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【#一年级# 导语】小学一年级英语主要学习26个英语字母的认识和一些简单的对话。学习的难点和重点培养学生学习英语激发学生开口能力。根据这些特征和学习内容来制定英语学习方法。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学一年级英语上册知识点》希望能够帮助到大家。
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1.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇一

  frog青蛙 rabbit兔子 bee蜜蜂 bird小鸟

  sheep绵羊 hen母鸡 dog狗 cat猫

  rice米饭 soup汤 egg蛋 Noodles面条

  ball球 doll娃娃 bicycle自行车 kite风筝

  jelly果冻 ice cream冰淇淋 sweet糖果

  biscuit饼干 Cola可乐 juice果汁 milk牛奶

  water水 warm暖和 hot热 spring春天

  summer夏天 sunny阳光明媚的 cloudy多云的

  rainy下雨的 windy刮风的 T-shirt T恤

  dress连衣裙 shorts 裤子 blouse 外套 ride骑车

  skip跳绳 play打(球) fly飞 gift礼物

  card卡片 firecracker爆竹 firework烟花

  boy男孩 wolf狼 farmer农民 smell闻

  Taste尝 see看 hear听见 drink喝

  Red红色的 green绿色的

  black黑色的 white白色的 purple紫色的

2.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇二

  1 Here is my hair/pencil/book/eraser/ruler/…… 这是我的……

  2 Look at my big eyes/small face 看我的……

  3 I see a rabbit/ bird……. Me too. 我看见……,我也是

  4 See/ hear/call the bird.

  5 -Give me your tail please?

  Sorry, it’s too long/short/big

  Look, there it is. 看,它在这儿

3.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇三


  some, any, no, every

  thing: something, anything, nothing, everything

  one: someone, anyone, anything, everyone

  where: somewhere, anywhere, anywhere, everywhere

  body: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody


  (1)Help! Somebody? Anybody?

  (2)Where did you go? I went nowhere.

  (3)Nobody is at home.

  (4)You are really something.

  (5)I looked for my book everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere.

  (6)If you want to go somewhere, if you want to be someone, you must wake up.

  (7)Since everybody is here, lets begin our class.

4.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇四

  1. 文具类单词:

  book书, ruler尺子, pencil铅笔,

  rubber橡皮, pen钢笔, bag包

  2. 课堂用语指示句型:

  Stand up, please. 请起立。

  Sit down, please.请坐。

  Open your book.打开你们的书。

  Close your book.合上你们的书。


  How are you? 你身体好吗?

  Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。

  Good morning. 早上好。

5.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇五


  eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, hand, arm, leg, foot; one, two;see, hear,smell


  1 This is the way I wash my face. 这是我……的方式

  2 I have one nose/mouth/face 我有……

  3 I have two eyes/ears/arms/feet/hands/legs

  4 My eyes can see/My mouth can talk/My ears can hear/My nose can smell 我的……能……

  5 What’s this?-It’s the head. 这是什么? 它是头

  6 Touch your eyes/ mouth/ ears/ arm…… 摸你的……
