

时间:2021-12-04 13:49:49 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#教师资格证# 导语】只有坚定坚持最初的梦想走下去,再苦再累再难,坚定不移,才有可能走向成功。©文档大全网整理了“教师资格证面试小学音乐学科教案:《月亮》”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  Teaching aims:

  1. Students can master the key words, spring, summer, winter and summer;

  2. Students can master the sentence structure ”Which season do you like best?”.

  3. Students can use the words and sentence structures in their daily life.

  4. Students can have more interest in learning English.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  Teaching key points:

  Words: spring summer autumn winter

  sentence structure: Which season do you like best?

  Teaching difficult points:

  Students can use the words and sentence structures in daily life.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step1 Warming up

  1.greet with the students.2. play and enjoy the "Four seasons" song and ask students what they hear and then lead in our topic "season".

  Step 2 Presentation and practice

  1.the learning of the wordsDraw the picture of "spring summer autumn winter” on the blackboard to help students understand the meaning of the words.

  2.the learning of the sentence structureShow the videos of the four seasons and tell students my favorite season is summer and I like ice cream and then ask “which season do you like best”? to present the sentence structure.

  3.the practice of the sentence structureWork in pairs to ask and answer.

  4.Understanding the dialogue

  1)show pictures of Mr. Jones, Mike and Wuyifan and ask students to guess what they are talking about and then listen to the tape for the first time to check the answer.

  2)listen to the tape for the second time and answer the following questions:What's the music?Which season does Mike like best and why?Which season does Wuyifan like best and why?

  3) Listen to the tape for the third time and read after it and ask students to pay attention to their prounciation and innonation.

  5.Practice the dialogueStep 3 Production

  Four students in a group and ask students to do a survey using the sentence structure about what season their group members like and why. Then ask some representatives to report their survey.

  Blackboard Design


