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【#四六级考试# 导语】祝愿天下所有考生开心度过四级考试。祝福你们旗开得胜,取得美好佳绩。平心对待四级考试,你们是最棒的!仁慈的上帝会祝福你们的,相信自己,一定能行!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  The generation gap is a common phenomenon that exists everywhere and at every time between parents and children. It results in misunderstandings and causes friction between loved ones. You are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.


  Solving the Generation Gap Problem

  Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. The only and most important thing to bridge the generation gap is to stay in communication with frank, honest and open chat.

  First of all, communication enables young people to understand the older generation better. The younger generation naturally differs in dress, food and habits. They think old people do not fit in the modern world, so they tend not to listen to their counsel. However, older people have more experience and can share their advice with the new generation, Secondly, communication makes it easier for old people to understand the younger generation. Old people are fully convinced of their ideas as ultimate and ideal. They impose their self-righteous attitude on the young, who, however, are becoming rebellious against the central authority of the paternal figure. Teenagers are always talking about their freedom, usually in context of how their parents are obstacles. Therefore, effective communication is vital in order to overcome any difficulties.

  In conclusion,there always has been a generation gap since the dawn of civilization . More understanding and mutual respect seem to be a good way to narrow the generation gap. Therefore, communication with frank and honest chat is the key to this problem. (232 words)



  Urban noise pollution from cars, aircraft, building sites and neighbours is on the increase and affecting all levels of society. Suggest ONE way to reduce noise pollution.


  New Technology Is One Way to Solve Noise Pollution

  There have been an increasing number of complaints and lawsuits about noise pollution in some major world cities. The problem with noise is not only that it is unwanted, but also that it negatively affects human health and well-being. In my opinion, the government should attach importance to the research and application of technology in order to reduce noise pollution.

  First, the application of sound-absorbing or sound-insulation material shows the quickest sign of the reduction of noise pollution. Noise inside a building can be reduced if both the external and internal walls are made of sound deadening materials. Heavy and dense materials such as masonry or brick walls are better for sound reduction. The application of sound reduction materials is economically and technically feasible in dealing with four main noise sources, namely transportation, industrial production, construction, and social activities. Furthermore, the introduction of hybrid cars has made advances in the reduction of motor vehicle noise. Noise from transportation is one major source of noise pollution. The application of cars with low level noise will be effective in reducing noise emission.



  In some parts of the world, polluted land is a big problem. Land pollution can affect wildlife, plants, and humans in a number of ways. Suggest ONE way to reduce land pollution.


  Impose Strict Standards on Industries

  Some parts of the world farce grave soil pollution that jeopardizes the ecology, food safety, people's health and a sustainable social development. The long-term effect of land pollution has become a cause for concern by the public in general, In my opinion, strict regulations and standards for industry should be adopted in order to prevent land pollution.

  Firstly, as a matter of fact, industrial pollutants account for more than 80% of the land pollution which is now causing us huge problems in every aspect of our lives. By setting strict standards on industries, we could effectively deter relative factories from producing industrial pollutants. For example, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro marked a paradigm shift in the attitude of the governments of the world, as 150 delegates attended and recognized the importance of control and discipline. Secondly, when governments make the new standards for those leading industries and with people in every comer of the world benefiting from it, small business owners and entrepreneurs will also be positively involved and possibly stay engaged with the process of reducing land pollution.

  To conclude, I am fully convinced by what is argued above that for the sake of ourselves and the generations to come, strict relative relations and standards for industry should be immediately adopted in order to prevent land pollution once and for all. (224words)
