

时间:2021-08-28 13:44:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2021年是辛亥革命爆发110周年。在举国上下隆重纪念辛亥革命之际,以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  On October 10, 1911, after the Wuchang Uprising was successful, the revolutionaries settled here and established the government of the Republic of China, declaring "building the Republic of China with a republican government". The voice of righteousness was broadcast and the whole country responded, which led to the rapid collapse of the rule of the Qing Dynasty, thus ending the monarchy that lasted more than 2000 years in China and opening the door to the Republic of China.

  Before reaching the memorial hall, you can see the Hubei military governor's house made of red brick from a distance. The washing of history does not make it vicissitudes, but stands there like a lighthouse, a hundred years like a day, endless. Slowly approaching, the stone statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen came into view. Its solemn and magnificent momentum attracted everyone's attention. Wearing a long gown and mandarin jacket, with a stick in his left hand and a hat in his right hand, Mr. Wang looked into the distance with bright eyes and a kind of respect. When we approached the gate of the memorial hall, the whole picture of the red building slowly emerged in front of us. Along the small building on the left, we began to peep into the history behind it, walk through this holy land, experience and feel the influence of revolution. As soon as I entered the small building on the left, I saw a continuous mural. He recorded the historical process of the revolution of 1911, which shocked people. Behind a period of history, the revolutionary sages shed their blood and sacrificed their lives. Further inside, you can see the inscr iption of people from all walks of life on the memorial hall. In the inscr iption, they all highly affirmed the historical significance of the revolution of 1911 and maintained high respect for the revolutionary sages like us. And Dr. Sun Yat Sen's sentence "the world trend is mighty. Those who follow it prosper and those who go against it die" is most memorable to me. Then, we visited more than ten antique houses, such as the messenger room, the Ministry of foreign affairs, the governor's meeting room and conference room, and told us about that unforgettable history. In addition, we also saw some of the relics of the martyrs, which were the blood clothes, artillery, and other fighting tools, which made us feel the turbulence and danger of that period of history and the loss of the national destiny, and also made us feel the hot patriotic boxing of the revolutionary sages who loved the country.

  Through this visit to the Wuchang Uprising Memorial Hall of the revolution of 1911, I have deepened my understanding of Chinese history, especially Chinese modern history. Let me understand the revolution of 1911 is no longer limited to the knowledge in books, no longer just to memorize the meaning of a few sentences in order to cope with the exam, but to personally feel the soul stirring history of the revolution of 1911. In those turbulent times, there were a group of people who were willing to stand up for China's future and the happy life of the Chinese people. They took up arms and resisted. They show great righteousness in the face of death. They shed blood and throw their heads. They are the backbone of the nation, the hope of the nation and the monument of the national spirit! "I laugh at the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving two Kunlun Mountains with courage". The revolutionary sages risked their lives at any time. On the road of saving the nation from subjugation and survival, they were not afraid of danger, and finally * the rule of the feudal social system in China for nearly two thousand years, greatly liberated the people's thoughts imprisoned for nearly two thousand years, and opened up a road for the progress of Chinese society.


  Today, we need to pay tribute to a group of heroes before 110. They fought to the death in spite of power, and finally overthrew the autocratic rule of the Qing Dynasty for more than 260 years, ending China's feudal monarchy that lasted more than 2000 years. They are all the heroes who took part in the revolution of 1911. On October 10, 1911, a gun shot in Wuchang Uprising marked the full outbreak of the revolution of 1911. Before that, the bourgeois revolutionaries led by Sun Yat Sen publicized revolutionary theory, organized revolutionary political parties and launched ten armed uprisings successively. Although they failed, each uprising played a role in publicizing revolution and inspiring people. It was through this continuous accumulation that the victory of Wuchang Uprising was finally ushered in. The revolution of 1911 overthrew the autocratic rule of the Qing Dynasty for more than 260 years, ended the feudal autocratic monarchy for more than 2000 years, established the bourgeois republic, and dealt a fatal blow to the feudal autocratic system.

  The revolution of 1911 not only overthrew the "feudal court", but also dealt a heavy blow to the imperialist forces of aggression. After the revolution of 1911, the imperialists had to change their agents in China again and again, but they were no longer able to establish a relatively stable ruling order in China.

  Although the 1911 Revolution failed because of Yuan Shikai's stealing power, the blood of the revolutionary heroes did not flow in vain. They paved a golden road for the development trend of the Chinese revolution. Their efforts and blood should be remembered forever.

  Liang Qichao once said that youth wisdom is national wisdom, and youth wealth is national wealth; The country is strong when the youth is strong, and the country is independent when the youth is independent; Juvenile freedom means national freedom, and juvenile progress means national progress; If the youth is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe. If the youth is male than the earth, the country is male than the earth. Therefore, from now on, we must inherit the struggle spirit of the revolution of 1911, slowly shoulder the responsibility for the motherland, better carry forward each of our advantages and strengths, and make our country more prosperous, richer and stronger!


  The 1911 Revolution ended in compromise with the old reactionary forces, and the fruits of the revolution fell into the hands of the Northern Warlords led by Yuan Shikai. Imperialist forces in China have not been weakened, and feudal forces are still deeply rooted in every corner of China. The Chinese people still live in the abyss of poverty, backwardness, division, turbulence and chaos. In this sense, the revolution of 1911 was a failure. The main crux is that there is no complete and thorough anti imperialist and anti feudal political program; A strong and powerful revolutionary party that can successfully lead the revolution has not been formed; These national bourgeoisie who led the revolution of 1911 were seriously divorced from the working masses at the grass-roots level, but they were afraid of the revolution and did not have the courage to carry out the revolution to the end.

  Today, we commemorate the 110th anniversary of the revolution of 1911. The key is to clearly understand the Enlightenment of the revolution of 1911 to us, and always keep in mind the innovative spirit of "I dare to do it before the world, and I will start before the world". Today we commemorate the revolution of 1911 because the people with lofty ideals of 1911 are immortal, and because the revolution of 1911 left us precious spiritual wealth, the first righteousness spirit. To inherit the spirit of first righteousness is to inherit the innovative spirit of being the first.

  We should hold high the great banner of patriotism and carry forward the spirit of patriotism. Patriotism is the cream of Chinese traditional culture. The revolutionaries led by Sun Yat Sen showed a strong sense of concern for the country and the people and a sense of mission to save the nation from danger, which not only became the driving force and goal of the revolution of 1911, but also created the core of the spirit of patriotism in modern China.

  We should constantly promote the construction of democratic politics and carry forward the endless spirit of the revolution of 1911. Today, people's democracy is the life of socialism, and developing socialist democratic politics is the unswerving goal of the Communist Party of China. We should actively perform the functions of democratic parties in participating in and discussing state affairs and democratic supervision, give full play to the organizational advantages of democratic parties and their wide range of members, expand members' political participation through proposals, social conditions and public opinion, actively reflect the wishes of the people, and constantly promote the construction of democratic politics in China.

