

时间:2021-08-07 13:54:37 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在"八一"建军节即将到来之际,我们大家欢聚一堂,共叙军企鱼水深情,意义非常特殊而倍感亲切,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is August 1st army day, a day of national celebration.

  In the morning, I got up early. Stepping on the balcony, I saw the sunshine outside. What a hot day it was. However, people downstairs are working. The "beep" horn sound and the powerful engine sound of the car are everywhere, giving people a kind of boredom.

  I can't help wondering: why don't you take a holiday? Can't people celebrate for the army? Don't you have to celebrate?

  Bored to the extreme, came the sound of TV. I came to the hall and saw a news on the TV screen. In this news video, a reporter came to a Xuejiadao garrison camp. A military doctor named Su Jie was giving drops to the elderly who came to see a doctor in the army health center. The reporter asked Su Jie: "why do you want a free clinic?"“ As a grass-roots military doctor, the people's trust in me is the greatest support for me. " Su Jie said, "I will try my best to repay the trust of the officers and soldiers and the people."

  After that, I couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Undoubtedly, my understanding of this major festival is so superficial. I turned off the TV, went to the balcony and looked at the people who were still working hard - yes, this is indeed a major festival. However, its celebration method is not to celebrate such festivals as the Mid Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival. Of course, the festival is to be celebrated, but isn't the labor of the people also a celebration of the soldiers? It has given invaluable support to soldiers. So in the military Festival, the soldiers are still working and working hard for the public. Isn't that also a kind of dedication to the cause? And this kind of pay is the sublimation of the great image of soldiers. Can it be said that the soldiers didn't spend such a festival well?

  On the TV screen, the red flag fluttered in the wind on Tian'an square and rose higher and higher in the passionate sound of the national anthem. The red flag is the intersection of the people and soldiers and the foundation of the motherland. In this solemn festival, celebration is no longer important. However, they are also celebrating, using their respective obligations as the most precious gift of military day!


  In August like a song, we ushered in the glorious festival of the Chinese people's Liberation Army - August 1st army day. Today, we are here with great joy to celebrate this glorious Festival and share the friendship between the army and the people. On this occasion, on behalf of all cadres and workers of the Regional Bureau of land and resources, I would like to extend holiday congratulations and cordial greetings to the officers and soldiers of the teaching team of the military sub district!

  For the victory of the Chinese revolution, the founding of the Republic, the development of socialist construction and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the people's Liberation Army has carried out long-term and unremitting hard struggle and established indelible historical merit. Under the leadership of the party, the people's army, guided by Mao Zedong's military thought and Deng Xiaoping's army building thought in the new period, and in accordance with the general requirements of being politically qualified, militarily competent, with a fine style of work, strict discipline and strong support, firmly adheres to the two historical topics of "winning wars and not deteriorating", unswervingly follows the road of elite troops with Chinese characteristics, and constantly strengthens revolutionization, modernization Regularization has made the people's army a world-famous division of justice, power and civilization.

  The troops stationed in Afghanistan of the military sub region have always maintained and carried forward the fine traditions and work style of the people's army. They regard the station as their hometown and the people as their parents. While making efforts to do a good job in war preparedness training, they seriously practice the important thought of "three Represents" and vigorously support the development of various undertakings in Aksu region. Where it is most difficult, where it is most needed and where it is most dangerous, there is the people's Liberation Army. In particular, it has made outstanding contributions to the development of various regional economic and social undertakings, and to the realization and maintenance of the crown of the national double support city, and established a good image of the people's army in the aspects of opposing the struggle against ethnic separatism, eradicating triads and evil forces, emergency rescue and disaster relief, supporting the construction of local key projects and military civilian joint construction. The people of the whole region admire you and thank you!

  The Regional Bureau of land and resources and the teaching team of the military sub district carry out activities in the form of regular friendship activities with the military and civilian pairing units as the carrier, with the goal of jointly improving the overall quality of the military and civilian. With the joint efforts of both sides, we have carried out military civilian joint construction activities for many years, achieved remarkable results, strengthened military civilian relations and built a bridge of friendship between the military and the people.

  Today, some cadres and staff representatives of our unit came to the teaching team of the military sub district to carry out condolences activities and present an air conditioner to the army for training and education to express our feelings.

  The new situation and tasks have put forward new and higher requirements for the work of double support. In the future, we should take the spirit of the 19th National Congress as the guidance, focus on the characteristics and laws of the development of market economy, and plan and expand the development ideas of double support work in a wider scope, in a wider field and at a higher level; Proceeding from economic development and military needs, with the purpose of strengthening military civilian unity, promoting economic development and improving the combat effectiveness of the armed forces, and taking solving hot and difficult problems as a breakthrough, constantly explore new ways of double support work; We will increase the content of double support in science and technology, promote scientific and technological cooperation between the military and civilian sides, and promote the great leap forward development of the local economy and the combat effectiveness of the armed forces.

  Comrades, let's do a good job and implement it in a more high spirit, further develop the new military civilian relationship of "breathing together, sharing a common destiny and connecting our hearts", continue to write a new chapter in the work of double support, and make new and greater contributions to creating a prosperous and strong future in Aksu.


  If I were the PLA, I would defend my motherland from invasion. In order to establish a new China, our ancestors threw their heads and shed their blood. After generations of efforts, we gradually established China into a rich and powerful country. As a PLA, I must not let anyone invade. If the enemy dares to invade, I must rush to the front line of the battlefield, fight hard to defend the motherland, beat the enemy one by one and flee. Of course, I will never let go of those who try to sabotage at home In the incident, the Dalai group plotted to split the motherland and burned, killed and robbed in Tibet. If I were the PLA, I must catch all the troublemakers together with their leaders, and then send them to the public security bureau to bring them to justice. Let them know the power of the PLA and let them understand that the plot to split the motherland will never succeed.

  If I were the PLA, I would do my best to protect the people's lives and property. When the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake occurred, countless fresh lives were buried under a piece of sunless ruins. If I were the people's Liberation Army, I must try my best to protect the people's property safety, and risk my life to save them from the ruins one by one, even if my blood dyed the earth red! Because this is the lifelong mission of the PLA.

  If I were the PLA, I would actively exercise every day. Because as a PLA, we must have healthy physique and tenacious will. In this way, in case of danger, it will not become a burden and burden on others, and can really serve the people. Therefore, I need to exercise more and enhance my physique now, so that I can become a qualified PLA with healthy physique in the future.

  If I were the people's Liberation Army, I would also use the hammer of knowledge to make a pair of armor for myself. Today's society relies not on brute force, but on a scientific mind. With the increasingly advanced national defense technology of all countries in the world, relying on "millet plus rifle" can no longer meet the needs of war. If we still stick to the rules, we will be eliminated by the world. Therefore, if I want to be a PLA, I should study hard and learn my skills well now. Only in the future can I become a brave and resourceful PLA, arm my mind with science and technology, and become a real champion of defending the country.

  It is my dream to become a PLA. Now, his image is getting taller and taller in my eyes. In order to realize my future dream, I will work hard and try again.

