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2017考研英语二大作文考前预测:私家车的增长 1.jpg

  Directions   Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should   1)interpret the chart, and   2)give your comments   You should write about 150 words.   The figures in the above column chart indicate the stable increase of private cars from 1980 to 2010. As is shown in the chart, there were five families in every thousand possessing a private car in 1980. During the next thirty years, the number was rising all the time. It went up to 40 in 2000, and in 2010, there were 70 private cars in every 1,000 families.   There are a good many factors for this increasing tendency and the main reasons could be concluded as follows. To begin with, with the speedy development of economy and the increase in people’s income, a large number of families could afford the car. In addition, a great many Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are being extended with high speed and many people’s houses are far from their work places. To them, owning a private car could save time and bring a lot of conveniences. Finally, with the development of the high way, the transportation is greatly improved, which creates the fine condition for the drivers, encouraging a lot of people to buy a car belonged to his or her own.   From the discussion above, we can conclude that families in mounting numbers will own private cars, and a private car will become a common household transportation tool, just like the bicycle today.   参考译文   上述图表中的数字显示了从1980年到2010年私家车的增长情况。如图所示,在1980年,每一千个家庭拥有5辆私家车。在30年中,这个数字一直在增长,2000年这个数字变成了40,而到2010年每千户家庭拥有70辆私家车。   私家车的增长是由很多因素造成的,主要原因可归纳如下。首先,随着经济的迅猛发展和人们收入的增加,很多家庭有能力负担私家车。其次,很多像北京、上海这样的城市正在加速扩建中,很多人的住所离工作地方很远,对于他们来说拥有私家车可以节省时间并且带来诸多方便。最后,随着高速公路的发展,交通状况大为改善,为司机们创造了很好的环境,鼓励着很多人购买一辆属于自己的车。   从上面的讨论中我们可以得出如下结论:越来越多的家庭将拥有私家车,而私车将成为一种普通的家庭交通工具,就像今天的自行车一样。   亮点词汇   figure数据 above上述 indicate描述 stable稳步的 increase增长 private car私家车 chart图表 family家庭 thousand千 possess拥有 during在…期间 thirty三十 number数字 rise上升 all the time一直 go up上升 a good many很多 factor原因 increasing增长的 tendency趋势 main主要的 reason原因 conclude得出结论 as follows如下 To begin with首先 speedy迅速的 development发展 economy经济 income收入 a large number of很多 afford买得起 car小汽车 in addition其次 a great many很多 city城市 such as例如 extend扩建 high speed高速 far from远离 work place住所 own拥有 save time节省时间finally最后 high way高速公路 transportation交通greatly极大地 improve改进 create创造 fine很好的 condition条件 driver司机 encourage鼓励 buy购买 belong to属于 own自己的 discussion讨论 common普通的 household家庭 transportation tool交通工具 just like正如 bicycle自行车   道长点评   考研写作已经两次考察与“汽车”相关的话题,分别是2007年MBA写作真题(即英语二大纲大作文样题)“2005年某城市交通事故”以及2011年英语(二)大作文真题“国内轿车市场部分品牌市场份额”。   经典句型   One enormous impact the automobile has had in China is that it led to the dispersion of the population out of urban centers, to the growth of the suburbs.汽车对中国产生的巨大影响之一便是导致城市人口向市郊扩散,从而推动了郊区的发展。   Another important impact the automobile has had is that the greatly increased mobility led to significant changes in leisure lifestyle.汽车产生的另一个重要影响是,由于流动性的极大提高,人们的休闲方式也随之发生重大的改变。   A third significant impact is that the automobile industry is regarded as a backbone, or key, industry, acting as an engine for and supporting many subsidiary industries, such as steel, machinery, glass, rubber, tire, paints, and son on.第三大重要影响是,汽车工业已成为一大支柱产业或关键产业,带动并支持着钢、机械、玻璃、橡胶、轮胎、油漆等许多辅助产业的发展。

