
时间:2022-05-16 21:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六一儿童节到,愿你永有童心,生活甜蜜,无忧无虑;永有童真,生活快乐,吉祥如意;永有童言,友情深厚,温馨甜蜜;永有童颜,青春不老,永保健康。祝你永远快乐!以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today, teachers and parents led class 16 students to play games in the school garden to celebrate International Children's Day.

  The first game is to clip go, which is divided into two teams. Four players in a team clip go with pencils, five for each person, from the boys on one side to the girls on the other side. If they can't fall down in the middle, they will succeed. I was the only one in our team who succeeded. Miss Zhang and my aunt praised me and I got a gift of biscuits.

  The second game is to use a table tennis racket to hold a table tennis ball. Each person makes a circle, and the ball succeeds without falling. I dropped the ball once in this game. I'll try hard next time. I got another gift of seaweed.

  The third game is playing football. Everyone aims at the hole and kicks it in. The ball goes in and wins. I succeeded in playing once and got a box of colored pencils as a gift.

  The fourth game is throwing slippers. Each child puts on slippers on one foot and throws them into the bucket in front of him. The slippers go in and win. I also succeeded this time. I got another bottle of milk as a gift.

  The fifth game is a circle. Each person has five circles, and the goal in front of him is successful. I got in three circles, two of them didn't get in. I'll cheer up next time. I got my favorite gift, chocolate eggs.

  When the game was over, we went back to the classroom to watch the movie smart rest. The whole class had a good time on June 1. We not only had gifts, but also could watch movies. We had a really happy June 1!


  This year I had an unforgettable International Children's Day.

  I got up early in the morning and the sky was clear. I returned to the campus with a happy and excited mood. As soon as I stepped into the school gate, I saw the students with bright smiles on their faces. Everyone was waiting for the charity sale.

  The activity officially began at 9 o'clock, and the whole audience was lively. Some stalls were equipped with all kinds of cloth dolls, some stalls were equipped with books, and some stalls were equipped with handicrafts and paintings. Seeing such beautiful items, I can't wait to invest in purchasing. I first thought of food, so I bought a delicious drink and put it in the bag. I found that I had saved 17 yuan. I figured out what to buy next. I walked around the stall and a peacock fan caught my eye. This peacock fan has a novel idea and exquisite workmanship. I bought it without hesitation. Then I went shopping at another stall. A funny comic book cost me five yuan.

  I looked at my wallet. There was not much money left, so I decided not to buy anything and went to the gym to see the auction. Some people auctioned things for 200 yuan. I saw a lot of things. I looked carefully for a moment. I couldn't help but shoot a charity sale for more than ten yuan.

  Today, I have gained so much. This is really an unforgettable International Children's Day!


  The annual children's Day is coming. I am very excited because this will be my primary school career. I will celebrate International Children's Day for the last time. My feelings are naturally different.

  With the vigorous music, we entered the room and took our seats with the teacher's command. I found that everyone's face was filled with a happy smile. This smile was a heartfelt smile and a very infectious smile. Everyone present was infected when they saw it. Of course, everyone was in a very good mood. The performance began, singing and dancing on the stage and jubilant off the stage. Everyone was immersed in the festive atmosphere. No matter whether you participated in the program or not, there was no difference, because it was everyone's festival.

  Watching, suddenly, a group of clever and lovely mice and a sleeping kitten appeared on the stage. When everyone was confused, the announcer came out to solve our doubts. It turned out that the program was called "night of cats and mice", a story about cats and mice. Hearing this, the students couldn't wait to start quickly. The program began. The actors on the stage were doing one difficult action after another. The audience cheered one after another. After the clever mouse was caught by the cat, everyone stood up and applauded. The whole program drove the climax of June 1!

  The passage of time is fast. In a twinkling of an eye, this wonderful time has passed. Although International Children's Day is over, this is the most wonderful International Children's Day I have ever had. It will always remain in my heart.


  On International Children's Day, I hope for the stars and the moon. Finally, I hope for the "June day". Today's International Children's Day is our own holiday, and everyone should be happy.

  Today is International Children's Day. In the afternoon, my sister, my second uncle, my uncle and my aunt and I rushed to Altai amusement park. There is a sea of people and a steady stream of cars. It took us a lot of effort to come in and have to do the card again. We had to do the card. My uncle did the card well. We began to find our favorite projects.

  My sister and I saw a very interesting project - the ferris wheel. My sister and I wanted to play the ferris wheel with one voice. I heard that the ferris wheel can see the whole Hohhot. We entered a small viewing car. I was overjoyed and looked out. It was so beautiful. The ferris wheel turns very slowly. After about ten minutes, my sister and I got off the bus.

