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新概念英语青少版Unit 18 Lesson 35: Men can cook, too! 男人也能做饭

William: Let’s cook dinner, Robert. You can help me. Give me some rice, please. There’s some rice in that jar. Put some water in the pan, and pass me a knife, please. 我们来做饭吧,罗伯特,你来帮忙我吧,给我点米,米在哪个罐子里。在平底锅里放点水,然后把刀递给我。 Robert: Which one? 哪把刀?

William: That one on the table. 桌子上的那把。

Robert: OK, Dad. Here it is. 好的,爸爸,给你。

William: Chop two onions, please. 切两个洋葱。

Robert: OK, Dad. Chop two onions… 好的,爸爸,切两个洋葱....

William: Is there a big spoon over there? 那边有个大勺子吗?

Robert: Yes, Dad. 是的,爸爸。

William: Pass me the big spoon, please. 把那个大勺子给我。

Robert: I can’t get a spoon and chop an onion, Dad! 爸爸我不能又切洋葱又拿勺子。

William: You’re right. What about some plates? 说的对,那边有盘子吗?

Robert: Dad, there are some plates on the shelf. There are some knives, some forks and some spoons in the drawer. And my hands are wet. 爸爸,架子上有盘子。抽屉里还有刀叉和汤匙。我的手湿了。

William: You see, Robert, men can cook, too. Perhaps we can open a restaurant! 你看,罗伯特,男人也可以做饭,也许我们可以开家饭馆。

Robert: Oh, yeah! 额,可能吧......

新概念英语青少版1bUnit 18:Men can cook, too!.doc
