
时间:2023-03-08 02:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】迷人的春天又来了,万物复苏,阳光明媚,是旅游的时节,大家一起去春游吧!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《初中生有关春游的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.初中生有关春游的英语作文 篇一

  Today, the weather is particularly sunny, and my mood is extremely excited, because today's spring outing! The teacher took us to the Hongshan Zoo with singing. As soon as you enter the gate, you can see green grass and bright flowers everywhere. How beautiful spring is here!

  We came to the amusement park, ah! There are so many recreational items, including: sightseeing car, pirate boat, roller coaster... First of all, I took the sightseeing car, which rose and rose into the air. I was very nervous with my fist. Looking down, the house becomes a cigarette box, the car becomes a beetle, and the pedestrian becomes a small ant. Then, I played the pirate ship again. As soon as it shook and swung, my heart jumped up and down. Finally, we played the roller coaster. The children screamed in the car, and our cries flew into the air with happiness. I used to know that tigers and lions are fierce, but only after watching the animal show did I know that tigers and lions can obey after training. They listened to the instructions of the trainer and gave us many performances.

  We also visited the amphibious pavilion, which is full of rockeries and gloomy. The little girls trembled with fear. I am a boy, and I am not afraid at all. I saw: pythons, turtles, crocodiles

  Today's spring outing is really colorful. I had a happy day.

2.初中生有关春游的英语作文 篇二

  The spring breeze is blowing and the sun is shining. Today is my long-awaited spring tour. We came to the beautiful Nanming Lake Yansheng Park to play.

  As soon as I walked into the gate of Yanshengyuan Park, a large granite was carved with the words "Yanshengyuan", which came into my eyes. We walked along the stairs, and the roadside was full of beautiful flowers, including red, yellow, green and colorful. It was very beautiful! The most striking is the rockeries in the garden. Some are like sharp swords sticking into the clouds, and some are like a famous bodyguard standing upright. They seem to guard the peace and tranquility of our Nanming Lake.

  Walking along the cobblestone path, there is a green lawn. There are a group of students sitting around, some telling jokes, some eating snacks, and some playing and rolling in the grass, but I am also intoxicated with the beautiful scenery.

  Standing on the dam, looking east is the century-old Xiahe Tower, and looking west is the magnificent Zijin Bridge. While enjoying the beautiful scenery, I marvel at the vitality of nature. The breeze blew and the willows danced. I couldn't help thinking of an ancient poem: jasper was made up into a tree high, and ten thousand green silk tapers hung down. At this time, the laughter of the students came to my ears, and I ran to play with the students!

  It's really beautiful to go for a spring outing in April!

3.初中生有关春游的英语作文 篇三

  On the weekend, the sky was clear and the spring breeze was warm. I came to Qilin Mountain Park happily, waiting for the teacher to take us to the spring outing.

  The scenery in the park is really beautiful! The verdant trees, connected in large areas, form a green ocean. A breeze blew, and the leaves swayed gently, as if to say, "Welcome to spring outing." Cherry blossoms showed a doll-like smile one by one.

  Before we knew it, we went to the weather station, where I was most interested in the artificial rain cannon, which is used for artificial rain. Through this visit to the weather station, I learned a lot of extra-curricular knowledge.

  But this spring outing is still ballooning. The teacher first asked us to tie the balloon to our feet with thread, and then divided it into two groups. At the teacher's command, the students stepped on each other's balloons and played with great excitement. I could have saved two balloons. It was all my fault that I was careless and let other students step on one. I think we must take revenge. So I stared at the classmate because his balloon was too soft to burst. I really wanted to pierce her balloon with a sharp object, but the rules didn't allow it! When he was not paying attention, I gathered all my strength and stepped on it. With a bang, the balloon burst. Only then did he realize that his balloon had burst. I couldn't help jumping up with joy.

  This spring outing not only made me very happy, but also learned a lot of popular science knowledge.

4.初中生有关春游的英语作文 篇四

  In March, the spring is bright, with white clouds floating in the blue sky. Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, Xiao Ming and I hopped to the park.

  Entering the gate of the park, a breath of fresh air came in. The park is covered with green grass and towering trees. In front of the flower bed, all kinds of flowers are competing for beauty. Several colorful butterflies are dancing in the flowers. This kind of situation reminds me of the two poems "lingering butterflies dance all the time, and the beautiful warblers are just crying".

  Around the big flower bed, we came to a stone arch bridge. Looking down from the bridge, there is a clear pond. There are many beautiful carp in the pond. They are playing with each other in the water! The willow standing by the pond is waving its green willows against the spring breeze. There are two lively and lovely birds standing on the branches of the willow. They are singing and dancing.

  After getting off the stone arch bridge, we came to the amusement park not far away. I said happily, "Xiao Ming, go and play with the bumper car." Xiao Ming said, "OK!" I got into a red car, and Xiao Ming got into a yellow car, and started with a bang. I started the car and ran into Xiao Ming quickly. With a "bang", Xiao Ming was hit to the side. I said with an air, "You are not enough for me to play!" Xiao Ming heard this, was furious, and said angrily, "You wait and see!" Suddenly, Xiao Ming came into a rampage. I saw the situation was not good, and then came to a roundabout corner. Xiao Ming hit the edge of the parking lot. He did not lose heart, and quickly turned the car around to catch up. I was accidentally hit by him, which made me dizzy

  The day passed quickly, and we reluctantly left the park.

5.初中生有关春游的英语作文 篇五

  Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, the grass is long, the birds are flying, and the sun is shining. The long-awaited spring outing has come again!

  On Thursday, the teacher took us to Jiangbin Park for spring outing. Along the way, we sang songs and lined up to play in the park.

  What a beautiful park in spring! Peach Blossom smiled and blushed. The willow twirled its long braids, and the grass crept out of the ground to greet us. Look! The little goldfish also swam up from the bottom to make fun. We took out the bun, tore the crumbs and went down to feed the little goldfish. The fish scrambled to eat it. How lovely!

  We came to the Peacock House again, saw several peacocks, and wanted to make them open their screens. However, no matter how we compare with it, it just doesn't open the screen. Alas! We are really disappointed. Go to see the monkey! When we came to Monkey Hill, we saw some monkeys crossing the iron rope bridge, some scratching, and some playing on the rockery. The most interesting thing is that monkeys eat apples. A little monkey took a big apple and just took a bite, the apple fell off. Pick it up and take another bite, and the apple fell off again. Maybe the monkey is too small to hold the apple firmly. How interesting!

  Finally, we came to the lawn to rest. We sang, danced, played games and had a good time. The gathering whistle sounded, and we reluctantly left the park. I think: If only I had a spring outing every day!
