

时间:2023-03-23 10:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I was small for my age. I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with others. However, learning came fairly easy for me. I was the best in most of my classes, but PE class was my nightmare (噩梦) and made me feel that I was not as good as the others. Miss Forsythe was our PE teacher. She was young and energetic. Everyone liked her. She said that we all had to come to her classes. No one could hide from Miss Forsythe!
One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job as she explained her idea, but she was excited. With her encouragement, I had no choice but to agree.
It was a "boy meets girl" game. I played the boy and my classmate, Margaret Ann, played the girl. We were dressed in evening clothes and danced around t he floor. According to Miss Forsythe, I had to pick up Margaret Ann when we finished the dance. Since I was not strong enough to pick the tallest girl up, it was she who picked me up. I suddenly felt ten feet tall! It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending! Afterwards, I smiled confidently (自信地).Miss Forsythe’s understanding and willingness to create a place for me in her show (which certainly did not need me) gave me some much needed confidence. She was and always will be my favorite teacher.
1. What do we know about Miss Forsythe?
A. She was good at dancing.
B. She was a strict and understanding teacher.
C. She liked to play games with the students after class.
D. She taught students how to dance.
2. How did the author feel about the game at first?
A. She was excited. B. She thought it would be fun.
C. She was disappointed. D. She was nervous.
3 It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A. Miss Forsythe had planned the game that way on purpose (故意地)
B. Miss Forsythe helped the author pick up the tallest girl
C. the author was afraid when she felt ten feet tall
D. the author lost confidence by dancing with her classmate
4 What is the best title for the passage?
A. Our PE Teacher —Miss Forsythe
B. My School Life
C. My Nightmare —PE Classes
D. A Game with My Classmate

Most people in Europe visit the Alps (阿尔卑斯山脉) in France, Austria, Italy or Switzerland in winter on their skiing holidays. I visited the Alps in mid summer. Obergurgl, 1,930 meters high, lies in Otzt覿l in the Austrian Alps. No village in Austria lies at a higher altitude than this one. There are many mountains of 3,000 meters and higher in this area, including the Wildspitze, Austria’s highest mountain, which rises to 3,772 meters.
The first goal of my hike was to reach the Breslauer Hütte, at an altitude of 2,840 meters. This was the starting point for hikers that go to climb the Wildspitze. I didn’t climb the Wildspitze —alth ough it was not a technically difficult mountain, I couldn’t climb it without a mountain guide. Besides, the weather decided whether or not we could go on a particular hike.
I did go on another fantastic hike in the Vent area, however. From the Breslauer Hütte, I went on to the Vernagthütte, 2,766 meters high and a few more hours away from the Breslauer Hütte. This is a relatively easy hike, and the sights are magnificent (壮丽的)! Most of all, you are above the tree level here. There is nothing but rocks, ice and snow: this is my favorite part of the mountains. On the way back to the village of Vent, one came down gradually, and sheep were a common sight on the lower green meadows (草地).
When I got back to the village of Vent, it was absolutely wonderful to drink a beer or a glass of buttermilk…
5. From the passage we can learn that Obergurgl is _____.
A . a village in Austria B. not very high
C. the highest mountain in Austria
D. the first goal on the author’s hike
6 What can we learn from the passage?
A. The author continued his hike from the Wildspitze.
B. The author visited the Alps in winter for skiing.
C. There is ice and snow in Vernagthütte in summer.
D. The author liked the village of Vent best of all.
7. Which of the following is the RIGHT order of the author’s hiking route?
A. Obergurgl →Wildspitze →Breslauer Hütte →Vernagthütte →the village of Vent
B. Obergurgl →Wildspitze →Vernagthütte →Breslauer Hütte, →the village of Vent
C. Obergurgl →Breslauer Hütte →the village of Vent →Vernagthütte
D. Obergurgl →Breslauer Hütte →Vernagthütte →the village of Vent
Dalton Ghetti has the smallest shoe you probably will ever see. No, he doesn’t have tiny feet. The shoe is a tiny boot on the tip of a pencil! Ghetti is an artist. He uses pencils to make many things.
Today, a pencil can be sharpened (削尖) in a few seconds. When Ghetti was a child in Brazil, however, sharpening pencils was not easy. He didn’t have a pencil sharpener, so he had to sharpen his pencils using a knife. When he was 8 years old, Ghetti began using knives for more than just sharpening pencil tips. He began making designs in the wood of pencils, as well as in soap and chalk. Ghetti uses a knife and a sewing needle (针)to create his sculptures(雕刻). He doesn’t use a magnifying glass(放大镜)on his tiny work of art. Instead, he works under a very bright light. He carves pencils for only about one and a half hours a day. If he works any longer, his eyes get tired.
