星期天,我在教室里伴着寂寞温习的功课。临街的窗子外飘来了稚嫩的歌声:“哪个爸爸不骂人,哪个孩子不挨打...”这歌声今我想起了我的爸爸,想起了他那大的巴掌。 On Sunday, I accompanied my lonely lessons in the classroom.. Outside the window to the street floated a tender voice: "what Dad do not curse, one of the children not to take a beating..." the song today reminds me of the my dad, I think of his big slap in the face.
进入初中后,我不再是群星之首。成绩不理想的困扰,学习的紧张枯燥,几个同学的相继辍学...我努力学习的信念开始动摇了。 After entering junior high school, I am no longer the first of the stars. The tension of learning is not the ideal one, the tension and the number of students who drop out of school... And I study hard and I am beginning to shake.. 当爸爸听完我的陈述,他的目光变得异常冷漠:“我整天累死累活地供你上学,你却想不上就不上了...” When the father heard my statement, his eyes become unusually cold: "all day long I sweated blood for you to go to school, but you want to not not..." “这年头,上学咋样,不上学又咋样,别人都...我...” "This year, school Zha kind, not to school and how, others... I..." “是的!就是不许你!这些年的书你白念了,好,跟人家学,你,你就滚回家来混日子吧!”他近乎咆哮了,浑身颤抖着,高高地抡起了巴掌... "Yes! That's not you! These years the books you read, and to learn from others, you, you roll back home to dawdle it!" he almost growled, trembling with fear, high Lun the slap in the face. 此时,我才感到了自己的无知.幼稚.冲动,于是底下头,只等着父亲的巴掌落下来,落在我的身上。 At this point, I felt the ignorance of their own. Childish. So the impulse, then the bottom, waiting for the father's slap down, fell on my body. “啪”父亲的巴掌终于落了下来,茶几上三只茶杯蹦到地上,碎了。 "Pa" father slap finally down on the coffee table, three cups jumped to the ground, broken. “你已经不小了,自己好好想想吧!”父亲满脸怒气而又无奈地转身回屋去了,就在他转身的一刹那,我瞥见他眼角挂着浑浊的老泪。 "You are not small, their good think about it!" father all over the face anger and reluctantly turned and walked back into the house to, is he turned in a moment, I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye hanging turbidity Laolei. 那一夜,我没有合眼。 That night, I did not sleep a wink. 第二天,天不亮,我就逃命似地收拾起书包准备返销、校。不想碰响地上的脸盆,惊动了那屋的父亲。只听他语气和缓地问:“上哪儿?”“爸,我回去上学。”我底声回答。