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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 1.实践能力与知识的区分以及各自的重要性。
The famoussaying places a high value on the importance of ( the quality of doingsth/doing sth/being+adj. ), showing the necessity of enhancing our awareness ofthe significance of (being+adj.).
A case in pointis ( friendship/filial piety/academic studies/college students). There is nodenying in saying that without the quality of ( ), we would not achieve anything great inour personal growth and academic studies (或者是buildinga harmonious society). It is not too much to say that ( ) plays an indispensable role in our life.
In order toenhance our awareness of ( ), it isnecessary that we attach great importance to (doing sth.). From my perspective,the role played by (school/reading/society/self-restraint) can never beoveremphasized.
1. As is depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth, doingsth, showing the importance/harm of doing sth.
2. This picture reflects a common phenomenon that anincreasing number of people are paying close/little or no attention to theimportance/negative influence of doing sth.
3. That we must take steps to enhance the awareness ofdoing sth/being+adj is a common practice.
4. There is no denying in saying that sth/to do sth/doingsth/being adj. plays an indispensable role in our personal growth and academicstudies/in building a harmonious society and creating a happy and meaningful life.
5. It is high time that we took effective steps to fightagainst the problem/phenomena reflected by the picture.
6. The role played by ( )can never be neglected due to the factthat without the participation of ( ),we would not succeed in doing sth.
7. This famous saying indicates the importance of thequality of being+adj/doing sth, suggesting the necessity of enhancing theawareness of being+adj/doing sth.
8. Only in this way can the problem reflected by thepicture/saying be solved.
9. Currently, with society and economy/culture andinformation technology/ industry and commerce developing rapidly, an increasingnumber of people pay little or no attention to the role played by sth/negativeinfluence exerted by sth.
10. There is no doubt in saying that doing sth/being adj.can, directly or indirectly, to a large degree, bring positive/negativeinfluence on our personal growth and academic progress.