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【#英语资源# 导语】报数是他的报到,军号是他的音乐,训练是他的必修课,第一线是他的战场,绿色是他的象征,前进是他的目标,为人民服务是他的宗旨。八一建军节,把祝福送给他--军人。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  8.1 just after the army day, my beloved grandfather died. Hearing this news, a burst of irresistible sadness broke my heart. I attended grandpa's memorial service for the first time in my life. At that time, more than 200 people also attended the memorial service with a deep feeling. Next, our two teams met again, because my uncle wanted us to visit a fire engine worth more than 8 million and imported from Germany! I knew at first glance that the car was carrying out the fire-fighting task of high-rise buildings. My uncle started it. I saw the steel frame slowly rising into the air. WOW! So high, really high! Then my uncle asked us, who wants to go up? The children wanted to squeeze up like a swarm of bees. Later, after my unremitting efforts, they also climbed up.

  Then we were like taking a sightseeing elevator. My uncle kindly told us not to be afraid. Look at the distance, not below, but I lowered my head a little, wow! Anyone here? Where have you been? ha-ha! It's too high. People on the ground look like little ants. It's so fun! Then, we went down quickly. It was exciting!

  Grandpa liked me most during his lifetime. I still remember when I was a child, grandpa came to pick me up on time every day regardless of his 80 year old, whether it was windy or rainy, whether it was hot summer or cold winter. Once grandpa came to school to pick me up. He didn't know I had gone home, so he waited for me at the school gate. It was snowing heavily that day. It was the coldest time in winter. When I finished my steaming lunch, Grandpa still didn't come back. It was not until I went to school in the afternoon that grandma found Grandpa at the school gate, It turned out that grandpa had me all noon in the heavy snow. When Grandpa picked me up, he often carried some candy in his pocket. In his eyes, sugar is the best thing.

  My great grandfather's name is Lu Miaolin. He is 86 years old. He is an old soldier. He joined the Eighth Route Army and the famous Huaihai Campaign in 1945. In his life, Grandpa participated in the war of resistance against Japan, the war of liberation and the Korean War for China's Liberation and the establishment of the people's Republic of China, and the construction of new China. From Beidahuang to Xinjiang, he has successively served as monitor, instructor, company commander and head. After his transfer to the northern wilderness, Grandpa went to the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps to defend and build Xinjiang. However, at the age of 84, he unfortunately contracted gastric cancer and fought against the disease for two years. Finally, he was ruthlessly killed by the disease.

  Grandpa's life is glorious and great. Although he died, he will always live in my heart. I miss Grandpa very much.


  Time flies, is another year "Bayi" army building day, this day for me, not because of the festival, but because of the youth that once wore military uniforms.

  One year, on a spring festival holiday, I got off the night shift and rushed to catch the last train. Because it was the second day of the new year, there were few people in the car box, and only one person was sitting in each row of seats. My counterpart was a public security officer. I used to reading books on the train and would be absorbed in it.

  It seems that there is a pair of eyes staring at themselves, looking up, the "public security" instinctively avoided my eyes. I continue to read my book, maybe because of the relationship between women soldiers, where to go, there will always be a look at, so I also used to it“ Are you getting off at the end of the car? I looked up and looked at him. He looked away shyly. The light in the car box was dim, but he was still blushing. I said, "well," and I went on reading my book“ Did you get off the bus and someone answered "yes", I lied without hesitation, because it was a long time to wander outside, and I was used to not having to take over the station without family“ You are still on business or on vacation. "I didn't pay attention to him, but I could feel that he was watching me all the time.

  The terminal is here. I packed up my schoolbag and quickly walked out of the platform and got on the No.1 bus. Suddenly, I felt like someone was staring at me, looking back, and the original "public security" was on the bus. Did he follow me intentionally or did we go along? I don't know. He asked me where to get off, I said the previous stop of my mother's house, and he said he was also getting off at that station. I was complacent and cheated on a police officer and could also get rid of him. As a result, the car arrived, I didn't get off, he didn't get off, and I was guilty of my lies. Until the stop where I should get off, he followed the car. He wanted to say something. I didn't care about him. He wanted to send me. I still ignored it and went straight to my home. There is no street light on the road for three or five minutes to go home. I walk into the unlighted path. I turn my head and look at the bus station secretly. "The public security" still stands there and looks at me. I am busy and free of fear. He is the one who catches the bad guys. I am afraid of what he sent.

  I really hope that he can follow me on the road of three or five minutes, and then disappear in front of me. Hee hee, three or five minutes is more quickly. So after these three or five minutes, I will see a bright home and forget the "public security".