  My sister and I went to play the roller coaster again. When we saw others playing the roller coaster, it was terrible. I was afraid, but I was a man, so I had the courage to play the roller coaster with my sister. When playing, I held the guard rod tightly in my upper arm for fear of falling down, and my eyes were closed. When I finished playing, I was dizzy and regretted not playing at the beginning, but I also went to try it bravely with my sister.

  This International Children's Day was very happy. It was the happiest day.

  On June 1, every child should know that this festival is children's day.


  Today is "61" children's day. Early in the morning, the students came to school with big bags and small bags. Why? Because we are going to hold a charity sale today.

  It's like a bird flying to the playground in the afternoon. After a while, there were more and more people. The big playground was crowded and very lively.

  I was wandering on the playground, looking here and there for a while. At this time, a third grade little girl bumped into me. When I got up, she asked me, "sister, do you want to buy extra-curricular books? It's only three yuan a copy." I read the book in her hand. It turned out to be "naughty little horse jumping". It costs 16 yuan a copy in the bookstore! I picked and said, "sell me all three." I took out the money and took the book with a smile.

  After buying the book, I flew around on the playground like a bird. At this time, I felt that I was patted behind my back, but when I looked back, there was nothing. I thought: I won't meet ghosts. I looked back trembling. Wang Ye's face suddenly appeared in front of me, which frightened me. "So you're playing tricks!" I said angrily. With that, I ran after Wang Ye all over the playground, and laughter resounded throughout the playground

  Happy time is always short. During this half day charity sale, we not only gave our love, but also gained full happiness and joy. This is really the happiest children's day I have ever had.


  Today is International Children's Day, which is our children's own festival. Before 6 o'clock, I got up early, dressed in a clean school uniform and a white sun hat. Everything was ready according to the teacher's requirements, looking forward to arriving at school early. It was not easy to wait until 6:50. With excitement and excitement, I hurried to the school in my father's car. The colored flags were flying on the campus, and the trumpet team and gongs and drums team were ready. I was looking forward to the arrival of the exciting and exciting moment.

  The classroom was decorated with colorful colors by the students themselves. The whole classroom was covered with colorful balloons and pull flowers. All the students were in high spirits and finally looked forward to 8:30. We took the bench and lined up in a neat and orderly team to sit in front of the big stage. First, the county leaders who paid attention to the healthy growth of our children spoke, and then began to perform wonderful programs. There were many and beautiful programs, including chorus, solo, poetry reading, dance Reciting hundreds of family names, three character classics, Analects of Confucius and other programs were colorful and won bursts of warm applause.

  What I saw was the fan dance "entering the new era" performed by a teacher's team. Two male and female teachers led the singing in front, and more than a dozen teachers were behind. Holding the fan was like a beautiful flower butterfly dancing. It was wonderful, "We sing the Oriental red and become rich through reform and opening up. We sing the story of spring, enter the new era, hold high the banner and create the future... As the beautiful music comes to an end, the teachers put" butterflies " "Connected together, up and down for a while, it's like a group of fairies wandering and coming slowly. It's very beautiful. At the end of the performance, all the people of the performance came to the stage together, forming a huge, United, solid and beautiful wreath.

  The wonderful program gives me endless aftertaste. I'm so happy today!


  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally looked forward to the annual International Children's Day. In order to celebrate 61, our school decided to hold a happy get-together. How much effort did our class pay for this performance.

  We came to the auditorium in a neat line. The auditorium was decorated and bustling. At a glance, the auditorium is like a horse spoon - full of vegetables. With the loud voice of the host, the Party of "Celebrating June 1" began. First of all, a group of lovely first grade students performed Jiangnan style dance. They danced their small hands, twisted their waist, and smiled on their faces, showing their innocence. There is a scream below. It seems that there will be a high tide again.

  The performance went on and finally it was our turn. The performers of our class came on the stage and performed the Wuzu boxing of South Shaolin. The first ones on the stage are the girls in white robes. Their movements are vigorous and powerful, just like soldiers standing on the Gobi desert. Then came the male students in yellow uniforms, with a serious expression and happiness, and strong and powerful actions, as if they were soldiers on the border who vowed to defend the motherland to the death. They must be very nervous now that they punch like tigers down the mountain. I seem to see the bosom of the sea from it, and the momentum is like waves beating the shore After the performance, I was still intoxicated. After a while, thunderous applause broke out from each seat, which was undoubtedly their affirmation. I practiced hard for more than a month. This applause was the result of more than a month. I finally understand the meaning of the sentence "ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage".