"I have an interest in small things in life —insects, moths, spiders. I spend a lot of time watching them. There’s a whole tiny world that people don’t even notice." Most of Ghetti’s sculptures take months to complete, and some take years. Sculpting pencils may look fun, but you shouldn’t try this type of art yourself. Using a tool such as a knife is dangerous unless you’re very skilled like Ghetti.
8. Why did Ghetti make the smallest shoe?
A. Because he has little feet.
B. Because he wanted to show his skills.
C. Because he hadn’t seen a tiny shoe before.
D. Because he is interested in it.
9. We can learn from the passage that _________.
A. the boot will be the smallest shoe in the world
B. Ghetti began making designs of tiny things when he was eight
C. Ghetti used to use a magnifying glass to make his tiny art
D. most of Ghetti’s sculptures take years to complete
10 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. How Dalton Ghetti creates his sculptures.
B. Why Dalton Ghetti creates tiny things.
C. How long Dalton Ghetti’s sculptures take.
D. How much Dalton Ghetti’s tiny things are. B
Most people in Europe visit the Alps (阿尔卑斯山脉) in France, Austria, Italy or Switzerland in winter on their skiing holidays. I visited the Alps in mid summer. Obergurgl, 1,930 meters high, lies in Otzt覿l, in the Austrian Alps. No village in Austria lies at a higher altitude than this one. There are many mountains of 3,000 meters and higher in this area, including the Wildspitze, Austria’s highest mountain, which rises to 3,772 meters. The first goal of my hike was to reach the Breslauer Hütte, at an altitude of 2,840 meters. This was the starting point for hikers that go to climb the Wildspitze. I didn’t climb the Wildspitze —although it was not a technically difficult mountain, I couldn’t climb it without a mountain guide. Besides, the weather decided whether or not we could go on a particular hike. I did go on another fantastic hike in the Vent area, however. From the Breslauer Hütte, I continued on to the Vernagthütte, 2,766 meters high and a few more hours away from the Breslauer Hütte. This is a relatively easy hike, and the sights are magnificent (壮丽的)! Most of all, you are above the tree level here. There is nothing but rocks, ice and snow: this is my favorite part of the mountains. On the way back to the village of Vent, one came down gradually, and sheep were a common sight on the lower green meadows (草地).When I got back to the village of Vent, it was absolutely wonderful to drink a beer or a glass of buttermilk...
11 From the passage we can learn that Obergurgl is _____.
A. a village in Austria B. not very high
C. the highest mountain in Austria
D. the first goal on the author’s hike
12. Which of the following is the highest mountain?
A. The Obergurgl. B. The Breslauer Hütte.
C. The Wildspitze. D. The Ve rnagthütte.
13. The main reason why the author didn’t climb the Wildspitze was that ______.
A. he was too tired to do it B. there wasn’t a guide
C. it was difficult to climb D. he went on another hike
14. What can we learn from the passage?
A. The author continued his hike from the Wildspitze.
B. The author visited the Alps in winter for skiing.
C. There is ice and snow in Vernagthütte in summer.
D. The author liked the village of Vent best of all.
15. Which of the following is the RIGHT order of the au-thor’s hiking route?
A. Obergurgl→Wildspitze→Breslauer Hütte→Ver-nagthütte→the village of Vent
B. Obergurgl→Wildspitze→Vernagthütte→Breslauer Hütte→the village of Vent
C. Obergurgl→Breslauer Hütte→the village of V ent→Vernagthütte
D. Obergurgl→Breslauer Hütte→Vernagthütte→the village of Vent
If you find that your teacher is unfair to you, think about what is happening. Try to find out whether your teacher really dislikes you, or whether something else is going on. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
16 Ask your classmates if they are having trouble with the teacher, too. If they say yes, perhaps your teacher is to blame.
Are you working up to your ability? Maybe you got a C in your last test, and your teacher told you that you could do better. And the kid sitting beside you got a C, too. 17 Isn’t this unfair? Well, it could be that your teacher knows that you could do better if you put more effort into it. 18
19 There’s no thing wrong with being sensitive (敏感的) ,but if you react to criticism quite differently from others, this could be a reason why you think your teacher doesn’t like you.
Does your teacher seem to act unfairly all the time, or just once in a while? Think about the harsh (苛刻的) things your teacher has done to you. Are these things happening every day, or just once or twice a month? If your teacher really hates you, you would probabl y be picked on all the time. 20
A. Are you the only person being treated badly, or is your teacher rough on the whole class?
B .Are you getting along well with your classmates?
C. Are you more sensitive than other students?
D. Are you interested in your lessons?
E. If your teacher has acted unfairly only a few times, then there’s probably something else going on.
F.Teachers often grade students by different standards.
G.But the teacher didn’t say anything to him!
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的 选项。
I had just gone through life-saving brain surgery (外科手术). I came home from the21 with a bald (秃的) head. Looking like Frankenstein (人形怪物), I felt very22. I would not let anyone see me 23 having a hat on my head. I didn’t even want anyone to 24 me about my life.
