because I usually see my mother's back pain when working, so I want to share some things and reduce some burden for my mother through this labor day. So I came up with a good idea: do a general cleaning at home.

  First, I began to scrub the doors and windows. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought: the general cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain? Do things from beginning to end. Although I didn't wash it cleaner than my mother, I'm also very satisfied because I helped my mother do a hard job today.

  When I finish all my work and look at the house again, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

  After this cleaning, I not only know: "as long as you pay, you will gain." I also understand the meaning of the sentence "persistence is victory". It will be beautiful.


  Today is may day.

  My mother and I got on my father's car to Jiuxian mountain with a happy mood. It was hot at noon, there was no wind, and the clouds hid. The sun hung motionless in the air, burning the grass. But somehow, I didn't feel hot at all.

  Along the way, the fresh air pounced on us, making us feel relaxed and happy. The azaleas on the mountain dress the green mountain like a beautiful little girl.

  It was about to reach the pool water, the sun gradually disappeared, and the sky was slowly dark. Suddenly, the wind was strong, lightning and thunder were loud, and the sky was about to collapse. Then, there was a heavy rain, and the sky seemed to drown the whole earth.

  The rain is getting heavier and heavier. We can't go up, so we have to go back to the hometown of national treasure. As soon as we got there, grandma and Grandpa were very happy to see us back. Even the dog was very happy, "woof woof woof" barked, as if welcoming us.

  It was dark. Grandma cooked delicious meals for us. After dinner, my father and mother talked with them and talked about the past. Everyone was very happy. If only I could come back often and stay with them!

  Happy may day this year!


  Today is May 1st. It is a festival for people all over the world. It is also a paradise for children. Children throw away their heavy cotton clothes and hats and run to the fields to play.

  Working people are the greatest people in the world. They created the world with labor and created our happy life today. It was labor that built the tall buildings we have today. It was labor that built a wide road. Labor is magical and great. The working people have created this colorful world and human civilization with the wisdom of hard-working hands. Let's thank the working people all over the world on this special day!

  This is a kind of "unknown, selfless dedication, adjusting our life with relish". We should all learn to be civilized, love our big home, cultivate labor feelings and form the good habit of labor.

  Of course, the most important thing is to work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and lay a good foundation for the motherland. This is the commemoration of International Labor Day on May 1.


  Today, I helped my mother with the housework. Usually, my mother always goes to work and is very tired; And she has a rest today and has to do housework, so I decided to do housework.

  In the morning, I get up early. I start mopping the floor first: I put the mop on the balcony into the bucket first. I used my hand to squeeze the water out of the mop, but I couldn't squeeze it out. It took me nine cattle and two tigers to squeeze the water out. At this time, I was almost tired. I held the pole and dragged it to the living room first. I moved the chairs one after another and dragged them under the table. I dragged them back and forth five times before I stuffed the chairs. I just dragged the living room for about three times before it was clean.

  Next, I drag the small room: because the small room is small, it is also very labor-saving to mop the floor. I first poured a little water in every corner, and then began to drag. I first drag every corner once, then drag the water out of the corner, drag it back and forth several times in the middle, and the small room will be towed.

  The last two rooms, the first bedroom, I dragged it in a moment, because the bed accounted for 80% of the room; In the second room and balcony, I first poured a basin of water in the center, then scattered the water and dragged it. When I dragged it, I was exhausted.

  I dragged the floor all morning. Although I was very tired, I felt the joy of labor.