  This "celebration of June 1" party is the happiest I have ever spent on June 1, because it makes me understand a truth: "as long as you keep doing something, you will succeed."


  Early in the morning of June 1, my father bought me a gift and a gift for my good friend Li Zonghao. Then my father, mother and I, as well as my friend Li Zhonghao and his mother went to East Lake Park and sea world.

  East Lake Park is very beautiful. As soon as you enter the park, the trees there grow very tall and lush. The sun was very hot, but the lush trees on both sides blocked the sun. We walked in the shade. I feel much cooler. We went to take a boat. The scenery on the lake is really beautiful! Next to an island, there are many white pigeons flying around on the lake. On both sides of the lake lies an iron cable bridge, under which our boat crosses. We enjoyed such scenery on the boat and felt like a fairyland. After sitting on the boat. Go to the iron cable bridge immediately. The bridge is made of hard iron. I'm afraid I'll fall, but I still walk step by step.

  The phoenix tree there is in full bloom with beautiful phoenix flowers, and the bright red petals fall on the green grass. Like a red carpet, how beautiful! And the bride and groom take wedding photos under the beautiful phoenix tree. This scene is really beautiful, beautiful and charming!

  In the afternoon, we went to the sea world. There is a luxury cruise ship called Minghua in the sea world, which is spectacular! When we went up, the security guard said we couldn't go in because it wasn't open. We have to come down. How I look forward to an open visit! The environment around the sea world is very good. There are many restaurants and lovely little yellow people. I also took a picture with the little yellow man!

  In the evening, I also invited another good friend zoudaorong to have dinner together to celebrate International Children's Day. How happy it was!


  Today is the annual International Children's Day. In the morning, our experimental primary school held a get-together of "Celebrating 61. My motherland and I".

  The party was held in the square of the school. The venue was grandly arranged. Under the bright national flag, colorful flags and balloons were hung, showing a warm festive atmosphere. Wearing school uniforms and red scarves, the students lined up in neat lines waiting for the start of the party. At the beginning of the first class, the host invited headmaster Wu to speak. As soon as the headmaster finished speaking, the students applauded warmly. The host recited another song "Spring Dawn", and then called on everyone to sing the song "Spring Dawn" together, and then sang the familiar song "the same song", which was full of expression and loud throughout the whole campus.

  At the party, singers performed their talents, praised the motherland and expressed the students' love for the motherland. Everyone's long-awaited dance comes on, oh! Senior female students wear yellow clothes and skirts and dance "Tianzhu girl". Their dancing posture is beautiful and moving, just like a group of lively butterflies dancing. It's beautiful and amazing! As time went by, at the climax, a music teacher took these students by the hand and said something to their ears. Then those students came on the stage. The host announced loudly: "then please enjoy the hip-hop dance!" Three boys and two girls jumped up. At the beginning, the jump was not very attractive. Who knows, the wonderful thing is still behind. When the three boys hit the ground with their hands, "whoosh" to the top of their heads, their feet turned up, and they can walk with their hands. It's wonderful! The students applauded for a long time and marveled. Some students also picked up the camera and left this wonderful scene.


  On June 1, the annual children's Day is coming. We are very excited. We don't know what fun activities are coming.

  We came to the gym and saw that the students of other classes had taken their seats. The performance began. The first one is the song "flowers and youth" of class 52, which reflects how energetic we were when we were young! The second is our class's dance "happy worship". Although there is no me in this program, I still clap my hands below to cheer them on. Among them, what I deeply understand is the sixth grade "friends". This song describes how precious the friendship between friends is. We must cherish it with our hearts. The girls in class 1, grade 5 danced very well and danced beautifully, which made me feel the joy of innocence. The beautiful songs sung by other classes made the spring surge out of my heart. It's coming to our "Bei Er Shuang". My little heart is beating "thump thump thump". I said in my heart: what can I be nervous about? Just dance! Together with the music, there seems to be air below. I am in my own world and make every action standard, but there is a little episode when dancing. The music is not consistent with what we usually practice, but it doesn't matter. We can still adapt to the situation and dance this dance smoothly. At the moment of performance, how happy and happy childhood is.

  What a happy holiday it is! However, I can always think of sadness from here. Maybe in a few years, we won't have International Children's Day, because we are not children when we grow up. Time flies like an arrow. Let's cherish every International Children's Day!

  But we still did not think of these, or happily spent a happy and meaningful International Children's Day!

