

时间:2023-12-06 21:34:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)
  (    ) 1. A. desk            B. bed                C. bag
  (    ) 2. A. food            B. spoon              C. look
  (    ) 3. A. quiet            B. queue              C. cute
  (    ) 4. A. strong           B. snake              C. snack
  (    ) 5. A. wall            B. ball                C. tall
  (    ) 6. A. plate            B. plane              C. late
  (    ) 7. A. you             B. me                C. your
  (    ) 8. A. ruler            B. eraser              C. crayon
  (    ) 9. A. bathroom        B. classroom           C. bedroom
  (    ) 10. A. uncle          B. aunt                C. ant
  1.            2.                 3.            4.             5.
  (   )      (   )        (   )        (   )       (   )
  (   )6. What‘s in your bedroom?
  (   )7. She has small eyes, long hair and a big nose.
  (   )8. I’d like some chicken and vegetables.
  (   )9. I have 13 pencils and 4 books in my school bag.
  (   )10. My father is a farmer.
  (   )1. A. Yes, please.         B. Sure. Here you are.    C. Wait and see.
  (   )2. A. I‘m fine.           B. I’m ten.             C. I‘m a boy.
  (   )3. A. His name is Mike.   B. She is a nurse.        C. He is a teacher.
  (   )4. A. Great.            B. I’d like some beef.     C. Wow! What a big lunch.
  (   )5. I‘d like some fish .    B. I have a bag.          C. I can see a bed.
  四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。   (5分)
  1. My father is a _______ and my mother is a ________.
  2. What would you like for lunch? I’d like some ________ and ________.
  3. Welcome to my _________.  This is my _________.
  4. Amy is my ________.  She‘s a ________.
  5. My schoolbag is heavy. There are many _________s and _______s in it.
  五、根据你听到的短文判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。  (10分)
  (   )1. Mike is my friend.
  (   )2. He has short black hair.
  (   )3. He has a heavy bag.
  (   )4. There are seven books in the schoolbag.
  (   )5. Mike likes painting.
  A. Do you like your classroom?     B. What are they?
  C. No, I don’t.                   D. How many classrooms do you have in your school?
  E. Yes, it is.
  A: Welcome to my school.
  B: Oh, it‘s very nice and big. _________________________
  A: We have twenty classrooms.
  B: ______________________________
  A: A computer room, a library (图书馆), a music room (音乐室), an art room (绘画室) and
  sixteen classrooms.
  B: Is this your classroom?
  B: Do you have a computer in it?
  A: ______________________________
  B: ______________________________
  A: Yes, I do.
  七、阅读短文   (15分)。
  This is my classroom. It’s very big. The doors are yellow. The windows are green. The floor is red.
  The wall is white. There is a computer on the teacher‘s desk. There are six lights and two fans in the
  classroom. The desks and chairs are very new. The wall and the floor are clean. I like my classroom.
  (    ) 1. The floor is yellow.
  (    ) 2. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk.
  (    ) 3. There are two lights in the classroom.
  (    ) 4. The windows are green.
  (    ) 5. The fans are red.
 Ⅱ. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。
  Hi! My name‘s Amy. Look at my family photo. This is my father. He’s a teacher. He‘s tall. He likes
  sports. This is my mother. She’s a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother. He‘s a baseball
  player. He’s strong. I love my family.
  (    ) 1. What‘s Amy’s father?
  A. He‘s a teacher       B. He’s a doctor.
  (    ) 2. What‘s Amy’s mother?
  A. She‘s a teacher.      B. She’s a nurse.
  (    ) 3. Is Amy‘s father tall?
  A. No, he isn’t.      B. Yes, he is.
  (    ) 4. Is Amy‘s brother strong?
  A. No, he isn’t.     B. Yes,  he is.
  (    ) 5. How many people are there in Amy‘s family?
  A. Four                       B. Five
  八、选词填空,使短文内容完整,每个词只能用一次。 (10分)
  [ singer,  teacher,  nurse,  family,  player ]
  This is my ______ photo. This is my father. He works in a school. He’s a _______. This is my
  mother. She likes helping sick people. She is a _______. My sister is a ________. She sings well. I
  like sports. I want to be a baseball ________.
  1. A:                                             ?
  B: It‘s in the door.
  2. A:                                       ?       1                2
  B: No, it isn’t.
  3. A:                                       ?
  B: Her name is Sarah.
  4. A :                                       ?       3                4
  B: It‘s a phone.
  5. A :                                             ?
  B: He is a doctor.
  十、选出单词和图片不一致的图,把编号填在横线上。 (10分)。
  A                              B                             C
  fridge                      spoon                          grandfather
  D                                      E                             F
  kitchen                             noodles                      fish
  G                       H                     I                      J
  table             hot dog               sofa                 window
  与图不一致的是: __________   __________        ___________   ___________    __________</P><P>

