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【#小学英语# 导语】成功根本没有秘诀可言,如果有的话,就有两个:第一个就是坚持到底,永不言弃;第二个就是当你想放弃的时候,回过头来看看第一个秘诀,坚持到底,永不言弃,学习也是一样需要多做练习。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2017年小学三年级英语上册期末复习【三篇】》 供您查阅。


1. 我的好看的帽子 ________ nice  _________   2. 一个新的娃娃 ______ ________doll

3. 一个冰激凌 _________ ice cream             4. 那个蛋糕   _________   ________

5. 一辆玩具汽车 _______  toy ________        6. 给我        _________ me

7. 这条橙色的裙子_______ orange ________     8. 一位好朋友  a _________ friend

9. 看…   _________ at    10. 一顶红色的帽子  _______  ________  ___________

11. 新年 ________   _________ 12. 这辆新的小汽车 ________  __________  _______

13. 那个机器人 ________ robot   14. 黑白相间 _________  ______  _________

15. 新年快乐!_________ ________  ________!  16. 给我的爸爸 ________my father

17. 一个绿色的鸡蛋 ______ _________ _________ 18. 下午好! _________ afternoon!

19. 这是给你的。________   ________   ________    ________.

20. 一个橙色的球  ______  _________ ball   21. 我的好朋友  my ________  friend

22. 一个橙子 ______   ___________  23. 父母亲__________  ______  __________

24. 遇见你 __________  _________   25. 他还是她 _________  or __________

26. 生日快乐!_________  birthday!   27. 姐弟__________  ________   ___________

28. a yellow ball _________________     29. what colour   ____________________

30. what about  ____________________   31. this red doll ____________________

32. that nice robot ____________________   34. my new skirt ______________________


(     ) 1.  he's     A. I'm       B. it          C. she

(     ) 2.  nice       A. green      B. how      C. great

(     ) 3.  Miss Li     A. Liu Tao   B. Tina      C. Tim

(     ) 4.  yes      A. am         B. not          C. no

(     ) 5.  brother     A. mother      B. grandpa    C. grandma

(     ) 6.  he         A. my          B. are       C. she

(     ) 7.  jacket     A. skirt       B. mother      C. me

(     ) 8.  brown      A. what       B. colour        C. black

(     ) 9.  morning      A. at          B. goodbye     C. evening

(     ) 10.  hot dog      A. skirt      B. pie            C. cap


(    )1. Would you like _________?
A. ice cream       B. an ice cream       C. a ice cream
(    )2. What's that?       _____ a car.
A. This is          B. It's     C. That's
(    )3. This is _____ orange chair.
A. a        B. /       C. an
(    )4. Is it your cake?      _____
A. Yes, it isn't       B. No, it isn't       C. No, it is.
(    )5. This is ______egg and that is _____ CD.
A. an, a             B. a, a             C. an ,an
(    )6. Would you like an egg?    _________.
A. Yes, I am       B. No, I'm not.      C. Yes, please.
(    )7. This sweet is _____ you.    A. to            B. and          C.for
(    )8. Look at ____ my cap.        A. a    B. the       C. /
(    )9. What about an egg? _______________.
A. Here you are.  B. It's nice.      C. Yes, please
(    )10. Are you Mike? ____________.
A. Yes, I am.     B. Yes, you are.      C. Yes, I'm.
(    ) 11. A: Look at my jacket.        B: It's_______.
A. Thank you.       B. nice.           C. please
(    ) 12.This pie is for you
A. Thank you.       B. It's nice.           C. Yes, I am.
(    ) 13.A:What's this ?              B: It's an ______ car.
A. orange           B. blue              C. white
(    ) 14.What about a hot dog ?
A. No, please        B. It's white          C. Yes, please
(    ) 15.Are you Liu Tao ?
A. Yes, I am         B. No, I'm not        C. Yes, I'm not
(     ) 16.________.Birthday!    A. Happy       B. happy        C. How
(     ) 17. ---Good morning, Mike        ---_____________.
A. Good evening, Mum.   B. Good morning, Mum.  C. Good afternoon, Mum.
(    ) 18.A:Look at my skirt.       B: It's_______.
A. Thank you.    B. It's nice.           C. Good bye.
(    ) 19.This robot is for you.        A. Thank you.    B. It's nice.      C. Yes, I am.
(    ) 20. Hello, are you Mike?   Yes, _______.
A. I'm not       B. I am              C. he is
(    )21.  --Hello, Sam.         --____________
A. Hi, Miss Li            B. Hi, I'm Miss Li.         C. Goodbye, Miss Li.
(    )22. --______ is it?       --It's red.
A. What                 B. What colour            C. What's colour
(    ) 23. This is Tim. ________ my brother.
A. He's                  B. She's                   C. It's
(    )24. --Would you like a robot?        --____________
A. Yes, I am.       B. No. It's a CD.        C. No, thank you.
(    )25. --This is my father.         --_______________.
A. Nice to meet you.        B. Yes, he is.              C. Thank you.
(    )26. -- ____________          --It's a brown ball.
A. What colour is it?       B. What's that?     C. Are you a robot?
(    )27. --Happy birthday!.         --_________.
A.    Happy birthday!.        B. Happy New Year.        C. Thank you.
(    )28. This is ________ egg for you.        A. a       B. an        C. /
(    )29. What's this? It's an _____ car.       A. orange      B. blue     C. white
(    )30. That's a _______                 A. cap      B. egg       C. ice cream

