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【#英语口语# 导语】在现实生活中,你知道如何用英语去评论别人吗?还是仍然笨嘴笨舌,或张口结舌?看看电影,教你如何游刃有余,广得人缘。以下内容由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  1. Excerpted from Gossip Girl


  ...S is back from boarding school. Her hair is longer, paler. Her blue eyes have that deep

  mysteriousness of kept secrets. She is wearing the same old fabulous clothes, now in rags from

  fending off New England storms. This morning S's laughter echoed off the steps of the Met, where

  we will no longer be able to enjoy a quick smoke and a cappuccino without seeing her waving to

  us from her parents' apartment across the street. …

  虽着一身旧衣归来,“longer paler”hair融合“blue eyes”,Queen S的高贵气质已微现。笑声回荡楼宇(her “laughter echoed off the steps”)又生动地展示了S的爽朗性格。

  2. Excerpted from Titanic

  Jack: Rose, you're no picnic. All right, you're a spoiled little brat, even, but under that you're the

  most amazingly astounding wonderful girl-- woman-- that I've ever known and...

  Rose: Jack, I...

  Jack: No, let me try and get this out. You're, you're amazing-- I'm not an idiot.

  级的魅力果然令人无法抵挡,amazingly astounding wonderful三词叠加,配合“woman”较之“girl”所突出的女人味,Ross的心彻底被Jack俘虏。

  3. Excerpted from Gossip Girl

  This has to be chuck's dream girl--intelligent but not a bookworm, strong-willed but still

  feminine. An equal. And he likes brunettes with deep brown eyes…


