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【#小学英语# 导语】教育者有目的有计划有组织的对受教育者的身心发展进行教化培育,以现有的经验、学识推敲于人,为其解释各种现象、问题或行为,以增长能力经验。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学四年级英语教案:第六单元》供您查阅。

  Meet my family看到“见见我的家人”你想到第六单元的知识有哪些?


  家庭成员类: family 家庭 parents 父母 cousin表兄弟姐妹,堂兄弟姐妹

  uncle 叔伯舅姑姨父 aunt 姑姑;婶;姨 baby brother婴儿小弟弟

  工作职业类:doctor cook driver farmer nurse football player job工作 basketball 篮球people人们 but但是 little 小的 puppy小狗


  Meet my family. 见见我的家人。

  询问他人家里有几口人:How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? Three. /My family has six people. How many apples are there on the tree?

语法点:以How many引导的是特殊疑问句,问的是多少,要用数字回答。

  猜测家人身份:Is this your uncle? Yes, he is. He’s a football player.

  语法点:is this 是一般疑问句,回答是yes或者no. 但注意的是后面的词。下面就看三个例子。Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is. / / No, it isn’t.

  Is this your father? Yes, he is. / / No, he isn’t. Is this your mother? Yes, she is. / / No, she isn’t.

  询问家人工作:What’s your aunt’s/her job? She’s a nurse. What’s your uncle’s/his job? He’s a doctor.

  语法点:What’s your…job? 也是特殊疑问句,问的是职业,后面回答会出现有关职业的词,例如teacher, farmer等。

  What’s your mother’s job? She’s a teacher. What’s your father? He’s a doctor.

  Are they farmers? Yes, they are. / Yes, you’re right. No, they aren’t.


  on the tree 在树上 on the cake 在蛋糕上 tall and strong 又高又壮

  a cup of 一杯 cut the cake 切蛋糕 a football player 一位足球运动员


  1.------How many people are there in your family ? -------Three .

2. ------Is this your uncle ? ------Yes , he is. He’s a football player .

  3. ------What’s your aunt’s job ? ------She’s a nurse .

  4. -----What’s your father’s job? / What’s your father? -----My father/ He is a doctor.