(    )1. A. cap              B. skirt            C. egg
(    )2. A. nice             B. sweet            C. pie
(    )3. A. you              B. I                C. my
(    )4. A. look             B. are              C. is
(    )5. A. ice cream        B. hot dog          C. black
(    )6. A. cap              B. skirt            C. doll
(    )7. A. nice             B. great            C. car
(    )8. A. colour           B. brown            C. red
(    )9. A. look             B. see              C. is
(    )10. A. ice cream        B. robot            C. ball
(    )11. A. Yang Ling        B. skirt            C. T-shirt
(    )12. A. good            B. great           C. Wang Bing
(    )13. A. morning         B. afternoon        C. nice
(    )14. A. She's            B. You're          C. he
(    )15. A. yes             B. you             C. no
(    )16. A. mother           B. brother         C. Miss Li


(一) Ⅰ                     Ⅱ
(    ) 1.Good morning.              A. It's a CD .
(    ) 2. What colour is it.            B. Good morning.
(    ) 3. Are you Wang Bing?         C. Yes, please..
(    ) 4.Would you like a hot dog?     D. No, I'm not. I'm Liu Tao.
(    ) 5. What's this.                E. It's yellow.
(    ) 6. It's nice.                   F. No, thank you.
(    ) 7. What about a cake?          G. Thank you.
(二)Ⅰ                     Ⅱ
(    ) 1. What's this?                 A. It's a pie..
(    ) 2. Would you like an egg?        B. Good afternoon
(    ) 3. Are you Liu Tao?             C. Yes, please..
(    ) 4. What colour is the apple?      D. No, I'm not. I'm Su Hai.
(    ) 5. Good  afternoon             E. It's red.
(三)Ⅰ                       Ⅱ
(    )1. What about an ice cream?        A. Thank you.
(    )2. This is my sister.                  B. Nice to meet you.
(    )3. Happy birthday.                  C. It's a hot dog.
(    )4. Happy New Year.                 D. Happy New Year.
(    )5. What's this?                     E. Yes, please.
(四)Ⅰ                          Ⅱ
(    )1、Hello! Are you Wang Bing?         A、Thank you.
(    )2、Goodbye, Miss Li.                B、Yes, please.
(    )3、Nice to meet you, Helen.           C、Goodbye, Liu Tao.
(    )4、Look at my jacket.                D、No, I'm not. I'm Mike.
(    )5、This is for you.                  E、Nice to meet you ,too.
(    )6、Would you like a cake?            F、How nice.

