

时间:2023-12-28 21:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

转眼 In the twinkling of an eye 一年一度的父亲节 The annual father's Day 即将来临 Upcoming 心酸 Feel sad 思念 Miss 像潮水涌来 Like the tide rushing in 老爸离开我们已经18个月 Dad left us for 18 months. 每一天都在思念中度过 Every day in the miss 每一夜都在梦里相逢 Every night in a dream meet 每一餐饭桌上都有您的碗筷 Every meal on the table with your chopsticks 老爸您看见了吗 Did you see Dad 老爸 Dad 您在那边还好吗 Are you all right there 那里是否也有人给您过节 There are people there for you 是否衣食无忧 Whether food 您快乐吗 Are you happy 老爸 Dad 我最疼爱的人 My favorite person 人间的甘甜有十分 The sweet of the earth is very 您只尝了三分 You only taste three points 这辈子做了您的女儿 This life has done your daughter 我没做够 I didn't do it. 央求您下辈子 Beg your next life 还做我的老爸 And my dad. 让女儿依然为您送上最美最香的酒 Let your daughter still send the most beautiful and sweet wine for you 让女儿还牵你的手 Let your daughter take your hand 走过公园 Walking through the park 划过江河 Across rivers 行走在美丽的嫩江之畔 Walking in the beautiful Nenjiang River 天又在下雨了 It's raining again. 老爸 Dad 是不是您在天国感觉到了女儿的思念 Did you feel your daughter's thoughts in heaven 不然 Otherwise 天怎么会飘雨 How can a rainy day 不哭 Don't cry 老爸 Dad 女儿很好 Daughter is good 只求您过的比我好 Just ask for your better than me 您的节日 Your holiday 女儿为您献上一束黄玫瑰花 Daughter, with a bunch of yellow roses. 祝福天国里的 Bless the kingdom of heaven 老爸 Dad

