
时间:2023-02-12 01:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《二年级小学生英语练习题5篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife, Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

  ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.

  A. a city   B. a small town   C. a big town

  ( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.

  A. four   B. five   C. six

  ( )3. He isnt _________on Saturdays and Sundays.

  A. free   B. busy   C. happy

  ( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.

  A. working in his garden   B. walking in his gardon   C. looking at his garden

  ( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.

  A. likes   B. doesnt like  C. often helps



  1. I live ___Beijing.

  A. in

  B. on

  2. ___ the desk,please.

  A. Clean

  B. Sweep

  3. ___ I have a hot dog?

  A. May

  B. Can

  4. Have ___ juice.

   A. a

  B. some

  5. I like ___ play.

   A. to

  B. 不填

  6.Come and dance ___ me,please.

  A. to

  B. with

  7. We go to the zoo ___ bus.

  A. by

  B. on

  8. Get ___ the car.

  A. in

  B. on

  9. Look ___ the light.

  A. at

  B. in

  10.Look!It ___ red light,we can go.

  A. is

  B. are



  1.( ) A.lion   B.wolf   C.big

  2.( ) A.grandpa   B.giraffe   C.grandma

  3.( ) A.tall   B.ten   C.two

  4.( ) A.small   B.big   C.short

  5.( ) A.Chana   B.USA   C.children

  6.( ) A.six   B.seven   C.small

  7.( ) A.hair   B.fat   C.thin

  8.( ) A.art   B.foot   C.wolf


  ( )1.当朋友问你住在哪里:可以说:
  A. Where do you live?
  B. Where do you go?
  ( )2.老师请你擦桌子,可以说:
  A. Sweep the floor, please.
  B. Clean the desk, please.
  ( )3.妈妈给你说吃一些面条:可以说:
  A. Have some soup
  B. Have some noodles
  ( )4. 你想买一个热狗,可以说:
  A. May I have a hot dog?
  B. Have a hot dog.
  ( )5.你想让同学和你一起唱歌,可以说:
  A. Come and play with me.
  B. Come and sing with me.
  ( )6.你想说我喜欢游泳,可以说:
  A. I like to swim.
  B I like to dance.
  ( )7.爸爸让你上车,可以说:
  A. Get in the car.
  B. Get off the car.
  ( )8.你给同学说我们乘出租车去公园,可以说:
  A. We go to the park by car.
  B We go to the park by taxi.
  ( )9.你想给姐姐说红灯停,可以说:
  A. Red light. Stop!
  B. Red light. Go!
  ( )10.你想说看,绿灯,我们可以走了,可以说:
  A. Look! It’s green. We can go.
  B. Look! It’s green. We can stop.


  There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, Dont swim in the lake! There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.

  ( )1. The park near my house is _____.

  A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean

  ( )2. Is there a cafe in the park? ______

  A. Yes, there isnt. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there is. D.No, there is.

  ( )3. People cant _______in the lake.

  A. swim B. fish C. boat D. play

  ( )4. The shops in the park are not _______.

  A. small B. big C. good D.pretty

  ( )5. -Do we like the park? -________

  A. Yes, we do. B.No,we do. C.Yes, you do. D. No,we dont.

