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【#英语资源# 导语】北京高考英语满分作文在哪儿?下面是由®文档大全网给大家整理的北京高考英语满分作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!


  Saturday, June 2 Fine

  This morning, I walked on the street. Suddenly, I caught sight of two travelers, who seemed to lose their way. The man, wearing a pair of sun glasses and with a big bag on his back, studied a map carefully, while the woman beside him talked to him, looking around for the road. It was obvious that they got lost. Therefore, I came quickly towards them and asked: “Excuse me! Can I help you?” They smiled at me with gratitude and explained that they planned to go to the Tiananmen Square but could not find the way. Then, I led them to the nearby bus stop and advised them to take No.20 bus. After a while, the bus arrived and they got on the bus, waving at me and saying: “It’s so kind of you! Thank you for your kind help!”


  I am a 16-year-old girl by the name of Wang Shah.and I’m currently studying in Beijing Sunshine Middle School.

  My interests include music,photography,and I believe that communication is the most essential skill and have developed a liking for communication skills.My biggest strength is my ability to communicate with others,and I can speak both Chinese and English fluently and am good at speaking even with those who are shy and withdrawn.

  I look forward to a world of beautiful nature and peace,and I think the most meaningful topic in the world will be War,and dealing with racial discrimination,starvation and protecting the environment.

  My aim for this year’s summer camp is to make friends and learn more about foreign culture and customs.I wish to be reviewed for acceptance

  to this year’s summer camp based on my motivation,skills and personality. Thanks,

  Wang Shan



  My name is Wang Shan and I’m a 16-year-old girl studying at Beijing Sunshine Middle School.

  I’m fond of music and taking photos and I think I have a great talent for both.I have recently joined a digital video competition and won the prize for the first place.

  I like to make friends with other people who are outgoing,as I myself am very out.

  going.I am glad to socialize as well as help others.

  I often spend my free time hiking,or exploring to have a better understanding of the

  peaceful and natural surrounding in which I live.

  1 wish to attend the summer camps to make friends and increase my knowledge in foreign culture and customs.

  Thank you.

  Wang Shan