Several days later, I came out of my25 bedroom to go to the 26 across the hall. I did not have a hat on 27 I didn’t think anyone was at home. As I came out of the bathroom, I was 28 to see my little three-year-old grandson standing there.
He29me and I looked at him. 30 a huge smile appeared on his face. He put his 31 around me and gave me a big hug (拥抱). He then looked at me again and said, "Bubba (that is what the grandkids 32 me), you got a haircut!" I looked at him and said, "Yes, I did." He asked who 33 it and I said the doctor did. He said the doctor did a good job. Well, that was34 with him.
He made me 35that I was still loved no matter what I looked like. It was then36I held his little hand and37him to take me downstairs. I wanted to be with the rest of the38. If he didn’t 39the fact that Bubba looked like that, I knew everyone else could 40it too. That little boy is eight years old today and I am still Bubba, but with a little more hair.
21. A. hotel B. hospital C. park D. Countryside
22 A. old B. angry C. excited D. Sad
23. A. by B. without C. through D. With
24. A. talk to B. agree with C. point to D. think of
25 A. upstairs B. large C. whole D. Indoors
26. A. dining room B. living room C. kitchen D. bathroom
27 A. although B. since C. when D. Because
28 A. unhappy B. lucky C. surprised D. Glad
29. A. looked at B. asked about C. listened to D. laughed at
30. A. Actually B. Suddenly C. Quietly D. Strangely
31 A. hands B . arms C. eyes D. Legs
32 A. call B. give C. offer D. tell
33 A. cured B. washed C. cut D. repaired
34. A. familiar B. strict C. angry D. Fine
35 A. think B. remember C. believe D. Realize
36. A. which B. what C. that D. When
37. A. helped B. allowed C. encouraged D. Requested
38. A. family B. group C. friends D. Doctors
39 A. suggest B. tell C. know D. hate
40A. mind B. recognize C. accept D. forget
There was once a man who wished his small, noisy house was larger and quieter. He went to 41wise old woman of the town and explained his problem. She said, "I can solve your problem. Just do 42 (exact) as I say." The man agreed. "Bring a chicken, some 43 (sheep), a horse, and a cow into your house," she said. "That’s a silly thing to do,"44 (think) the old man, but he did it anyway. Now his house was even smaller. With all those animals in it, 45 was no room at all. He returned 46 the old woman and cried, "I need more room! The animals are so 47 (noise) that I can’t sleep!" "Take all of the animals out of your house," she replied. 48 he did that, the man went back into his house. To 49 surprise, it suddenly looked much bigger! Without the animals 50 his house, it was quiet now, too!
短文改错 (10分)
I always wanted to be great scientist. I had a dream of discovering a new drug that would save hundreds of people’s life. Unfortunately, I was never very well at chemistry at school and the teacher was used to get angry with me. I decided to becoming an inventor and designed an amazing new product. My parents were encouraging, but told me to be a few more realistic. A few weeks late, I had an idea of designing a pen to write in water. In my disappointment, a friend of me pointed out that it was not a new invention.
六、书面 表达(共计25分)
Write a diary according to the following information.(根据下列表格信息,写一篇日记,字数80,不要逐句翻译。)
地 点 北戴河
交通方式 乘校车
出发时间 上午 7:30
到达时间 下午 9:30
活动内容 上午:在海滩上玩游戏;游泳;在饭店吃午饭
返回时间 下午:5:00
短文改错 (10分)
I always wanted to be great scientist. I had a dream of discovering a new drug that would save hundreds of people’s life. Unfortunately, I was never very well at chemistry at school and the teacher was used to get angry with me. I decided to becoming an inventor and designed an amazing new product. My parents were encouraging, but told me to be a few more realistic. A few weeks late, I had an idea of designing a pen to write in water. In my disappointment, a friend of me pointed out that it was not a new invention.

1-5 BDAAA 6-10 CDDBD 11-15 ACBCD 16-20 AGFCE
21-25 BDBAA 26-30DDCAB 31-35 BACDD 36-40 CBADC
41 the 42. exactly 43. sheep 44. thought
45.there 46. to 47. noisy 48. After 49. his 50. in
【小题1】great 前加a
【小题2 】life → lives
【小题3】well → good
【小题4】 was used去掉was
【小题5】becoming → become
【小题6】designed → design
【小题7】a few → bit / little
【小题8】late → later
【小题9】In → To
【小题10】me → mine
July5th, Saturday fine
Today we had a short trip to Beidaihe. We set out in the school bus at 7:30 a.m. The weather was pleasant and every one of us was excited. After two hours’ ride, we arrived there at nine thirty. We began our programmes as soon as we got off the bus. We played games on the sands and swam in the sea happily. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to Beidaihe. It was also very beautiful. Many photos were taken there. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Time passed quickly and we had to leave. It was five o’clock when we returned safely. What a good trip we had today! I’ll never forget it.

