
时间:2023-10-24 16:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A friend is you sad when a beam of sunlight; A friend is when you meet with difficulties mentor; A friend is a person to share the happiness with you.   He turned the students is 2 grade. At that time, he is not familiar with the unfamiliar environment, I often take the initiative to find chat, so we become good friends. When I argue with others, he would support me; When I'm depressed, he would come and share the; When I am happy, he will rejoice with me. Remember, in the four grade school chorus competition, must attend every class. From now on, always can see us in our class on the playground sweat; In class, always hear the singing of our class. Time flies, blink of an eye the game is coming. In front of the class, a than a wonderful. Although our strength, but the result of the game makes us very disappointed. The classmates cry, I cry very sad. At this time, he came over and gently patted me on the back: "don't cry, failure is the mother of success, not today, and the next time?" Listen to his heart, I feel much better. Time was not long before, my best friend turned away to school, it is definitely icing on the cake for me. I cry. He said: "Zhao Zhenhang you don't cry, not to say that a true friend. What has"? "Sea memory know, tianya zorpia, stupid" I then his words. "I am a fool, I am a fool." He smiled jokingly.   Until now I can think of his silly dull look. He is - liu, my best friend!   朋友是你伤心时的一束阳光;朋友是你遇到困难时的导师;朋友是和你一起分享快乐的人。   他是2年级时转过来的学生。当时的他,并不熟悉这陌生的环境,我经常主动找聊天,于是,我们成为好朋友。在我和别人争论时,他会支持我;当我情绪低落时,他会过来一起分担;当我高兴时,他会和我一起欢呼雀跃。记得在4年级时,学校组织合唱比赛,每个班必须参加。从今往后——在操场上总会看见我们我们班的汗水;在班内,总会听见我们班的歌声。光阴似箭,眨眼间比赛就来临了。前面的班,一个比一个精彩。虽然我们的实力惊人,但是比赛的结果令我们十分失望。同学们哭了,而我哭的格外伤心。这时,他走过来轻轻地拍了拍我的背:“别哭了失败是成功的妈妈,今日不行,还有下次呢。”听了他的话心里,我感觉好多了。时间没过多久,我的朋友转外地就学,这对我来说无疑是雪上加霜。我痛哭不已。他说:“赵振航你别哭了,不是说海内存知己。己什么来着”?“海内存知彼,天涯若比邻,笨蛋”我接着他的话。“我是笨蛋,我是笨蛋。”他戏谑地笑着。   到如今我都能想起他那傻呆呆的样子。他就是—刘畅,我的朋友!

