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【#英语资源# 导语】一个短暂而愉快的寒假,过得非常有意义。以下是©文档大全网整理的《关于寒假的英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.关于寒假的英语作文 篇一

  The exam is over, and the winter holiday has come. Although the winter holiday is cold, people are very warm.

  Friendship - is an indispensable friendship on the way of life, and this winter holiday is the kind of friendship that warms people's hearts.

  My English has always been a headache, so I am also a big headache. My classmate Yaya's English is very good. I was thinking of asking her to help me with my English. Before I could say it out, Yaya said to me, "Your English is very poor. Let me help you with your English during the winter vacation!" I smiled and was very happy. I said to Yaya, "Thank you, actually I want to tell you this." Yaya also smiled, Say to me, "Never mind, who makes us good friends?"

  So, in such a cold winter, Yaya will come to my home to help me with my English every morning. In such a cold weather, I can't bear to let Yaya come to my home to help me with my English every day. Once, I really couldn't help it. I said to Yaya, "The weather is too cold this morning, or I won't do my English lessons. It hurts me to watch you freeze every day." Yaya looked at me, It doesn't matter. Your English is really poor. Who makes us good friends? I will help you improve your English scores. "I smiled and felt a warm breeze in my heart. Maybe this is friendship. It is lifelong friendship

  This winter, this winter holiday, the weather is cold, but the people are very warm, because of you - Yaya, this winter holiday I no longer feel cold.

2.关于寒假的英语作文 篇二

  During the winter vacation, there is such a thing that makes me happy. It reminds me of it now and I want to experience it again.

  After dinner that day, I was about to return to my room to watch TV for a while, but I heard a deafening sound outside. I walked to the door step by step and looked up. It turned out that other people were setting off fireworks and firecrackers! I can't wait to let it go. At this time, my uncle happened to be holding a newly bought box of fireworks to set off. Nobody knew what the fireworks were like, and he was looking forward to it.

  At last, the fireworks tube sent out a bunch of orange flames, like hot water, rising upward, and like a fountain that continuously sprayed water upward, followed by: the fountains burst out with colorful five-petal flowers, and today it happened to rain a little misty, just like they opened their smiling faces in the rain, each flower soon "withered", but there will be new flowers blooming. Then look at the fireworks in the sky, some of them are like a blooming rose, pouring out fragrance; Some are like a raging fire; Others are like twinkling stars, blinking. It's really beautiful!

  I dare not set off fireworks. I only dare to set off fireworks sticks. When I light it with a lighter, it will have white and dazzling sparks. I waved heartily in the light rain, hey! But it soon went out. My brother lit a torpedo fireworks with a lighter and threw it immediately. In a short time, it will make a "snap" sound, and some fireworks can take off slowly like airplanes, and emit colorful light.

  Watching fireworks in the bustling New Year is really the happiest, most exciting and most interesting thing in this winter holiday.

3.关于寒假的英语作文 篇三

  In the winter holiday, there is one festival that children like best, that is the Spring Festival.

  The Spring Festival is commonly known as the Spring Festival. Every family should set off firecrackers, pay New Year's greetings, eat reunion dinner, welcome the god of wealth, and so on. The most interesting thing is to set off fireworks.

  On the evening of the New Year's Eve, my father held the fireworks he had bought before, took my mother, sister and I to the downstairs, looked at so many fireworks, and began to laugh before I set them off, "Hey hey! So many fireworks, which one should be set off first?" I was still hesitating, suddenly, Dad said in the thick noise, "Let's put this first! This is called the Night Pearl. It will fly to the sky one by one with noise!" As he said, he picked up a thin and long "Night Pearl", lit it with a lighter, and then "chirped". I was scared to step back. My mother said, "Don't be afraid, look". A meteor-like star appeared in the sky from the fireworks stick, and one after another was very beautiful. Then my father took the "Fuguihua" and put it on the ground. After lighting it, he first blew out white fireworks, then green, red, orange, and also made a "crackle" sound. We all made a "wow" sound, and were stunned. The fireworks behind are more and more wonderful, some like butterflies, some like love, and some like blooming chrysanthemums. In this way, one by one, and soon all the fireworks were set off. My sister took my hand and said, "Let's go home." I really couldn't bear to leave. I secretly thought that I would buy more and more beautiful fireworks next year.

  At midnight, the loud noise outside woke me up from my dream, and I didn't sleep well all night. When I woke up the next day, I walked to the mirror. The scene scared me. My eyes were like pandas.

  Anyway, this day is still beautiful and I will never forget it.

4.关于寒假的英语作文 篇四

  Winter vacation life is like a colorful pebble, with less tense atmosphere and more relaxed and happy.      During the winter vacation, I roamed freely in the vast sea of books. Books are like a wise old man enlightening and teaching me. Books, like a loyal friend, accompany me and communicate with me face to face. I like to download books from the book website most. The e-books there can be read online or downloaded to the computer hard disk for slow appreciation. It is very convenient to read. The ancients said that "there is a golden house in a book", which is true. During the winter vacation, I finished reading "If Give Me Three Days of Light", "The Adventures of Puppets" and "The Idiom Story" on the computer. I was deeply moved by their indomitable spirit of fearing difficulties.

  After reading, I had a good time. My friends and I sometimes play badminton, sometimes go swimming and skating, and the happiest thing is rope skipping. When it was my turn to jump, I took a deep breath and held the rope handle tightly. When everyone shouted "start", I shook my arms and jumped up. The boys shouted at the side: "Come on, Tingting; Come on, Tingting..." I jumped faster when I heard the cheers of the boys. Our happy laughter echoed in the air.

  Whenever I see my mother constantly washing and brushing, I will come to help with the housework. I am like a diligent little bee. I come and go, mop the floor and wipe the table. After a while, I feel tired and my legs ache. I sit on the chair and gasp. When my parents saw it, they quickly and cheerfully boasted: "Our daughter is really grown up and will help us share the work. It's really good!" I immediately forgot about the tiredness and felt happy.

5.关于寒假的英语作文 篇五

  With the coming of the New Year, the winter holiday is also approaching the end. What did the students do during the holiday including the Spring Festival? Come into my holiday life first.

  A semester has finally ended in bitterness and bitterness. Everyone is extremely happy and excited when the winter holiday comes. But the winter vacation brings us not only a relaxed and happy holiday life, but also a meaningful winter vacation by completing winter vacation homework and teachers' tasks.

  The day is over. In a flash, the Spring Festival is coming. That guy can hear the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums. All kinds of fireworks are in full bloom in the air, and the fire is shining in all directions. The New Year's Eve dinner is really lively. Many relatives and friends gather together and are not allowed to leave until one point. Children set off fireworks outside, while adults played mahjong in a lively manner. At about twelve o'clock, everyone started the countdown together in front of the TV. With the ringing of the New Year's bell, fireworks and firecrackers also began to ring everywhere. In the first month, people visit relatives and friends everywhere. Of course, there will be guests at home, serving tea and water, and occasionally taking care of children. It's still interesting.

  In this way, the day of leaving school is getting closer and closer. Every bit of winter vacation life, the good time, should also end here. Next, you can't be so lazy at the beginning of school. You should study hard to read well! Save all the good times in my winter vacation life in my mind and let them become a memory! It also drew a perfect end to my winter vacation life.
