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【#英语资源# 导语】初中生有关春游得英语日记是每年春季学校组织的一项活动,让学生们走出教室,走进大自然,感受春天的美好。在这个活动中,同学们可以结伴而行,互相帮助,增强团队意识和合作精神。同时,他们也可以学习到很多知识,了解自然界的奥秘。®文档大全网提供了很多关于初中生春游的英语日记,让学生们可以记录下这个美好的时光,练习英语写作技能。

1.初中生有关春游得英语日记 篇一

  Looking forward to spring, looking forward to the botanical garden spring outing, ah! That day has finally arrived!

  We scrambled onto the car, chirping like happy birds. Shouting. It was noisy, and soon the botanical garden arrived. We were like a group of newly released birds, rushing out of the car door.

  The botanical garden is really big! Outside the door, there were big brothers and little brothers, who seemed to form a long dragon and entered the botanical garden one after another. However, few people could be seen in the botanical garden; How beautiful the botanical garden is! The grass on the roadside was draped with green gauze, so cute that it was green; The branches of the pear tree are adorned with pure white pear flowers; Peach blossoms and apple trees are also competing to bloom. a riot of colour; The botanical garden is really green! The grass sneaked out of the ground; The soft branches sprouted green buds; Under the spring breeze; The grass was gently swaying; Like surging waves dancing non-stop; The birds are singing the welcome spring song on the branches of the tree, it's so beautiful!

  Some of us are singing, some are playing games, while I am playing the UFO maze alone. In the afternoon, the teacher said, "Time has arrived!" So we had to reluctantly leave.

2.初中生有关春游得英语日记 篇二

  Today, I am very excited because we are going to the Red Sun Base for a spring outing!

  As soon as I got off the car, I saw a beautiful scenery: colorful flowers, green leaves, and lush forests on the mountain, resembling a beautiful oil painting. In a greenhouse, we had lunch there. After dinner, I looked around and saw many beautiful flowers, red, white, purple, blue... with different colors and shapes. The breeze blew, and the flowers danced with the wind, like little angels dancing.

  Behind the greenhouse, there is a long "underground passage", which is actually a small path covered with grass, without a single flower and green. It's the coolest there, so all the students love to stay here.

  It is April, and the flowers and plants grow the fastest at this time. In February, I visited the greenhouse and it can still clearly penetrate the sunlight. Now, the flowers and leaves cover the sunlight tightly, without any light, and even the barbed wire on the greenhouse can't be seen!

  Teacher Bian took us to a grassland and asked everyone to draw the flowers they thought were the most beautiful. The classmates dispersed and searched for the most beautiful flower in their hearts. Some paint tulips, some paint morning glory, and some classmates paint flowers that cannot be named. Students use their brushes to record this beautiful spring.

  I love going to the Red Sun Base, and I even love watching flower exhibitions because it's so beautiful there!

3.初中生有关春游得英语日记 篇三

  Once the school organized us to go on a spring outing, and our classmates jumped three feet high with joy.

  We arrived at the destination and saw the green grass waving towards us! The wind blew and the branches were dancing, as if welcoming our arrival. The blooming wildflowers are also smiling at everyone. Walking on the grass is like sitting on that soft sofa, extremely comfortable! The activity started, and I saw my junior classmates eating their snacks with great interest. Senior students are cooking, cooking, soup, noodles and other delicious food. Some students talk and laugh about the wind, some exchange things, and some students give their cooked food to the teacher to taste... All the things are eaten up by the students. Then, the students began to play to their heart's content, some playing hide and seek, some jumping rubber bands, and some playing eagle and chicken... There are countless fun games!

  Ah! This spring outing ended unknowingly with the laughter and cheers of my classmates, leaving me with unforgettable memories. I hope the next spring outing will come soon.

4.初中生有关春游得英语日记 篇四

  Today is the day I have been looking forward to for a long time, because we are going for a spring outing. In the morning, I woke up early and saw a drizzling rain outside the window. My heart became uneasy and I thought to myself: Will today's spring outing be rescheduled? If there is a rescheduling, will there be classes? I still have a lot of homework to finish. I didn't pay attention to my backpack either. There was only a bunch of snacks and drinks in it. I arrived at school with these doubts in my heart. Arriving at school, it was announced on the radio that today's activity would continue as usual, but due to the rain, the grass in Gucun Park, which we had originally planned to go to, was damp. So, we changed our play location to the Navigation Museum and Shangshui Lake, and immediately, our entire class cheered and cheered.

  Our first stop was the Maritime Museum. I saw ancient cannons, and many people gathered around them, pointing at their muzzle. I seemed to hear the sound of cannons popping out of the hall. We visited the simulation ship again, feeling around from side to side, sometimes looking at the stern and then at the bow, as if we were really sailing on the boundless sea. We also watched 3D movies. The movie introduces many different types of ships, as if they are heading towards us, so imposing!

  At noon, we have a good lunch. I went to Dishui Lake to play. The air there is very fresh, and the lake water is also very clear. The green willows by the river are lush, and the spring breeze is blowing on my face, making me extremely comfortable!

  Today's spring outing has unexpected gains. I saw ancient ships and 3D movies, and also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Dishui Lake. Today's spring outing was really enjoyable!

5.初中生有关春游得英语日记 篇五

  Today is a sunny day. In the morning, voices with seven mouths and eight tongues came from various classes: "Today we are going for a spring outing!" "We also need to pick mushrooms!" "Also! Also! I heard we need to fly a kite!..." The school organized us to go to Crab Island for a spring outing today, and what remains unforgettable to me is my personal experience of picking mushrooms on Crab Island.

  The teacher led us to pick mushrooms in the mushroom garden. As soon as I entered the mushroom garden, I was stunned, tall and tall. On the shelves were small oval shaped logs, with large mushrooms growing one after another. I saw a big one, and there was a bigger one ahead. The teacher saw me and said, "Classmate, you can't bear to break a stick. Just pick one accurately, okay?" I nodded. I tugged at the mushroom with both hands, but it was very slippery to touch. When I tried hard, I didn't grasp it tightly and fell a pier, almost causing the small wood to fall off. I saw my classmates easily pick it off. I followed their example and held onto the small wood with my right hand, fearing that it might damage the mushroom. Then, with just a click, I managed to pull off a cute little mushroom. I feel happy in my heart, just like eating honey.

  The day quickly came to an end, and we happily sat on the bus back. Today's experience made me realize that using brute force when doing things may not necessarily lead to success, but finding skills is more effective!