  Years later, I think of the "public security". I can guess some of his original intention. In his heart, it should be a good love. Young me, do not know respect, do not know the etiquette of rejection, may be a kind of harm to "public security", maybe a kind of motivation, anyway, I sincerely wish all young people with good wishes and good wishes, everything is happy and healthy!

  I would like to dedicate this to the August 1st military day, 20XX.


  As the XX anniversary of the founding of the army is approaching, we spontaneously gather here to celebrate the "August 1" military day with joy.

  As a veteran, I am very happy and excited to celebrate the military festival with my comrades in arms today. Therefore, I would like to make a speech here to express my nostalgia and gratitude to the army and to express my appreciation for the friendship of my comrades in arms.

  The XX anniversary of the people's Liberation Army is XX years of growth, XX years of rapid development, XX years of unremitting struggle, XX years of mighty civilization, XX years of service and dedication, and XX years of victorious progress!

  Today, we can spontaneously celebrate the "August 1" army building day here with pride because we used to be a member of this team. The comrades in arms who come here today are veterans who have worked in the army for more than 20 or 30 years. We will never forget the vigorous, colorful, vibrant and dynamic fighting years in the army. Under the guidance of the "August 1" military flag, everyone dares to rush into battle, dare to work hard, unswervingly study, seriously study hard, train from difficulties and strictness, work hard and solidly, fight with high vigilance, contribute selflessly and fearlessly, and grow up healthily... Everyone's style of touching, climbing and rolling is presented on the training ground; On the duty post, everyone's loyal figure is recorded; In urgent and dangerous tasks, it shapes the image of selflessness and fearlessness; At work, everyone's smiling face of dedication is revealed. Comrades in arms devoted their youth to the construction of the army, the cause of the people and the development of the country, and wrote a glorious history of being a soldier in their life journey with practical actions. It can be said that the military flag is more bright red because of the active struggle of comrades in arms. "August day" is more bright because of the continuous struggle of comrades in arms. I believe that the glorious history of the army will record every soldier who has worked hard for it.

  Here, we are also proud to say: the most beautiful life is the military. The history of being a soldier is glorious, worthwhile, meaningful and unforgettable“ "August day" will always flow in our blood, and the military flag will always be close to our hearts.

  Today, we are here to celebrate the army building day and express our gratitude to the army, because it is the army that has cultivated us. Yes, in the specific environment of the army, we have made a lot of contributions, but at the same time, we have also gained a lot. It is the army that has cultivated our ideal, which is the goal of a successful career; It is the army that has rooted our belief, which is the driving force for success in our career; It is the knowledge that the army has taught us, which is the capital for successful career; It is the army that has cultivated our diligence, which is the way to succeed in our career; It is the army that has tempered our perseverance, which is a bridge to success in our career; It is the army that has tempered our physique, which is the guarantee of success in our career. The comrades in arms can display their talents on the new front, show their talents, raise the sail of continuous struggle and create fruitful achievements, which fully shows that the army can indeed train, train and cultivate people. The people's army is really a big school, even better than our alma mater. What we have learned in the army can make great achievements, show our skills and expand our ambitions in new local posts.

  Today, we celebrate the army day to inherit and innovate. Pioneering and enterprising, this is what a veteran should have. The fundamental significance of celebrating the army day is to create the future and contribute to the construction of a well-off society and a harmonious society. Therefore, I wish my comrades in arms on duty to shoulder new missions, broaden new horizons, keep up with the new situation, focus on new goals, grasp new characteristics, adapt to the new environment, absorb new resources, establish new relations, occupy the new stage, dare to take new measures, take new steps, climb new heights, create new achievements, make new contributions, disseminate new experience Show a new image, write a new history and write a new chapter!

  Here, we also wish the retired comrades in arms to establish a new realm, master new policies, adapt to new laws, cultivate new interests, live a new life, give play to new surplus heat, strive for new achievements, have a good attitude, and live a healthy and long life and spend their old age in peace.

  Another significance of our gathering here today is to strengthen mutual understanding and cherish the friendship of comrades in arms. As a result of fate, we have studied, worked, fought and lived together for a long or short time. We fight side by side in the same trench, care for each other and develop together. The war friendship formed is worth cherishing. The purpose of providing this occasion today is to take advantage of this opportunity for our comrades in arms to exchange the latest information, exchange work experience, broadcast the way to success, offer new ways to get rich, and point out the maze of financial management, so as to increase understanding, enhance friendship, and make our comrades in arms closer, stronger and more eternal. No matter how things change, let the truth always exist; No matter how busy your work is, keep in touch; Whether by phone or SMS, let greetings always be there; Whether at the end of the world or close at hand, let blessings always be there; Whenever and wherever, let our friendship last forever!

  Finally, I wish the people's army more development and strength! I wish my comrades in arms and their families a happy holiday! Everything goes well! Happy family!

