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【#英语资源# 导语】寒假到,快乐来登门,开心乐开怀;惆怅无踪影,忧烦跑光光;郁闷从此无,压力抛九霄;轻松常相伴,自在乐无忧;幸福常相随,惬意乐逍遥。祝君寒假愉快,心情愉悦!以下是©文档大全网整理的《关于寒假生活的英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.关于寒假生活的英语日记 篇一

  On the morning of New Year's Eve, I just finished breakfast and went upstairs to do my homework, but my grandpa stopped me: "Babe, come and help grandpa wrap spring rolls!" "Wrap spring rolls?" I said in doubt, "But I can't." My grandpa smiled and said, "It's OK, let me teach you!"

  I ran to the table and saw that the table was filled with materials for wrapping spring rolls: tofu skin and radish stuffing. Grandpa said, "Let's start!" So I followed Grandpa's steps to do it. First spread the tofu skin on the table, put an appropriate amount of radish filling on the tofu skin, then pinch the filling into a horizontal line by hand, then fold the excess tofu skin on both sides into the inside, then roll the tofu skin forward, let the filling be wrapped in the tofu skin, and finally roll it forward continuously, and the spring roll is finished. At the beginning, I failed many times and encountered various problems, such as too much stuffing, the wrapped tofu skin was torn, and the stuffing leaked out from the side... When I was about to give up, my grandpa encouraged me to: "It's okay, it will be skillful to wrap more times." So I carefully observed my grandpa's wrapping method again, and then rallied, and finally succeeded, Grandpa said happily, "Ha ha, it seems I have a successor!" I also smiled happily.

  On New Year's Eve, Grandpa cooked the spring rolls for the whole family. Everyone thought they were delicious, and said, "Thanks to Xiaobei!"

2.关于寒假生活的英语日记 篇二

  My winter vacation life is colorful and tasteful, like a bottle of five flavors.

  Sour, makes people feel bad, especially in the heart. Because it was too cold this winter, the three turtles at home were frozen to death because we forgot to put them in the house and neglected to take care of them. I have been sad about this for a long time. My heart is sour and very uncomfortable. But a few days later, I tasted sweet taste——

  Sweet is the most in the holiday. For example, I can ride an electric bike and cook a dish. But the sweetest is a gift from my father. It is a four-piece set of Lego blocks. The surprise it brings takes away the acid, but there is still bitter.

  What's the pain? The bitter thing is "Alexander". Since the beginning of school, junior high school is not far away from me. The task of the second semester of grade six must be very heavy, and there will be various remedial classes on the weekend. Do you think it's hard? The pain of the holiday is a heavy learning task, which greatly reduces our time to play. I really want to turn back the time, so we will encounter the hot.

  At the beginning of the holiday, I was caught by my father because I told a lie. My father lost his temper and slapped me down for nothing. Ouch, my face was hot and I will never lie again.

  It is because of this bottle that my holiday is delicious, but it also makes me grow a lot

3.关于寒假生活的英语日记 篇三

  Speaking of my winter vacation life, it was a combination of work and rest.

  Every day, I finish all kinds of clocking tasks and homework on time and in quantity. After completion, it's my entertainment time. During this time, I can watch TV, play games, draw pictures, read books... Ah, it's really cool!

  Until the Spring Festival, my mother saw that I was also very hard at ordinary times, so I relaxed for five days. In the past few days, we really enjoyed ourselves. My mother took me to the movies and amusement parks. After I came back, I only needed to make a few question cards.

  Time flies. In a flash, it's only ten days since I left school. I seize the time to finish a painting every day, and do two English question cards, reading question cards. Of course, there are many punch cards! Although there are many learning tasks, I still cheer for myself every day and say, "Come on, He Yan, you will complete all the tasks successfully!"

  As time went by, there were only three days left for the holiday. I still needed five reading cards and one painting. Everyone knows that it takes a lot of time to draw a picture, so I spent nearly two hours drawing this picture alone. By the end of the day, I had finished the reading card. I really finished all the tasks on time, and a burst of pride burst into my heart.

  This is my full winter vacation life. How did you spend your winter vacation?

4.关于寒假生活的英语日记 篇四

  On the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, our family of four saw a strawberry garden on the way to their relatives. My father asked my brother and I whether to eat strawberries? The younger brother replied, "Eat!" After listening, his father quickly pulled the car to the roadside. We got off the bus in high spirits.

  When I came to the strawberry garden, I saw a piece of paper that said, "The red strawberry is 50 yuan per kilogram, and the cream strawberry is 40 yuan per kilogram." After seeing the "sky-high price", my mother said to my father, "Let's go to the supermarket to buy it!" But my father insisted on picking it by himself.

  Dad went in and took a small red basket. After discussion, we decided to pick red strawberries. We entered the greenhouse and began to pick strawberries. Due to the limited number of people, only my father and I went in to pick.

  "Wow" I saw a big and red strawberry, so I hurried to pick it. At this time, my father was also picking strawberries. I went to find my father while picking them. When I felt it, I saw a lot of big and green strawberries in the basket. So I asked curiously, "Why do you pick so many green strawberries?" My father said, "The green strawberries can be kept longer." After listening, I suddenly understood.

  After a while, we went to check out with strawberries. I couldn't wait to take one and taste it. "How sweet!" We went home happily.

  Through this harvest, I learned a lot about crops and opened my eyes. The most important thing is to exercise your hands-on ability and eat more at ease. I will pick it again next time!

5.关于寒假生活的英语日记 篇五

  When the Spring Festival comes, every household will also "make dumplings" in addition to "paste couplets". These are the traditional customs of our nation, which have been handed down to this day

  On the morning of the Spring Festival, we all got up very early. My mother said, "Come and help me make dumplings!" So we started

  My mother made up and I started. My mother made a variety of patterns with every move, but I couldn't do it anyway. Instead, it was like a crescent moon. In a fit of anger, I said, "Don't do it!" My mother advised me, "Whatever you do, you should have patience and confidence. Only in this way can you succeed."

  After listening to my mother's words, I feel very reasonable. So I began to make dumplings again, and slowly made them like dumplings. So I am very happy! Now I have patience. No matter it is flat or round, as long as I persist, I must succeed! As the saying goes, "persistence is victory!"

  After a while, I made a lot of dumplings. Mother said, "Put them in the pot." After a while, they seemed to be ripe! I fished them out and put them in the bowl. I feel delicious eating the dumplings made by my mother and me. Wow! That is great! The results of our efforts are different! I really have a different taste in my heart!

  In the new year, I have grown up again. I have learned that no matter what you do, you must have patience and confidence. Only in this way can you succeed.
