
时间:2021-08-14 17:40:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  With a very cheerful mood, we ushered in the Mid Autumn Festival. When night fell, the sky looked a little overcast. Although there were few stars, the moon still looked so bright.

  My father proposed to visit the new area, and my mother and I raised our hands in favor. So Dad took us off.

  Along the way, the moon followed us, but it seemed a little shy. Just talking to his mother, he slipped into the clouds and came out to see the earth after a long time.

  When we got to the government square, there was music singing: "let's swing the double oars, and the boat pushed the waves...!" The fountain "jumps" with the rhythm of music, including red, blue, white and green... It's so beautiful!

  At this time, I took out my telescope and wanted to see the moon. It played hide and seek with me. After a while, I got here and there. Finally, I was tired. I saw the fuzzy things on the moon. Is it fog? Cloud? Is it a tree? Or my figure? Suddenly, light clouds came from the sky and gently covered the moon. I saw the moon shining through the clouds. It squeezed and squeezed and tried to get out. A cool wind dispersed the fog, and the moon showed her beautiful face again. In this way, I think the moon covered by clouds and crowded back and forth inside is more poetic.

  Looking at such beautiful scenery, it has been several hours before I know it. My parents said it's time to go back. I'll look back. I really don't give up!


  On the evening of August 15, my family sat on the balcony and tasted moon cakes. I looked up at the sky

  People often say, "the moon is particularly beautiful to the Mid Autumn Festival". However, tonight's moon seems to be covered with a thin cloud, which is called missing“ People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time. I hope people will be long and beautiful together. This poem just describes my true feelings at this time. Thoughts come to my mind - I can't help thinking of my good friend who is far away in my hometown - Huanyi.

  Does she remember me—— When we were young, we were inseparable. We were best friends! Once, when my parents were not at home, I forgot to bring my money again. I was very worried. At this time, Huan Yi patted his chest and said confidently, "it's simple. I have money. I'll give it to you!" My difficulty was solved in an instant. But who knows, Huan Yi had to have an empty stomach for the meal because she gave me the money. Later, when I knew this, how guilty and grateful I was“ Huan Yi, where are you? " At this time, are you also missing me in Xiamen?

  The fallen leaves return to their roots, and the Wanderers return home. I have been away from home for many years, and my heart has never been calm? August 15, which time have you never been homesick? Close your hands and silently pray to the moon: you will soon play with Huanyi in your hometown.

  Ah, you see, the moon also seems to convey the beautiful blessing of Huanyi: it drills out of the cloud layer and emits a faint silver light. Gradually, the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, bathed me gently and warmed my heart.

  For a moment, I thought again: "the sun is too warm and unrestrained, which is frightening; The stars are lonely and cold again, which makes people creepy. Only this gentle and quiet moon has given me the greatest comfort, harmony and comfort. "

  Looking up at the night sky, the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is indeed particularly beautiful and round. I leaned against the railing of the balcony and looked at my dear father and mother. I felt very comfortable and satisfied.

  At this time, I am holding a mouthful of sweet moon cakes, which seeps into my heart. I want to ask sister Chang'e to send my most sincere blessing to Huanyi!

  On the evening of August 15, the moon is full, people are round, and the heart is so sweet


  "The moon is full on August 15. Grandpa plays moon cakes for me. The moon cakes are round, sweet and fragrant. A piece of moon cake is full of love..." when this song came from the loudspeakers in the streets, the annual Mid Autumn Festival came. The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as reunion Festival, is a day for families to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon.

  In a twinkling of an eye, the day passed in everyone's busy, and night fell. Originally, the whole family was going to enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. Unexpectedly, the weather was cloudy, and the moon didn't know where to hide. I think the moon probably saw that people in the world were getting together happily, and they skipped work and sneaked home for reunion. How can I enjoy the moon without the moon? I'm very depressed. At this time, my mother proposed that the whole family hold a "Gobang competition in the Mid Autumn Festival", which won the unanimous consent of my father and me.

  The game began. In the first round, my father and I played chess. My father frowned and stared at the chessboard for fear that if he accidentally made a mistake, he would lose the whole game. What about me? I didn't dare to be careless at all. I was nervous against my father. Suddenly, my father opened his mouth and said, "ha ha ha, I won, I won:". I will be fine. It turned out that my father has connected the five sons into a line, so I had to bow down. The second game began. My father was very proud and thought it was easy to win me. In order to confuse my father, I set a trap and deliberately walked away. As a result, my father was unable to defend against it, so I easily won the game. The third game was still my safe victory. My angry father whispered, "hum, I just didn't show my real skills. I let you and don't care about you, Little boy. " At this time, my father is really like a lovely child.

  Next, my mother and I played chess. I don't know whether my chess skills were improved, or my mother deliberately let me, or my level was too low. I won my mother without effort and won the championship of this competition. I was excited and cheered. My mother looked happier than me and joked that I saw a golden laurel on my head.

  Although we had a mid autumn festival without the moon, it was a kind of happiness for the whole family to get together!

