Today is May 1, as well as labor day. Irritable the sun baked the earth, I enjoy cool air in shade with a fan. At this moment, I saw next to the flowers and grass lazily to pull his head, a listless look. See this scene, I thought to myself, so hot weather, the flowers grass must have been hot no spirit, let me give them a breeze! Today also five anyway. One day, should also do a little work. Thought of here, I stood up and walked next to the flowers and grass, with fans, for the flowers and grass ah. Sun mercilessly shines on my body, bean big sweat from my face drop by drop flow down from my face. "tick" "tick" five minutes later, ten minutes passed, and I don't have the strength, paralysis sitting on the ground, panting. Although I had a try, he lifted his head but these flowers and plants does not, instead more lower down. Back home, I put the matter thoroughly a qing chu told his mother, after listening to his mother, can't help laughing, said, "silly child, it is useless to do this, you will move to Yin place after a few hours is ok, just like you do, give them with a fan fan will hit its stem, it will become lower, you! You! A good do a bad thing!" I listen to mother's words, tarry for three or four seconds. "Ah! My hard were in vain!" This may reduce cost is to want to do a good thing, but then not only affected the body, the flowers and grass was also a crush, is really bad luck! 今天是五月一日,也是劳动节.火辣辣的太阳烤着大地,我拿着扇子在树阴下乘凉.
这时,我看见旁边的花儿和草儿都懒洋洋地 拉着脑袋,一副无精打采的样子.看到这副情景,我心想:这么热的天气,这些花儿草儿肯定是被热得没有精神,不如我来帮它们扇风吧!反正今天也是五. 一劳动节,也该做一点劳动.想到这儿,我站起来走到这些花和草旁边,拿出扇子,对着花儿和草儿扇呀.骄阳无情地照在我身上,豆大的汗珠从我的脸上一滴一滴地从我的脸上流了下来.“滴答““滴答“五分钟过去了, 十分钟过去了,我没有了力气,瘫坐在地上,喘着粗气.虽然我费了九牛二虎之力,但是这些花草并没有把头抬起来,反而低得更下去了.
回到家里,我把这件事情的来龙去脉一清一楚地告诉了妈妈,妈妈听了后,不禁哈哈大笑,说 “傻孩子,你这样做是没有用的,要搬到阴的地方过几个小时就可以了,像你刚才那样做的话,用扇子给它们扇风就会打到它的茎,它就会变得更低了,你呀!你呀!真是好心办坏事! “我听了妈妈的话之后,足足呆住了三四秒钟.